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Displaying 181 - 200 of 360

4 Years Since Toledo Water Crisis, Toxic Algal Blooms on Rise Across U.S

In 2014, Toledo was the first U.S. city where a toxic algal bloom made tap water unsafe to drink. But it may not be last, says a new report by the Environmental Working Group.

Farm Runoff Causing Widespread Drinking Water Pollution in Midwest

A new report from the Environmental Working Group reveals that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is failing to enforce a key farm bill provision, with dire consequences for drinking water in the...

Big Win for Public Health: Calif. Judge Blocks Pesticide Spraying by State Ag Department

In a major victory for public health, a judge has ordered the California Department of Food and Agriculture to stop spraying toxic pesticides – including on schools, parks and lawns and near organic...

High Levels of Nitrate Foul Tap Water in Illinois Corn Belt

Northwest Illinois is one of the nation's most productive corn-growing regions. But the heavy use of fertilizer and manure on corn fields leads to nitrate pollution in many communities' tap water...

Des Moines Just the Tip of the Iceberg for Iowa’s Nitrate-Contaminated Tap Water

In 2015, Des Moines Water Works sued upstream counties to reduce manure and fertilizer runoff into the city's drinking water supply, drawing attention to nitrate pollution. But nitrate contaminates...

Controversial Trump Nominee for Top Chemical Safety Position at EPA Withdraws from Consideration

Michael Dourson, who President Trump nominated to run the chemical safety division at the Environmental Protection Agency, withdrew his name from consideration after it was clear there were not enough...

Double Dippers: How Big, Rich Farms Get Subsidized Twice For One Loss

Through federal farm programs, American taxpayers are routinely paying thousands of wealthy mega-farms twice for the same "loss," according to a new EWG report.

EWG: Mega-Farms Reap Billions from Taxpayers in Farm Subsidies

Farming operations directly received more than $14 billion in taxpayer-funded commodity subsidies in 2015 and 2016, according to the latest analysis of U.S. Department of Agriculture data obtained by...

Landmark EPA Report on Chemicals and Children’s Health at Odds With Pruitt’s Cancellation of Chlorpyrifos Ban

A new report from the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences warns that the neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos can severely harm children's...

Study Finds Surge in Exposure to Monsanto’s Roundup Over Past Two Decades

A new study out this week suggests that Americans' exposure to the herbicide glyphosate, a possible human carcinogen, has increased by roughly 500 percent since it was first used in U.S. agriculture...

Pruitt Press Aide Plays God with EPA’s State Grant Funding

A report today by Juliet Eilperin of the Washington Post details the enormous power Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has handed to a former Florida political consultant, who...

‘You Don't Do Those Things Lightly’: Why EPA Chief Didn't Ban Brain-Damaging Pesticide

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's defense for allowing the continued use of a dangerous pesticide starkly shows that he doesn't consider protecting children's health to be more...

Trump's EPA Proposes Rule That Puts Drinking Water for 117 Million at Risk

The Environmental Protection Agency announced its plans today to repeal the Clean Water Rule, advancing the Trump administration's agenda to give industry and agribusiness free rein to pollute the...

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: USDA Conservation Program for Sensitive Cropland Wastes Billions of Tax Dollars

A critical flaw in the Department of Agriculture's Conservation Reserve Program is not only its failure to provide lasting protection for environmentally sensitive land, but also its wasting of...

EWG: Trump’s Proposed Cuts to EPA, USDA Are ‘Nothing But Bad News’ For Farmers and Other Rural Americans

President Trump's proposed budget would slash vital programs at the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Agriculture that help farmers and rural communities reduce their exposure to farm...

Days After Calif. Farmworkers Sickened by Pesticide Drift, EPA Delays Safety Rule

Last week the Trump administration decided to delay a rule meant to ensure that the most dangerous pesticides are applied safely. This came just days after farmworkers were made sick from exposure to...

Study: Fecal Bacteria from N.C. Hog Farms Infects Nearby Homes

Scientific tests found abundant hog feces on homes and lawns, and in the air of private properties near big hog farms in North Carolina – proof that factory farms are exposing nearby communities to...

Overriding Veto of CAFO Bill Would Dump On Rights of 270,000 North Carolinians

The long-held property rights of hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians are at stake in the latest round of the ongoing battle between state lawmakers and Gov. Roy Cooper.

Putting People Before Big Pork, N.C. Governor Vetoes Hog Farm Bailout Bill

In a victory for property rights and public health, today North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper vetoed legislation that would have shielded big hog farms from liability for the pollution and stench that...

Award-Winning Chefs Come to D.C., Urge Congress to Create Smarter Food Policy

Plate of the Union, a campaign to shift federal food policy to better serve all Americans, kicked off this week with more than 30 top U.S. chefs convening on Capitol Hill to promote nutrition programs...

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