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Displaying 81 - 100 of 465

California lead pipeline replacements are welcome but lack vital health safeguards

Water utilities across California are taking the welcome step of replacing lead pipelines, a much-needed effort to get the known neurotoxin out of drinking water. But information obtained by EWG...

Common food additives in Cap’n Crunch and Apple Jacks cereal may harm human health

When you’re shopping for cereal, you might assume everything for sale has been regulated and proven safe to eat. But that’s not always true. In fact, popular brands, including Cap’n Crunch and Apple...

Study: Lead detected in more than half of U.S. kids under age 6

A new study of children in every U.S. state and the District of Columbia finds more than half had detectable levels of lead in their blood. The proportion of children with lead in their blood...

California proclaims October Children’s Environmental Health Month

State lawmakers are proclaiming October 2021 Children’s Environmental Health Month, aiming to raise awareness about the importance of cleaner air and water, safer food and healthier products to...

Study: Certified organic packaged foods contain fewer ingredients linked to negative health effects

Questions persist about just how much healthier organic produce is compared to conventional food, yet until now, no study has systematically considered the differences between organic and non-organic...

Food chemicals bills will reduce U.S. health risks, close gap with strict European rules

M&M’s in Europe look and taste about the same as those sold in the U.S. But stateside, the candy comes with one key difference – and it may be harmful to your health.

California lawmakers advance bills to ban ‘forever chemicals’ in kids’ products, food packaging

California lawmakers are advancing legislation that would significantly boost efforts to remove the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS from consumer products, with the state Senate poised to vote...

The good glow: Stay safe with protective sunscreens this summer

Sunscreen helps reduce the risk of sunburns and long-term skin damage, but only one in four products offers adequate protection and does not contain worrisome ingredients, according to an EWG analysis...

Summer check-in: Sun safety tips for kids

Summer is here, and your children are likely excited to play outside for hours. But exposure to bright sunshine brings with it the risk of skin damage, so EWG is offering our top tips for safe...

For the FDA, toxic chemicals are a kitchen table issue

When Dr. Janet Woodcock, acting commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, testifies before a Senate spending committee on Thursday, she will likely face a lot of questions about toxic...

PFAS News Roundup

This Week in PFAS: Roundup of news about toxic 'forever chemicals." (5/14)

Leftover Trump EPA rule leaves millions at risk from lead-tainted tap water

Civil rights and environmental groups are urging the Biden administration to delay implementation of a Trump-era rule that would leave millions of Americans exposed to toxic lead in drinking water.

Arsenic in baby food: N.Y. attorney general launches probe into four major brands

A new front just opened in the battle over toxic heavy metals in baby foods.

California agency acknowledges synthetic food dyes’ link to hyperactivity and behavioral problems in kids

Foods containing synthetic food dyes make children vulnerable to hyperactivity and other behavioral problems, according to a new report by California state scientists.

D.C. sues baby food company for misleading parents about its products’ safety

The attorney general of Washington, D.C., has filed a lawsuit against the nation’s second-largest manufacturer of baby food, Beech-Nut, for knowingly making false claims about the presence of heavy...

Common drinking water contaminant linked to spike in Parkinson’s disease

A common chemical used in dry cleaning, carpet cleaners, shoe polish and industrial processes that contaminates the drinking water supply for millions of people could contribute to an explosion in the...

Environmental Racism: A Public Health Crisis

Last month, after a year-long investigation, former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and eight other officials were charged for their roles in the Flint water crisis – the environmental disaster that shocked...

3 Things Parents Should Know About Toxic Heavy Metals in Baby Foods

Many popular baby food brands contain dangerous levels of mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic, according to a new investigation by a House of Representatives oversight committee. Exposure to these...

What the Biden Administration Should Do To Protect Children From Toxic Pesticides

The administration of President Joe Biden has a mountain of work to do to reverse the damage done by the Trump administration. It should begin by taking swift action to ban and restrict the toxic...

Watch for This Harmful Chemical in Your Soda

Most people know that soda contains sweetener and carbonation, but they may not be aware of an ingredient in some soft drinks that can harm the nervous system – brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, a...
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