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Displaying 101 - 120 of 359

EWG: USDA Must Do More To Protect Meat Workers

The following is the statement of Scott Faber, EWG's senior vice president of government affairs, on Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Purdue's May 5 letter on meatpacker expectations.

EWG: Without Worker Protections, Trump’s Planned Order To Keep Meat Plants Open During Pandemic Could Be a Death Sentence

President Donald Trump signed an executive order today declaring meat-processing plants essential infrastructure and allowing the Agriculture Department to use the Defense Production Act to force them...

Monsanto Relied on Shady EPA Risk Study To Dispute Court Verdict That Roundup Caused Cancer

In a legal brief filed with a federal appeals court this week, EWG staff attorneys argue Monsanto relied heavily on an untrustworthy and dubious government risk assessment to dispute a jury's findings...

Citing Coronavirus, Trump EPA Halts Enforcement of Critical Key Environmental Laws

The Trump administration's unprecedented move to exploit the coronavirus pandemic to suspend enforcement of critical environmental laws is shameful and further evidence of the administration's utter...

OUT NOW: EWG’s 2020 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

Nearly 70 percent of the fresh produce sold in the U.S. contains residues of potentially harmful chemical pesticides, according to the Environmental Working Group's 2020 Dirty Dozen™. Yet the dirtiest...

EWG Applauds Introduction of Minnesota State Water Well Testing Bill H.F. 3950

After issuing back-to-back reports highlighting the increasing threat nitrate pollution from agriculture poses to Minnesotans' sourcing of drinking water from private wells, the Midwest office of the...

Study: PFAS Act Similar to Known Cancer-Causing Chemicals

Scientists at the Environmental Working Group and Indiana University have for the first time conducted a review of 26 fluorinated chemicals, or PFAS, and found that all display at least one...

EWG Analysis: Nitrate Pollution of Drinking Water in Rural Minnesota Is Getting Worse

Nitrate contamination of drinking water has increased across Minnesota's farm country, an Environmental Working Group analysis of state data has found.

EWG Study: EPA Fails To Follow Landmark Law To Protect Children From Pesticides in Food

The landmark Food Quality Protection Act requires the Environmental Protection Agency to protect children's health by applying an extra margin of safety to legal limits for pesticides in food. But an...

In Win for Bayer-Monsanto, Trump EPA Claims Cancer-Causing Weedkiller ‘Safe’

The Environmental Protection Agency reaffirmed its claims today that the active ingredient in Bayer-Monsanto's carcinogenic weedkiller Roundup is safe, ignoring a growing body of independent research...

EWG Analysis: Half a Million Minnesotans Drink Tap Water Contaminated With Elevated Levels of Nitrate From Agricultural Pollution

An estimated half a million Minnesotans are drinking tap water contaminated with elevated levels of nitrate, a chemical associated with cancer and other serious health problems, according to a report...

Trump EPA Proposes To Scrap Protections for Children From Pesticide Linked to Birth Defects, Cancer

The Trump administration today proposed reapproving the pesticide atrazine, an endocrine-disrupting hormone that castrates frogs and is linked to birth defects and cancer in people. It has been banned...

New York Becomes Third State To Ban Brain-Damaging Pesticide

Beginning next year, a neurotoxic pesticide that at low doses can trigger brain and behavioral damage in children will be banned from use by agricultural operations in New York State

Trump Completes Repeal of Clean Water Rule, Imperiling Drinking Water Sources for 117M People

Today the Trump administration will finalize its plan to repeal critical safeguards that prohibit the dumping of industrial and agricultural pollution into sensitive waterways that provide tap water...

Hurricane Dorian Threatens To Spread Millions of Tons of Manure Again Throughout North Carolina’s Coastal Plain

As Hurricane Dorian bears down on North Carolina, the storm's flood waters threaten once again to spread millions of tons of animal waste from factory farms throughout the state's eastern coastal...

Monsanto Emails: ‘Let’s Beat the S*** Out of’ Moms Worried About Cancer-Linked Weedkiller

A Monsanto executive said he wanted to “beat the shit out of' a mothers' group that urged the company to stop selling its Roundup weedkiller, according to internal emails obtained by lawyers for...

Booker Legislation Would Reward Climate Stewardship on Farms and Forest Lands

Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) today announced legislation to support voluntary conservation practices on more than 100 million acres of U.S. farmland. The bill would also fund the planting of 10 billion...

Report: Toxins From Algae Outbreaks Plague Hundreds of Lakes in 48 States

Federal and state tests have found dangerous toxins, common in outbreaks of blue-green algae, in hundreds of lakes, rivers and other bodies of water nationwide – yet authorities are doing little to...

Europe Says ‘No Safe Level’ of Brain-Damaging Pesticide Trump EPA Refused To Ban

European food safety regulators have found there is no safe level of exposure for a brain-damaging pesticide President Trump's Environmental Protection Agency recently refused to ban.

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