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Areas of Focus

Displaying 1141 - 1160 of 1270

'If you love your child, move'

Where's the worst air in America? Los Angeles, with its freeways gridlocked with smog-spewing cars? Houston, where petrochemical plants pump out their poisons 24 hours a day?

LA water company takes 5 minutes for fluoride

On Aug. 20, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, which supplies drinking water to Los Angeles, San Diego and four other counties, will be briefed on the health risks of water...

The Onion on pollutants in people

Oh, The Onion. From an article titled EPA Warns Human Beings No Longer Biodegradable

FEMA trailers on the cheap

Looking for a cheap mobile home? I know some people who are looking to get rid of theirs...

Toxic sludge and treasures in Lake Okeechobee

Thousands of years of history were revealed this summer as drought drained the water from Lake Okeechobee in the Florida Everglades. Native American tools and jewelery, a hundred year old fishing boat...

Breathing easier with Enviro-Paint

When I was little, I loved the smell of house paint. I have asthma, though -- the kind of asthma that lands you in the hospital at two in the morning because your inhaler just isn't cutting it -- so...

What's not for dinner? Great Lakes fish.

So much for "gone fishing". A report by the Canadian watchdog Environmental Defence has revealed that many types of Great Lakes fish are "somewhat or completely unfit for human consumption". And, the...

Before you send your children out to play in the yard...

It was recently revealed in a new study that among some of the other “ingredients” that can be found in fertilizers Americans use on their lawns and gardens are steroids, drugs and fragrances. How...

EPA proposes new smog standards; environmentalists wheeze their disapproval

Update: Okay, I may have been a little hard on the EPA yesterday. At least they're making an effort. Also, check out Angry Toxicologist's post, The Asthmatic Elephant in the Ozone Room.

Ask EWG: Why is there Teflon in clothes? Is it safe?

Question: I recently purchased school uniform shirts for my child and was horrified to find Dupont Teflon fabric protector stickers on the packaging. When I wrote to the company the agent said that...

Beyond DuPont’s Game Face On Federal Teflon Chemical Inquiry Lie Aggressive and Illegal Efforts To Control Damage

A routine-seeming government meeting this Friday marks the public debut of what the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says is one of the most sweeping regulatory inquiries it has ever mounted...

Which is the real Chevron?

Last weekend, on my 4-year-old's preschool campout, I was talking to another dad about the environmental commitment of the oil company he works for. They're putting millions of dollars into biofuels...

Banned pesticide still used in head lice treatment

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought against The Ecology Center and two Michigan pediatricians who stood up in support of banning the dangerous chemical lindane in anti-head-lice shampoos.

So what's the beef with climate?

Carbon is the primary culprit, contributing 70 percent of global greenhouse gases. But let's not forget that ever-so-sly methane molecule (CH4) that boasts 21 times more global warming potential per...

Enter Angry Toxicologist

Today we add Angry Toxicologist to our blogroll. Angry Toxicologist is "focused on public health and the science behind it . . . written for the non-scientist without dumbing anything down."

EWG expert on Good Morning America

Saturday Good Morning America aired a piece on toxic rocket fuel in our food and water supply. EWG Senior Scientist Anila Jacob was the resident expert. Watch the piece here.

Ask EWG: What is new carpet treated with? What can I do?

Question: I've heard nasty rumors regarding the treatment of carpet before it's sold and put into a house. I've heard that it's treated with some really bad chemicals, then rolled up and stored until...

If you break it, you should pay for it

I wonder what would happen Congress decided it was high time corporate polluters and not the taxpayers should once again pick up the tab for cleaning up the messes they made at the thousands of...

Got MCS?

Awareness about Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is increasing nationwide. Cities and states are implementing some form of awareness programs and numerous institutions nationwide are making their...

The rising cost of breathing

Consumer Affairs reports the new availability of environmentally sensitive asthma medication, prompting an FDA mandate to discontinue the production of traditional Albuterol inhalers by 2008. Up until...
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