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Displaying 1261 - 1270 of 1270

Flame Retardants found in Supermarket Food

A new study finds chemical flame retardants known as PBDEs contaminate common foods available on supermarket shelves. The study appears in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Environmental Science &...

Flame Retardants Found in Farmed Salmon

A study published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology shows that farmed salmon accumulates higher levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) a chemical flame retardant used in...

MTBE Leaks Continue to Foul Drinking Water

The Baltimore Sun recently reported the toxic gasoline additive MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) has been found leaking into drinking water in nearby county wells, adding Harford County's Fallston...

Concern Grows Over Chemicals in Cosmetics

There's increasing concern about the risks of chemicals in personal care products. The Independent reports that the growing use of cosmetics and toiletries, which contain many known toxic or untested...

Talks on Asbestos Bill End

The Republican Senate leadership's asbestos bailout bill appears dead for now, after negotiations stalled May 7. The bill would have denied thousands of Americans their day in court, reduced damage...

Study Links Teflon Chemical to Higher Cancer Rates

A new study presented at a meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicologists and Chemists links the Teflon chemical C8 [also known as PFOA] to elevated cancer rates. Researchers found higher...

White House Undermined Chemical Tests

EWG has investigated scores of harmful industrial chemicals, the companies that produce them and the government policies that permit Americans to be exposed to them in their food, water and the air...

Are Chemical Companies Hiding Behind "Confidential Business Information?"

A chemical associated with dozens of popular consumer products has proven to be surprisingly toxic and pervasive. In response, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is conducting the most...

Aggressive and illegal damage control efforts

A routine-seeming government meeting this Friday marks the public debut of what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says is one of the most sweeping regulatory inquiries it has ever mounted...

Into the Mouths of Babes

Atrazine, the most heavily used herbicide in the United States, is a cancer-causing weed killer applied to 50 million acres of corn each year. After it is applied each spring, it runs off cornfields...
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