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Displaying 901 - 920 of 1012

House Hearing to Examine the Case For TSCA Reform

It is the federal law that industry loves and environmentalists love to hate, yet have been unable to reform since it was enacted a generation ago. But a congressional hearing convened today by Rep...

EWG Asks EPA Chief To Support Toxics Reform Bill

Environmental Working Group (EWG) President Ken Cook today urged Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson to support The Kid-Safe Chemicals Act, a proposed reform of U.S. toxic...

Lautenberg Assumes Powerful Committee Position With Oversight of Toxic Chemicals

Senator Frank R. Lautenberg, D-NJ, one of the U.S. Senate's most influential advocates for children's health has assumed the chair of the Environment and Public Works subcommittee charged with...

Bush Handed DuPont Goodbye Gift Over Toxic Teflon Chemical

In the last weeks of the Bush administration, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) quietly handed DuPont Co. a three-year extension to complete tests mandated by a 2005 legal settlement on a...

UCLA study: U.S. Women at Greater Risk from Teflon Chemical

A major new study published yesterday in Human Reproduction, a European reproductive medicine journal, has found that pregnant women and women of child-bearing age in the United States are at greater...

GAO Calls Reform of Federal Toxics Policy a ‘Top Priority’

In its 2009 ‘High Risk' priority list released yesterday, the General Accountability Office (GAO) has issued a blistering indictment of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Bush-era lapses from...

Bush EPA Shirks Responsibility Over Perchlorate Contamination

WASHINGTON –- In a last-ditch effort to avoid regulating widespread perchlorate contamination of drinking water, the Bush Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is calling for yet another blue-ribbon...

Last Minute Mischief at EPA

As the clock runs out on the Bush administration, officials at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are trying to hand industry yet another victory by refusing to set safety standards for the...

Teflon chemical linked to increased cholesterol levels

A chemical used to make Teflon, food wrappers and dozens of other consumer products is linked to higher levels of cholesterol, according to the latest findings of a multi-year study of 69,000 West...

PRESS Release -- Chemical additives in bottled water plastics

An Environmental Working Group investigation found that the recycling code 1 PET plastics contain numerous chemical additives, numerous manufacturing impurities and degradation byproducts, with 90...

EPA Ignores Toxic Rocket Fuel Chemical in Drinking Water

Under pressure from the White House and the Pentagon, the Environmental Protection Agency has decided not to set cleanup or safety standards for a toxic rocket fuel chemical that contaminates drinking...

One Pesticide Classified as Unsafe, Hundreds More to Go

Today the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) concluded that carbofuran, already registered as a restricted use pesticide, poses dietary, worker and ecological risks.

Credibility Gap: Are New Food Packaging Chemicals Any Safer?

DuPont and other chemical companies have promised to phase out a cancer-causing chemical found in grease-resistant coatings for food packaging. But the new, supposedly green chemicals the industry is...

Landmark Chemical Reform Introduced in Congress

Amid rising concern over toxic chemicals in consumer products and the bodies of Americans, three members of Congress today introduced legislation to make sure chemicals are safe before they are...

Major Study of Teflon Chemical in People Suggests Harm To Immune System, Liver, Thyroid

A chemical used to make Teflon, food wrappers and dozens of other products may harm the immune system, liver and thyroid and cause higher cholesterol in children, according to the initial findings of...

EWG Warns Senate Over Rocket Fuel in Nation's Drinking Water

For almost 50 years, the federal government, defense contractors and the chemical industry have worked together to block public health protections against a component of rocket fuel that can disrupt...

EWG To Congress: Overhaul Nation’s Lax Chemical Laws

In a welcome first step toward fundamental reforms to the way toxic chemicals are reviewed and then used in consumer products, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held its first...

Polluted Pets

In the first study of its kind, Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that companion cats and dogs are polluted with even higher levels of many of the same synthetic industrial chemicals that...

EPA Convenes Panel To Strip Safety Standards That Protect Kids From Cancer-Causing Chemicals

Three weeks after the launch of a major Congressional investigation into conflicts of interest compromising EPA expert review panels and the revelation that EPA, at the request of the chemical...

Dingell, Stupak Investigating Corruption of Science Panels at EPA

Two powerful chairmen of the House committee that oversees the EPA are launching an investigation into the chemical industry's undue influence on Agency panels that recommend critical public health...
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