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What's in my shaving cream?'s Patrick Di Justo gives us the breakdown of 11 different chemicals commonly found in shaving cream, and the functions they each serve. I've reprinted the full text below. To see what's in...

Coal combustion faces controversy

A recently released MIT report found that coal contributes more to global carbon dioxide emissions than any other energy source. Coal's high carbon to hydrogen ratio makes it a larger CO2 polluter per...

Toxic plastics compound in baby bottles

Chicago Tribune health columnist, Julie Deardorff, blogs about bispheniol A in 'Toxic baby bottles.' The article that prompted Julie's post was published on February 27th. Since then Natural Baby and...

LA Times on industry consultant running federal agency

Public health agency linked to chemical industry, by Marla Cone. 4 Mar 07

Industry consultant runs federal health agency

A federal agency that evaluates the causes of birth defects and other reproductive problems is run by a consulting firm with ties to companies that make chemicals the agency is charged with reviewing...

Buying flowers? Go organic to protect workers & their kids

So you're picking out flowers to mail your loved ones for Valentines Day, but guess what else you'll be sending them—according to the Associated Press, the flowers you send will be “sprayed, rinsed...

Don't poison your valentine

The perfume you give your Valentine may contain unwanted—and unlisted— ingredients: toxic chemicals. But this Valentine's Day you can show your loved ones you really care with safer choices from the...

Plant a tree for your new PC

Dell has a new program to plant a tree for each computer it sells, saying it could offset CO2 emissions from the machines. I'm not sure who did the math on that, but the program is commendable...

UPDATE: Combating Autism Act of 2006

Just before Christmas, President Bush signed the Combating Autism Act of 2006. On December 21st, a largely supported act that will give more money to research and education on autism was enacted. The...

Frog researcher lectures Mayo Clinic docs on widely used weed-killer

Doctors at the Mayo Clinic heard a dire warning on the possible link between a widely used weed-killer and cancer. In a forum usually reserved for medical researchers, amphibian endocrinologist Tyrone...

Activists use research keep pollution out of their neighborhoods

"Neighborhood activists from California to Washington, D.C., are using a growing body of research on how pollutants exacerbate illness to block the building of facilities, relocate residents from...

EPA backs off -- halfway -- on plan to gut toxics reporting

EPA administrator Stephen Johnson has announced that the administration is dropping its plan to excuse companies from annual reporting of their toxic chemical releases. At face value this is a step in...

More testing for Teflon-related health effects in West Virginia

An independent panel responsible for determining health effects of the Teflon chemical C-8 are disatisfied with the design of the initial study which only measured death rates among workers at the...

American Dental Association concedes: Excessive fluoride a risk to children

After years of downplaying the risks of excessive fluoride intake, the American Dental Association (ADA) has just released new guidelines that dramatically reduce the recommended fluoride exposure for...

It's dust to dust in "treehugger hippy heaven"

GroovyGreen brings us this video about GreenSprings Natural Cemetery in New York. It's a good intro to the philosophies and practices behind the growing green burial movement. Green burials strive for...

Study calls for protection of children from industrial pollution

A report in the Lancet, considered the world's most prestigious medical journal, warns of ''a silent pandemic” of impaired brain development due to exposure to unregulated industrial toxins, both in...

Carpeting linked to adult asthma

A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology finds that exposure to carpeting and other materials in the workplace significantly increases adults' risk of developing asthma. Carpet...

Measuring your disease risk

A new website by Harvard School of Public Health lets visitors tally their risk for several types of cancer, as well as heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and stroke. Users input their age and...

Harvard ethics investigation violates federal law

Last month we reported on the outrage of some distinguished Harvard alums over a suspiciously closed-door “investigation” that cleared Harvard professor Chester Douglass of charges that he covered up...

Preschool puberty from cometics, drugs

Today the New York Times reports some disturbing news about certain drugs and cosmetics causing preschoolers to go into puberty. In one case, a girl and her brother--whose father had been using a...
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