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Displaying 341 - 351 of 351

Congressional Plan to Shield Polluters From Cleanup Costs Will Benefit A Handful of Texas Oil Refiners

Millions of consumers and their water utilities in 25 states will be forced to pay billions of dollars to remove a toxic, foul-smelling gasoline additive from drinking water under a plan to prohibit...

Suspect Salads: Toxic Rocket Fuel Found in Samples of Winter Lettuce

Lettuce grown in the fall and winter months in Southern California or Arizona may contain higher levels of toxic rocket fuel than is considered safe by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency...


Environmental Working Group (EWG) applauded Sen. Barbara Boxer's introduction today of a bill to set a national safety standard for rocket fuel waste in drinking water, and released exclusive up-to...


U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) today introduced legislation to protect drinking water from contamination by the toxic chemical perchlorate.

Consider the Source

First-ever nationwide assessment of chlorination byproducts in tapwater finds 137,000 U.S. pregnancies at higher risk of miscarriage, birth defects

Thyroid Toxin Taints Water Supplies for Millions in Calif. & Nationwide

Sources of drinking water for more than 7 million Californians and unknown millions of other Americans are contaminated with a chemical that disrupts child development and may cause thyroid cancer...

Aerospace contractor pays Californians $1,000 to eat thyroid toxin in first large-scale human test of water pollutant

On behalf of military contractor Lockheed Martin, Loma Linda University is conducting the first large-scale tests of a toxic drinking water contaminant on human subjects -- a precedent medical...


Pollutants in rivers and other source waters throughout Ohio are contaminating drinking water statewide, a citizen monitoring project has found. Tap water in a dozen Ohio communities is contaminated -...


Pollutants in rivers and other source waters throughout Ohio are contaminating drinking water statewide, a citizen monitoring project has found.

Farm Pesticide Use on Rise

Five years after the Clinton Administration promised a bold initiative to reduce pesticide use and make children's health the top priority in federal pesticide regulation, the government has done...

New Alliance Forms

Mounting concern over long term health risks and the skyrocketing cost of water treatment associated with pesticide contaminated tapwater in hundreds of midwestern towns has forged an unprecedented...
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