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Displaying 41 - 60 of 359

EWG analysis: From 2018 to 2020, farmers reaped $91.6B in taxpayer-funded USDA subsidies

Between 2018 and 2020, Agriculture Department programs paid commodity farmers $91.6 billion for crop price decreases and other challenges, with similar program qualifications allowing some farmers to...

EWG applauds USDA organic transition program

WASHINGTON – The Environmental Working Group today applauds Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack for announcing a new program to help farmers and ranchers make the transition to organic farming...

EWG analysis: In the Mississippi River region, the climate crisis helped run up a $39.5B taxpayer bill for crop insurance premiums

Crop insurance premium subsidies in the Mississippi River region cost taxpayers almost $39.5 billion between 2001 and 2020, a new EWG analysis of Department of Agriculture data finds.

EPA to suspend all uses of widely used weedkiller over risks to fetus, thyroid function

The Environmental Protection Agency intends to suspend all future uses of a toxic weedkiller that scientific research has shown to cause harm to the developing fetus and problems associated with...

EWG speech at AEI on climate and agriculture

EWG Senior Vice President for Government Affairs Scott Faber delivered the following remarks before the American Enterprise Institute on Tuesday, April 12, 2022.

EWG: In the Mississippi River region, retiring frequently flooded fields could save billions in crop insurance payouts

Farmers received almost $1.5 billion in federal crop insurance payments from 2001 to 2020 for flood-related crop losses in the Mississippi River Critical Conservation Area, a region increasingly...

Biden EPA moves closer to final ban of brain-damaging pesticide

The Environmental Protection Agency today announced it is taking several final steps required to officially ban any further agricultural uses of the neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos, rejecting all...

EWG analysis: As climate crisis accelerated, 10 Mississippi River basin counties raked in $3 billion in crop insurance payouts

Ten counties in the Mississippi River basin received over $3 billion in crop insurance payments between 2001 and 2020, much of it for losses caused by extreme weather tied to the climate crisis...

EWG applauds USDA climate pilot projects, calls for Senate to pass Build Back Better Act

WASHINGTON – The Environmental Working Group today applauded the Department of Agriculture for dedicating $1 billion to “climate smart” pilot projects designed to measure and verify practices that may...

32M pounds of toxic pesticides used in Ventura County, threatening farmworkers, families and more

More than 32 million pounds of toxic pesticides, including many linked to cancer and respiratory and developmental problems, have been used on Ventura County farm fields from 2015 to 2020, including...

EWG analysis: Climate crisis has already cost taxpayers billions in crop insurance payouts to farmers

Farmers received more than $143.5 billion in federal crop insurance payouts from 1995 through 2020, much of it subsidized by taxpayer dollars and most of it linked to extreme weather exacerbated by...

Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ found in eggs, spotlighting need for action

Chicken eggs from homesteads and farms near Fairfield, Maine, are contaminated with the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, new testing finds, spotlighting the need for swift regulatory action to...

Sweeping Senate pesticide law overhaul protects kids, farmworkers and everyone

Legislation introduced today would ban or restrict scores of the most toxic pesticides, set health-based limits on pesticide use and registration, and create safety protections for farmworkers. If...

House passes Build Back Better bill to make historic climate-focused conservation investments

The Environmental Working Group today applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for including $28 billion in the Build Back Better bill to tackle a growing backlog of requests from farmers seeking U...

EWG promotes two staff members to lead Midwest office, geospatial team

The Environmental Working Group has tapped two staff members for promotions to key leadership positions in the organization’s Midwest office, in Minneapolis

Build Back Better bill includes $27 billion for historic climate-focused conservation efforts

The Environmental Working Group today applauds House and Senate leaders for including $27 billion in the budget reconciliation bill, to tackle a growing backlog of farmers who need help addressing the...

Court of appeal rejects California’s blanket approval of pesticide spraying

In a major victory for health and environmental groups, California’s Court of Appeal has ruled that a statewide pesticide-spraying program violates the law by failing to study and minimize the threats...

Budget bill includes $28 billion for historic climate-focused conservation efforts

The Environmental Working Group today applauds House and Senate leaders for including in the budget reconciliation bill $28 billion to tackle a growing backlog of farmers seeking U.S. Department of...

EWG water atlas links water pollution to heavy fertilizer use in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin

The Environmental Working Group today unveiled its innovative water atlas, which shows a close link between heavily fertilized cropland in four Upper Mississippi River Basin states – Illinois, Iowa...

Cover crops, touted as a climate crisis solution, planted on only 1 in 20 acres of Corn Belt cropland

Cover crops, which help control water pollution from farm runoff, remain a little-used tool on Midwestern farmland, despite almost 100 years of science showing its value, according to a new...
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