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Displaying 521 - 540 of 600

Taxpayers Funding Pro-Pesticide PR Campaign

The Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF), a California trade association, wants you to have less information about pesticide residues on the fruits and vegetables you buy. That's not too surprising...

"We've Made the Unhealthy Choice the Rational Choice"

A big reason that food products derived from corn are so pervasive in America's diet today is that for decades taxpayers have given corn growers incentives to grow as much as possible through the...

Yes we can - and should - make our food safer

We're all used to hearing Big Food and Big Ag brag about America having "the safest food supply in the world," usually as a warm-up for complaining that EWG and other critics of our food system are...

Study: Organic Berries Trump Others on Taste, Nutrition and More

Recent government-sponsored tests at more than a dozen California farms found that organic strawberries were tastier and more nutritious than conventionally grown berries. On top of that, the organic...

Chef Ann Cooper's School Salad Bar Salvo

In the months since we spoke with Chef Ann Cooper about her school lunch project, she's been crafting a new plan to get healthy foods into the mouths of America's kids.

Mission Organic Made Easy

With its new blog, Mission Organic Made Easy, the Boulder, Colo.-based Organic Center (TOC) delivers on its promise to communicate all the good reasons to eat food devoid of harmful agrichemicals and...

Hold the Mayo, Extra Pesticides

Over the past decade, organic produce sales have soared from 3 percent of the retail produce market in the U.S. in 2000 to nearly 11 percent last year, to $9.5 billion. According to surveys by the...

Aim Chesapeake "Pollution Diet" at the Worst Gluttons

On the first of the July, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a plan to put everyone who lives or works in the Chesapeake Bay watershed on a "rigorous pollution diet" intended to cut...

Cereal boxes are for reading, not eating

Did you hear about Kellogg's voluntary recall of its super sugary cereals? Picture this: 28 million boxes of Froot Loops, Honey (used to be "Sugar") Smacks, Apple Jacks, (used to be "Sugar") Corn Pops...

Shopper's Guide to Pesticides

Well, as we do each year, EWG released (on June 19) the latest Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce and as we suspected, eaters around the country are still concerned about high levels of toxic...

A (video) Green Guide to Pregnancy

When I was pregnant with my second child, I read Sandra Steingraber's book, Having Faith, a haunting account of the effects of toxic chemicals on babies in utero, written while she was pregnant...

Alton Brown, Food Network Celeb, asks What's For Lunch

In this clip, he gives a TV star-worthy talk on visiting his daughter's school, where he spoke with kids about what they like to eat, what they should eat, and what's for lunch.

More organophosphates please, Mom!

People may know that organic produce is a better bet - for our heath and the environment, yet only about 2% of U.S. food sales are organic. Yes, a paltry 2 percent.

Feeding the kids and caring for the planet? Yes we can.

Luckily, she's been helping families convert that chaos (hungry kids, tired parents, no dinner!) into a more organized, pleasant, and healthy mealtime. When we stare blankly at the fridge, hoping for...

Bacon, cheese and chicken, please - hold the bun

Lots of Calories The Double Down was a hit with customers when KFC took its newest offering for a test drive last year at several of its locations in Rhode Island and Nebraska. But some media reports...

Bacon, Cheese and Chicken, Please – Hold the Bun.

If you've ever wished that one day there would be a place where you could grab a bacon and cheese pileup with no veggies, smashed between slabs of fried chicken instead of buns, here's good news.

Commandments in the kitchen: Got some?

I've been perusing Alexandra Zissu's new book, The Conscious Kitchen, lately. It's a current, thoroughly-researched, user-friendly reference for buying and cooking food that's good for you and the...

How to get more fruits and veggies into school cafeterias

First Lady Michelle Obama's noble fight against childhood obesity cannot be won unless members of Congress act boldly this spring and vote to give school lunches the healthy makeover that our kids...

EWG Donor Exclusive

EWG couldn't do all of our great work without your support. As a small show of appreciation, we're sharing with you this special recipe and photo album from our San Francisco Earth Dinner.

Chef Ann Cooper's Toolbox for the School Lunchbox

After 30 years as a top chef in some of this country's best restaurants, Chef Ann Cooper has turned to fighting the obesity epidemic currently plaguing America's children. First she claimed the title...
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