
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 7105 - 7128 of 7377

Trump’s EPA Budget Cuts Will Hit Lower-Income Communities of Color Hardest

The Trump administration's plan to eliminate funding for environmental justice programs will increase the already outsized burden of toxic pollution borne by lower-income communities of color, EWG...

Black Farmers and EWG Urge Congress to Increase Farm Subsidy Transparency

The National Black Farmers Association and the Environmental Working Group called on leaders of the House and Senate Agriculture committees today to increase transparency in federal farm subsidy...


The English Patients

For decades, U.S. and foreign pesticide manufacturers have been feeding their products to rats, rabbits, mice, and guinea pigs in thousands of controlled laboratory studies, all designed to satisfy government regulatory requirements for chemicals that kill weeds, insects, rodents and other pests. Studies on lab animals are still routinely conducted for pesticides today. But in recent years, in a

EWG Files FOIA Requests to the EPA and USDA for Additional Information on Chloyphiphos Decision

On April 11, 2017, American Oversight and EWG filed Freedom of Information Act requests to the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Agriculture over chlorpyrifos action. Linked here...

EWG Letter to the Members of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committees, in Opposition to H.R. 5

Below is the text of a letter from EWG and other environmental health non-governmental organizations to members of the Senate committees on Homeland Security and Government Affairs in opposition of H...

USDA Chief Rolls Back Progress in Nutrition Standards for School Lunches

Only one week after his confirmation as secretary of agriculture, Sonny Perdue announced Monday that the Trump administration will roll back the health-protective nutrition standards for school meals...

EWG Comments to the National Toxicology Program on the Evaluation of the Cancer Hazards of Haloacetic Acids

Below and attached are comments EWG submitted in support of the National Toxicology Program’s evaluation of the cancer hazards of haloacetic acids, water disinfection byproducts found in tap water...

Congressional Leaders Push EPA to Scrap or Delay Proposed Bans on Toxic Chemicals

The House Appropriations Committee is urging the Environmental Protection Agency to scrap or delay proposed bans on three highly toxic chemicals – trichloroethylene, or TCE; methylene chloride, or MC...

California Sets Nation’s Toughest Tap Water Limit for Carcinogenic ‘Garbage’ Chemical

In a unanimous vote today, the California Water Resources Control Board adopted a stringent, health-protective drinking water limit for 1,2,3-trichloropropane, or TCP, an extremely potent carcinogen...

EWG’s Skin Deep® Database Adds Filter To Identify Products by Black-Owned Brands

WASHINGTON – Buying products from Black-owned beauty brands is a powerful way to support the Black community directly. To make finding their beauty products easier, including clean options, the...

Study: Almost All Fluorine Detected in Fire Stations’ Dust Is From Unknown ‘Forever Chemicals'

WASHINGTON – A new study heightens concerns about firefighters' exposure to the fluorinated “forever chemicals” known as PFAS: Nearly 99 percent of the fluorine found in tests of dust from inside fire...

Will Land O’Lakes/Microsoft ‘Carbon Bank’ Actually Cut Emissions?

Land O'Lakes touts its new agricultural carbon credits market as a “transformational” program rewarding farmers for adopting conservation practices while “incentivizing” corporations to reduce...

EWG Calls on EPA To Ban Use of Brain-Damaging Pesticide

The neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos should be banned for use immediately by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Environmental Working Group wrote in a public comment letter [link to letter] to...

EPA Takes First Step To Address Industrial Pollution From ‘Forever Chemicals’

The Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to propose a new rule, asking chemical companies to provide information on the production and discharge of the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, which...

Comments From 30 Organizations to the EPA on Interim Guidance on the Destruction and Disposal of PFAS Chemicals

The Environmental Working Group, along with more than 30 environmental and public health organizations, submitted comments on the Environmental Protection Agency’s interim guidance on the destruction...

It’s Time To Protect Firefighters From Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’

Firefighters take enormous risks to protect us. Now it's time to protect them from the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS.

‘Forever Chemicals’ Must Be Regulated as a Class

To protect the health of people, communities and the environment, the toxic fluorinated “forever chemicals” known as PFAS should not be regulated one by one but as a class, more than a dozen...

3 Things Parents Should Know About Toxic Heavy Metals in Baby Foods

Many popular baby food brands contain dangerous levels of mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic, according to a new investigation by a House of Representatives oversight committee. Exposure to these...

EWG Comments to to the Department of HHS's Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion on the Healthy People 2030 Initiative

Attached are submitted by the Environmental Working Group to the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion proposing six new objectives in the topic...

EWG Comments to California OEHHA's on Human Right to Water Framework

EWG submitted comments in support of OEHHA’s proposed framework to measure progress on California’s state law declaring the Human Right to Water for everyone in the state.

EWG Comments on ATSDR Draft Toxicological Profile for Glyphosate

EWG submits comments on the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry's Draft Toxicological Profile for Glyphosate, supporting the agency's report of a possible link between glyphosate and non...

EWG Comments to EPA Urging Full-Scale Science Review of Glyphosate

EWG's comments on the Environmental Protection Agency's Draft Risk Assessment for Glyphosate urge the agency to assess the full body of research indicating the Monsanto herbicide Roundup can increase...

EWG Comments to FDA on Sunscreen Safety and Efficacy

EWG has submitted detailed comments to the Food and Drug Administration about the agency can improve sunscreen safety and effectiveness. We also submitted comments jointly with Safer Chemicals Healthy...

EWG Comments to EPA on Proposed Glyphosate Decision

Environmental Working Group objects to the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed decision on glyphosate, the most heavily used pesticide in the U.S. The EPA’s decision to allow continued...