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Displaying 201 - 220 of 4038

Major USDA conservation program must change to prioritize climate stewardship

The federal Conservation Stewardship Program, or CSP, spends little of its billions in funding on practices and enhancements that reduce farming’s greenhouse gas emissions. But Congress could reform...

Personal care product chemicals banned in Europe but still found in U.S.

Toxic chemicals prohibited from personal care products in Europe because of their potential health and environmental harms continue to be used in U.S. hair dyes and other items, a new EWG analysis has...

To dye for: Chemical that makes sweet treats look irresistible linked to health risks

Synthetic food dyes that have been used for over a century to make snack cakes like Entenmann’s Little Bites Party Cake, and candies like Laffy Taffy and Brach’s Candy Corn, look brighter and more...

Frightening food: The scary additives lurking in Halloween candy

Halloween is just days away, when children will dress up as ghosts, zombies and other scary creatures while they trick-or-treat.

Halloween horror led to stricter food safety law – it’s time for another update

In the fall of 1950, a Halloween nightmare was unfolding. There was something in the candy and it was making kids sick. Across the country, dozens of children were suffering from severe diarrhea and...

New study links chemicals in hair straighteners to uterine cancer

Women who often use chemical hair straighteners may be twice as likely to develop uterine cancer as those who never touch the treatments, a new study finds.

Thousands of children’s sweets STILL contain additive unsafe for human consumption

Skittles, Starburst and thousands of other sweet treats marketed to children contain titanium dioxide – an additive European food safety regulators say is no longer safe for human consumption. Yet the...

How to protect kids during the EPA’s Children’s Health Month

The Environmental Protection Agency is celebrating national Children’s Health Month, with tips for shielding kids from potential health harms caused by lead contamination, pesticides on produce and...

How to make climate change a priority in the next farm bill

Next year, Congress will renew the farm bill, which provides funding to our farmers and ranchers. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, annual spending by the Department of Agriculture on farm...

Flawed WHO report on ‘forever chemicals’ fails human health, EWG scientists find

A draft World Health Organization analysis of the two most notorious “forever chemicals” disregards hundreds of health risk studies, claiming there are too many uncertainties to calculate a safe...

Disparities in exposure to chemicals with links to weight gain

In addition to changes that make our lives more sedentary and perhaps also shifts in genetic makeup, the sharp increase in obesity and overweight we are seeing may be caused by far more exposure to...

This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, reduce your exposure to endocrine disruptors

For almost four decades, the U.S. has recognized October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month to spotlight the disease and funding for research on breast cancer diagnoses, treatments and prevention.

Not so sweet: Study shows artificial sweeteners’ health harms

Whether it’s yogurt, bread, soda or thousands of other widely consumed products, your sweet treat might lead to a not-so-sweet health problem. If the label says “reduced sugar,” it could contain...

Turn over a new leaf: Ditch your salad's harmful chemicals with healthier dressings

Salad is the original health food, full of vitamins and nutrients and ideal for a healthier lifestyle. Just beware of dressings containing chemicals that could do more harm than good.

Dow, 3M and others likely exploit loophole to avoid reporting ‘forever chemicals’ releases

At least five facilities around the U.S. operated by Dow Chemical, 3M and other companies are using very large amounts of the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS but are likely using a regulatory...

Dogs still not safe from toxic algae blooms in 2022

EWG’s annual tracking of algae bloom news reports finds more than 400 stories already this year, and further proof that toxic algae can be deadly for dogs.

How the White House can make digital assets more energy efficient

Digital assets that rely upon a process known as “proof of work” use a lot of electricity.

Pregnant with PFAS: The threat of ‘forever chemicals’ in cord blood

The developing fetus faces a threat from the harmful “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in their umbilical cord, a new Environmental Working Group science review finds.

Why is EWG talking about cryptocurrency and climate change?

Climate change affects almost every aspect of our life. EWG is talking about cryptocurrency because how the industry generates new cryptocurrency and validates those transactions can significantly...

Chemicals in our food may be contributing to weight gain

It’s no secret rates of overweight, obesity and other metabolic diseases are skyrocketing. And food is a big part of the problem, though not in the way you might think. It isn’t just how many calories...

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