News Releases

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Displaying 61 - 80 of 93

New test results of heavy metals in baby food require immediate action by FDA, Congress

New Consumer Reports test results released today have found dangerous levels of inorganic arsenic in three popular brands of infant rice cereals, prompting the Environmental Working Group to again...

32M pounds of toxic pesticides used in Ventura County, threatening farmworkers, families and more

More than 32 million pounds of toxic pesticides, including many linked to cancer and respiratory and developmental problems, have been used on Ventura County farm fields from 2015 to 2020, including...

Sweeping Senate pesticide law overhaul protects kids, farmworkers and everyone

Legislation introduced today would ban or restrict scores of the most toxic pesticides, set health-based limits on pesticide use and registration, and create safety protections for farmworkers. If...

House passes Build Back Better bill to make historic climate-focused conservation investments

The Environmental Working Group today applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for including $28 billion in the Build Back Better bill to tackle a growing backlog of requests from farmers seeking U...

EWG study: UVA protection of most sunscreens only a quarter of touted SPF

Many sunscreens offer just a quarter of their stated SPF protection against ultraviolet A rays that increase the risk of skin cancer, a new Environmental Working Group study finds.

California enacts nation’s strictest limit on lead leaching from faucets

On Friday, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law a measure establishing the strictest lead-leaching limit in the country for drinking water faucets, ensuring faucets and fixtures will be practically lead...

Landmark California law bans 'forever chemicals' in products for infants, children

In a major victory for consumers, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation to protect infants and children from the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS by banning the compounds in cribs, playpens and...

EWG urges Congress to quickly set limits on toxic metals in baby food

The Environmental Working Group is urging Congressional leaders to quickly set mandatory limits on levels of toxic heavy metals in baby food, after a new House oversight panel report highlighted food...

Walmart’s Built for Better program highlights EWG VERIFIED® products

Walmart launched Built for Better, an initiative to help consumers find healthier, more sustainable products. America’s largest retailer is featuring personal care products, cleaners and other items...

California State Legislature approves bill with nation’s strictest limit on lead leaching from faucets

On Tuesday, California’s State Legislature approved Assembly Bill 100, which would enact the strictest lead-leaching limit for drinking water faucets in the nation.

California lawmakers approve bill to ban toxic ‘forever chemicals’ in food packaging and straws

Today, the California State Legislature approved Assembly Bill 1200, which would ban the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS from paper, paperboard or plant-based food packaging, utensils and...

EWG: USDA food stamp benefit increase boosts healthy diet for millions

The Environmental Working Group today applauds the Department of Agriculture for increasing the standard food stamp benefit provided to more than 40 million Americans who depend on the program.

California protects kids with lead testing for child care drinking water

California regulators today launched their most health-protective program to test drinking water for lead in licensed child care facilities, issuing new guidelines that also require significant...

Study: Wireless radiation exposure for children should be hundreds of times lower than current federal limits

A peer-reviewed study by the Environmental Working Group recommends stringent health-based exposure standards for radiofrequency radiation emitted from wireless devices for both children and adults...

Johnson & Johnson detects cancer-causing benzene in some spray sunscreens

On Wednesday, Johnson & Johnson announced it is voluntarily recalling 14 sunscreen products from five different products lines after finding benzene, a known carcinogen, in some popular sunscreen...

Amazon highlights EWG VERIFIED® products in Climate Pledge Friendly

The Environmental Working Group today is joining Amazon’s effort to fight the climate crisis by highlighting more sustainable products. The retailer is teaming up with EWG to feature cosmetics and...

FDA announces voluntary recall of infant rice cereal after tests find high arsenic levels

The Food and Drug Administration is announcing a voluntary recall of Beech-Nut Stage 1 Single Grain Rice Cereal after the State of Alaska discovered samples that contained inorganic arsenic levels...

Federal appeals court rejects Trump administration’s last-minute approval of toxic pesticide banned in more than 100 countries

The federal Court of Appeals in the District of Columbia this week rejected the Environmental Protection Agency’s approval of the highly toxic pesticide aldicarb on Florida oranges and grapefruits.

DeLauro bill directs FDA to narrow food chemical loopholes

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) introduced legislation today to direct the Food and Drug Administration to narrow loopholes that have allowed chemical companies to decide whether food chemicals are safe...

Maryland consumer protection bill becomes law

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) and the Personal Care Products Council (PCPC) applaud enactment of Maryland House Bill 643 (HB 643), which prohibits the sale and manufacture of cosmetics and...
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