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Displaying 21 - 40 of 788

New EWG study: Pesticides still found in baby food but most-toxic threats eliminated through advocacy, regulation

Non-organic baby food often contains pesticides, a new Environmental Working Group study finds – but they’re likely in fewer products and may be less toxic, compared to what EWG research uncovered in...

New EPA data show millions more have ‘forever chemicals’ in drinking water

New data released by the Environmental Protection Agency show 44 million people have toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in their drinking water after collecting test results from fewer than one...

Tap water of more than 19 million Americans polluted by ‘Civil Action’ carcinogen that EPA is poised to ban

A new interactive map details where drinking water supplies for more than 19 million Americans are contaminated with trichloroethylene, or TCE – a cancer-causing industrial solvent made notorious by...

FDA proposes to ban use of brominated vegetable oil in food

Today the Food and Drug Administration proposed to revoke authorization of the use in food of the chemical brominated vegetable oil, or BVO.

WanaBana recalls fruit puree pouches after high levels of lead sicken children

Yet another children’s food has been found to be contaminated with dangerous levels of lead. Federal health officials are warning that WanaBana apple cinnamon fruit puree pouches may contain elevated...

EWG applauds EPA proposal to ban most uses of toxic TCE

Today the Environmental Working Group applauded the Environmental Protection Agency for proposing a ban on most uses of trichloroethylene, or TCE.

California AG notifies food packaging and paper straw makers of duty to disclose PFAS

Today Attorney General Rob Bonta issued an enforcement advisory letter to manufacturers, distributors and sellers of food packaging and cookware, reminding them of their legal duty to comply with a...

DOD: PFAS plumes in the 'proximity' of drinking water supplies

Underground plumes of the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS flowing from Department of Defense installations are “in the proximity” of nearby drinking water supplies, according to a DOD report.

California first state to enact ban on four harmful chemicals in food

In a major victory for safer, healthier food, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the California Food Safety Act, the first law in the U.S. to ban four harmful chemicals from candy, cereal, soda and other...

Urgent pleas go unheeded: Advocacy groups challenge California’s handling of lead pipes amid federal funding concerns

Today, a coalition of 22 organizations dedicated to environmental protection, public health, the welfare of low-income communities and children’s health, including the Environmental Working Group...

Government shutdown threatens progress on ‘forever chemicals’

Efforts by some Republicans to shut down the federal government could delay progress on addressing the contamination crisis caused by the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS.

California Legislature passes bill to eliminate lead from school drinking water, protecting youth

Today the California Legislature passed a bill to require lead tests at all school drinking water fountains and faucets. The bill also sets a goal of reducing lead levels in school drinking water to...

Landmark bill banning harmful food chemicals in California heads to governor

On September 12, the California Legislature passed a groundbreaking bill, the California Food Safety Act, to ban four harmful chemicals from candy, cereals, salad dressings and other processed food.

House GOP budget cuts endanger progress on federal plan to tackle ‘forever chemicals’

Proposed budget cuts championed by House Republicans jeopardize federal plans to tackle the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS.

EPA: PFAS drinking water crisis worse than previously reported

Today the Environmental Protection Agency revealed that 26 million people in more than 430 communities have the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in their drinking water.

Updated map: Toxic 'forever chemicals' confirmed to contaminate 455 military sites

More than 700 military installations are likely contaminated with the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, according to an updated comprehensive review of Defense Department records by the Environmental...

California Senate Appropriations Committee advances groundbreaking bill to ban chemicals in processed food

On August 14, 2023 the California Senate Appropriations Committee released to the Senate floor a landmark bill to ban five harmful chemicals from candy, cereals and other processed food.

Advocates urge House Farm Bill leaders to protect and strengthen anti-hunger and climate spending programs, include worker protections

A diverse collection of anti-hunger, environmental, nutrition, public health and worker advocates on Wednesday urged House farm bill leaders to protect and strengthen anti-hunger and climate spending...

California's proposed chromium-6 drinking water limit fails to protect public health

Today California’s State Water Resources Board convened a hearing on its proposed drinking water limit for hexavalent chromium, commonly known as chromium-6, the notorious “Erin Brockovich” carcinogen...

Detections of 'forever chemicals' in water coast to coast strengthen call for stringent EPA regulations

New laboratory tests commissioned by the Environmental Working Group have found the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in the drinking water of dozens of U.S. cities, including major metropolitan...
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