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Displaying 941 - 960 of 1012

EPA Science Panel Says Teflon Chemical 'Likely' Cause of Cancer

Today, a panel of outside experts gave draft comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) saying that an indestructible, toxic chemical that pollutes nearly every American's blood is a...

Study Hits EPA Plan To Censor Community Pollution Reports

It is the category of industrial chemicals that, by consensus, scientists and government regulators the world over worry most about: substances that persist in the environment, accumulate in wildlife...

ChemRisk's Los Alamos Contract Questioned

Los Alamos Lab contractor caught in scientific fraud: work on chromium contamination conflicts with ties to polluters.

Chrome-Plated Fraud: Scientific Integrity and Chromium Toxicity

A consulting firm hired by Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) to fight the "Erin Brockovich" lawsuit distorted data from a Chinese study to plant an article in a scientific journal reversing the study...

EPA Fines Teflon Maker DuPont for Chemical Cover-Up

Today the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it will fine Teflon maker DuPont $16.5 million for two decades' worth of covering up company studies that showed it was polluting drinking...

Former DuPont Top Expert: Company Knew, Covered Up Pollution of Americans' Blood for 18 Years

Breakdown chemicals from DuPont coatings and related sources are now in the blood of 95 percent of Americans, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has spent the last several years trying to...

Environmental groups petition EPA to retract fluoride pesticide tolerances on food

EWG, Beyond Pesticides and Fluoride Action Network challenge the safety of new food tolerances issued by the EPA for the fluoride-based pesticide, sulfuryl fluoride.

EPA Draft Says MTBE a 'Likely' Cause of Cancer

A EPA draft risk assessment says MTBE, the gasoline additive that has contaminated drinking water in at least 29 states, is a "likely" human carcinogen, according to agency sources.

EWG Supports Proposed Toxics Legislation

The legislation, entitled the "Kids-Safe Chemicals Act of 2005," contains much-needed fundamental reforms of TSCA, the nation's notoriously weak chemical safety law. TSCA has not been reformed in...

Independent Science Panel to EPA: Teflon Chemical is 'Likely' Human Carcinogen

A panel comprised mostly of independent scientists advising the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found today that DuPont's Teflon chemical, PFOA, is a "likely human carcinogen."

Industry Study Used by Feds Hid Evidence of Rocket Fuel's Effects

A major investigation by The Press-Enterprise of Riverside, Calif., reveals that an industry-funded study relied on by federal scientists to recommend a safe dose for perchlorate erroneously reported...

State Attorneys General Oppose Legal Shield for MTBE Polluters

In a letter to all U.S. senators, the chief legal officers of 12 states from New York to California are urging lawmakers to vote against the federal energy bill or any legislation that protects oil...

State Attorneys General Oppose Shield for MTBE Polluters

In a letter to all U.S. senators, the chief legal officers of 12 states from New York to California are urging lawmakers to vote against the federal energy bill or any legislation that protects oil...


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has come out against a provision in the federal energy bill shielding oil companies from lawsuits over water pollution by the toxic gasoline additive MTBE — a stance at odds...

U.S. Reps. Solis and Bishop Propose Ban on EPA Support for Pesticide Experiments on People

As Congress prepares to vote on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) budget for the next year, U.S. Representatives Hilda Solis of California and Tim Bishop of New York will introduce an...

EPA, DuPont Settle and Delay Court Case Over Human Pollution

The penalty DuPont will reportedly pay for covering up its pollution of newborn American babies with the cancer-causing Teflon chemical will likely be $15 million. This sum amounts to just 8 percent...

California Tightens Smog Standards

The California Air Resources Board today adopted the nation's most stringent smog standards, which state scientists say could avert hundreds of premature deaths, thousands of hospital trips and more...

Flawed Medical Criteria in Specter/Leahy Bill Leave Lung Cancer Victims Out in Cold

An EWG Action Fund analysis of the Specter/Leahy asbestos bill before the Senate Judiciary Committee today finds that the legislation delivers unusually harsh treatment to people dying of asbestos...

News Release (21 Apr 2005)

The ARB meets Thursday, April 28 in El Monte to consider recommendations from state scientists for adopting tougher ozone standards.

Will DeLay Allow 112 House Members With MTBE Tap Water Contamination A Vote To Protect Their Constituents?

House Republicans Are Expected To Block Amendments That Would Strip Their Polluter Immunity Provision From Energy Bill

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