California lawmaker introduces bill to eliminate fiberglass from mattresses and other upholstered furniture

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Today California Assemblymember Laura Friedman (D-Glendale) introduced Assembly Bill 1059, which would ban the sale of mattresses and upholstered furniture that contain fiberglass in the state.

The new bill, which the Environmental Working Group is sponsoring, would also prohibit upholsterers from using fiberglass in repaired or reupholstered mattresses and furniture.  

“While I understand the need for manufacturers to meet fire safety standards, I feel confident that they can do so without the use of any toxic or unhealthy components,” said Friedman. “Manufacturers on many fronts are responding to the demands of health experts, consumers, and lawmakers to make their products comfortable, effective, and attractive without increasing exposure to unnecessary and often harmful chemicals.”

A study by California Department of Public Health researchers found fiberglass is often used as a material to meet flame retardancy standards and ensure mattresses can withstand sustained exposure to open flames. The standards were developed in 2007 by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. They require all mattresses to contain enough flame retardants to resist catching fire after contact with a two-foot-wide blowtorch flame lasting at least 70 seconds. 

In the past, mattresses were made with foam that included flame retardants. The harms of chemical flame retardants are well documented.

In 2018, California enacted sweeping restrictions on toxic chemical flame retardants added to polyurethane foam and fabric in upholstered furniture and mattresses, so companies stopped using them and switched to fiberglass.

Fiberglass – a relatively inexpensive glass and reinforced plastic – is commonly used to meet flammability standards in less expensive mattresses. But fiberglass itself is hazardous, so using it in mattress coverings in place of flame retardants can also pose risks. And fiberglass is often not included on mattress labels. 

“Assemblymember Friedman has been on the forefront of protecting the state’s families from toxic chemicals. When she learned about the harm fiberglass can cause, she did not hesitate to speak out by authoring this important bill,” said Bill Allayaud, EWG’s director of California government affairs. 

“This bill will prevent the industry from replacing one toxic substance with another to the detriment of the people in this state,” Allayaud said.

The California researchers found that people might be exposed to inhalable fiberglass fragments from their mattress covers. If mattress covers are removed or damaged, the fragments can escape into the air and get everywhere, creating a potential inhalation hazard and skin and eye irritation. It can even damage the lungs. 

Minuscule fiberglass shards can settle on home surfaces and be difficult to remove without professional help, damaging HVAC systems, furniture, clothing and carpeting, in addition to harming people.

It’s not clear how much fiberglass would be released from a used mattress, but it’s concerning if wear over time leads to the release of fiberglass fragments.

“Fiberglass shouldn’t be used in mattresses,” said Tasha Stoiber, Ph.D., a senior scientist at EWG. “People may not realize their mattress contains this harmful substance until after they have been hurt or experienced property damage.” 

In July 2022, a lawsuit filed in Sacramento alleged flame-resistant fiberglass fibers in a mattress made by South Korean mattress company Zinus, Inc. escaped and caused health problems, including skin and respiratory tract irritation, and persistent environmental contamination. 

That lawsuit is among a handful filed against manufacturers of so-called bed-in-a-box mattresses containing fiberglass.

California has long been considered a bellwether state, leading the way for the rest of the U.S. in many areas of health and safety. If a manufacturer is required to satisfy California standards, it will likely adhere to the same high standard with products it sends to the rest of the country. 

In the meantime, when you buy a mattress or crib mattress, EWG recommends looking for a company that is transparent about what it uses to meet fireproofing requirements and about the other materials in their products. Mattresses can meet flammability standards using one of several safer alternatives, including wool or polylactic acid batting. Choose materials like wool and cotton and beware of overstated claims. 

You can find more information on choosing a healthy mattress here.


The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization that empowers people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. Through research, advocacy and unique education tools, EWG drives consumer choice and civic action. 

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