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Displaying 161 - 180 of 255

Calif. bill would ban ‘forever chemicals’ in products for children

State legislation that would ban the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS from a wide range of children’s products passed out of the California Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials...

To reach ‘net zero,’ Duke Energy doubles down on gas and nukes

Flying in the face of the nation’s urgent need to transition rapidly to clean and safe energy, Duke Energy is doubling down on plans to invest billions of dollars in natural gas plants and nuclear...

EWG Applauds Senate Confirmation of Michael Regan as EPA Administrator

The Senate today confirmed President Biden's nominee, Michael Regan, to be the next administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Watchdog Coalition To Hold Duke Energy Accountable for Environmental and Economic Injustice

A coalition of public interest, environmental and economic justice organizations will convene the first-ever hearing to examine Duke Energy's policies and practices, which have polluted and...

California Bill Would Sharply Reduce Lead Leaching From Faucets

State legislation introduced today would set a legally enforceable limit on the amount of lead leaching from drinking water faucets and fixtures, reducing by five times the amount now allowed by a...

GM’s U-Turn: From Joining Trump’s Attack on Clean Air to Backing California’s Tough Auto Emissions Standards

General Motors, once a strong supporter of the Trump administration's lawsuit to block California's ambitious clean-car standards, reversed course Monday, announcing it will back the state's efforts...

California First State To Ban 24 Toxic Chemicals in Personal Care Products and Cosmetics

In a major victory for the movement for safer cosmetics, California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed the Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act, Assembly Bill 2762, into law. This is the nation's first state-level ban...

California Requires Millions of Children To Be Tested for Lead Exposure

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law a measure to protect millions of children from the developmental and health impacts of toxic lead exposure.

California Law Bans Toxic PFAS From Firefighting Foam

California Gov. Gavin Newson signed into law a measure to ban the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS from firefighting foams. PFAS-based firefighting foams – known as aqueous film-fighting foam...

At Wildfire Briefing, Trump Scoffs at Climate Crisis: “I Don’t Think Science Knows”

A failure in forest management – not climate change – is fueling the catastrophic wildfire inferno on the West Coast, President Trump said today.

Duke Energy’s Shell Game: New Resource Plan Touts Carbon Cuts, But Adds More Gas and Nukes

Duke Energy says it will achieve “net zero” carbon pollution by 2050. But its new resource plan for the Carolinas almost certainly means it will continue to rely on fossil fuels and nuclear reactors...

California Legislature Sends Landmark Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act to Gov. Newsom

The California legislature passed Assembly Bill 2762, the Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act. This landmark legislation bans 12 toxic ingredients, such as PFAS, mercury and formaldehyde, which are already...

California Bill To Ban Toxic PFAS From Firefighting Foam Heads to Governor

The California legislature approved a measure to address the growing contamination crisis of toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS. The bill would ban the chemicals in PFAS-based firefighting...

Bill Requires California To Test Millions of Children for Lead Exposure

The California state legislature sent Gov. Gavin Newsom a bill that would protect millions of children from the developmental and health impacts of toxic lead exposure. Assembly Bill 2276 addresses...

Duke Energy CEO: Offshore Wind Potential at Least 10 Years Away

During a second-quarter earnings call on Monday, Duke Energy executives told Wall Street analysts they don't see offshore wind as a viable source of energy for at least another 10 years or more.

After the Pipeline’s Death, Will Duke Energy Shift From Gas to Renewables?

Last month, the soaring costs and dim future of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline forced Duke Energy and Dominion Energy to cancel the $8 billion project.

EWG and Waterkeeper Alliance: Poultry Factory Farms Disproportionately Threaten Black, Native American and Latino People in North Carolina

The predominantly Black, Native American and Latino residents of three eastern North Carolina counties now live with 30 million more chickens and turkeys than they did eight years ago, according to a...

California Assembly Approves Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act in Historic Bipartisan Vote

Today, the California Assembly passed the Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act, A.B. 2762. If enacted, the law would be the first in the nation to ban 12 toxic ingredients, including mercury and formaldehyde...

Report: Duke Energy Policies Consistently Harm Low-Income Customers

Duke Energy, the nation's largest investor-owned electric utility, claims to make affordability, efficiency and access to renewable energy for its low-income customers a priority. But an investigation...

As Homes Become Classrooms, Calif. Gov. Newsom Moves To Protect Kids From Pesticide Drift

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has directed all counties to tighten restrictions on pesticide spraying near homes, to protect children from toxic chemicals drifting from crop fields while they are...

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