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Displaying 21 - 40 of 255

Urgent pleas go unheeded: Advocacy groups challenge California’s handling of lead pipes amid federal funding concerns

Today, a coalition of 22 organizations dedicated to environmental protection, public health, the welfare of low-income communities and children’s health, including the Environmental Working Group...

California Legislature passes bill to eliminate lead from school drinking water, protecting youth

Today the California Legislature passed a bill to require lead tests at all school drinking water fountains and faucets. The bill also sets a goal of reducing lead levels in school drinking water to...

California moves closer to banning toxic ‘forever chemicals’ in cleaners

Today California lawmakers advanced a bill to ban the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS from household and Institutional cleaners sold in the state. The bill cleared the Legislature and now...

Landmark bill banning harmful food chemicals in California heads to governor

On September 12, the California Legislature passed a groundbreaking bill, the California Food Safety Act, to ban four harmful chemicals from candy, cereals, salad dressings and other processed food.

California's proposed chromium-6 drinking water limit fails to protect public health

Today California’s State Water Resources Board convened a hearing on its proposed drinking water limit for hexavalent chromium, commonly known as chromium-6, the notorious “Erin Brockovich” carcinogen...

California ratepayers could pay $45B or more to prolong Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant’s life, EWG finds

California ratepayers might have to foot a staggering $45 billion-plus cost to keep the aging Pacific Gas & Electric, or PG&E, Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant online beyond its slated 2025 closure...

California Senate Health Committee advances revolutionary food chemical bill

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – On June 28, the California Senate Committee on Health approved a first-in-the-nation bill to ban five harmful chemicals from candy, cereals and other processed food. Assembly Bill...

EWG analysis: As the climate emergency heats up the Southwest, crop insurance payouts for heat surge

Hotter weather linked to climate change drove up crop insurance costs for heat-related crop damage and losses in the Southwest, according to a new Environmental Working Group analysis of federal data...

California Assembly passes first-in-the-nation ban on chemicals in processed food

On May 15th, the California Assembly approved a landmark bill to ban five harmful chemicals from candy, cereals and other processed food.

California advances bill to ban toxic ‘forever chemicals’ from cleaners

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Household and industrial cleaning products sold in California may soon be free of the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS. Today the California Assembly voted 60-0 in favor of...

1 in 4 California child care centers found to have alarming levels of lead in drinking water, putting babies and children at risk

Results of lead tests released today by California reveal that nearly 1,700 licensed child care centers across the state have exceeded the amount of allowable lead in drinking water given daily to...

North Carolina Senate passes bill to waste billions on nuclear power plants over vital renewables

On Wednesday, North Carolina’s Senate approved a bill that would allow Duke Energy to spend potentially billions on more unneeded nuclear power plants, including hundreds of millions on technology...

Top federal nuclear regulator pressed about earthquake risks to Diablo Canyon power plant

On Wednesday, the chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission pledged to review the seismic risks for California’s Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant as the NRC moves ahead with Pacific Gas &...

California makes strides to ban toxic ‘forever chemicals’ in artificial turf

On April 18, the California Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxics Materials Committee approved a measure that would ban the manufacturing and sale of artificial turf containing the toxic “forever...

California bill would ban toxic ‘forever chemicals’ from cleaners

Today California lawmakers in the Environmental Safety and Toxics Materials Committee approved a new bill to ban toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS from household and industrial cleaners sold in...

California Assembly toxics panel advances landmark ban on chemicals in processed food

On Tuesday the California Assembly’s Committee on Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials approved a first-in-the-nation bill to ban five harmful chemicals from candy, cereals and other processed...

California adopts first-in-the-nation gas price-gouging penalty law for state’s oil industry

California Gov. Gavin Newsom today signed the first law in the U.S. to penalize oil companies for extracting billions of dollars from everyday consumers through gas price gouging schemes.

California legislature approves plan to punish oil refiners for gas price gouging

California’s Assembly today passed a proposal to provide state energy regulators the authority to hold Big Oil refiners accountable for future gas price gouging.

With Big Oil emboldened in U.S. and around the world, it’s vital lawmakers adopt Newsom’s gas price penalty

The fossil fuel industry has fresh swagger as Big Oil hauls in record profits while punishing hard-working Americans at the pump. It’s imperative for U.S. leaders to fight back by approving a pending...

EWG applauds deal between Gov. Newsom, legislative leaders to hold Big Oil accountable for future gas price gouging

Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom and leaders from the state legislature have announced a deal to hold big oil refiners accountable for future gas price gouging, like the outrageous windfall profits the...
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