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Displaying 121 - 140 of 260

PG&E presses regulators for another massive electric bill hike

California’s largest investor-owned electric utility is pressing regulators to approve a nearly 10 percent hike in electricity fees, raising its captive customers’ power bills to an average $200 per...

California officials confirm PG&E responsible for devastating Dixie Fire

California’s fire management agency has confirmed that Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) was responsible for last summer’s Dixie Fire, which burned nearly 1 million acres and destroyed more than 1,300...

State regulators poised to side with PG&E and move to quash California’s rooftop solar program

Millions of California residents could soon no longer be able to afford to install rooftop solar panels and reap the financial and environmental benefits that come with the renewable source of energy...

Clean energy groups urge California to reject plan that increases cost of residential solar for working families

Several California clean energy groups are urging the state to make solar more accessible and affordable for low- and moderate-income families and reject a plan that would cause monthly bills to soar...

Southern California oil spill highlights folly of relying on dirty fossil fuels

Efforts to clean up the massive oil spill off southern California’s coast should avoid using toxic dispersants, warns the Environmental Working Group, given the harm caused by the federal government’s...

Court of appeal rejects California’s blanket approval of pesticide spraying

In a major victory for health and environmental groups, California’s Court of Appeal has ruled that a statewide pesticide-spraying program violates the law by failing to study and minimize the threats...

California enacts nation’s strictest limit on lead leaching from faucets

On Friday, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law a measure establishing the strictest lead-leaching limit in the country for drinking water faucets, ensuring faucets and fixtures will be practically lead...

California oil spill revives EWG’s fears about toxic dispersants, weak EPA rules

Efforts to clean up the massive oil spill off southern California’s coast should carefully consider the risks of using toxic dispersants, warns the Environmental Working Group, given the harm the...

Landmark California law bans 'forever chemicals' in products for infants, children

In a major victory for consumers, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation to protect infants and children from the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS by banning the compounds in cribs, playpens and...

California bans toxic ‘forever chemicals’ in food packaging and paper straws

Today, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation that bans the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS from paper, paperboard or plant-based food packaging, utensils and paper straws, effective January 1...

EWG applauds Gov. Newsom for signing historic California legislative package to fight the climate crisis

On Thursday, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a suite of legislation into law that will make historic investments of more than $15 billion to fight the climate crisis, including major boosts for clean energy...

Environmental, health, auto groups urge Toyota to stop opposing Biden’s push for more electric vehicles

A coalition of more than a dozen environmental, public interest and auto industry groups is urging Toyota to stop opposing critical efforts in Congress that would advance the Biden administration’s...

Since June, PG&E has sought more than $5.3B from ratepayers, with few benefits for customers

In less than three months, Pacific Gas & Electric, or PG&E, has filed a host of petitions with California regulators seeking to put ratepayers on the hook for giving the company more than $5.3 billion...

PG&E asks California for $201 million profit hike, benefiting directors – but wildfire victims stay unpaid

While Californians focus on freeing their economy from the grip of a gruesome pandemic and pushing through another season of devastating wildfires and power blackouts, the leadership of Pacific Gas &...

California lawmakers approve bill to ban toxic ‘forever chemicals’ in food packaging and straws

Today, the California State Legislature approved Assembly Bill 1200, which would ban the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS from paper, paperboard or plant-based food packaging, utensils and...

California State Legislature approves bill with nation’s strictest limit on lead leaching from faucets

On Tuesday, California’s State Legislature approved Assembly Bill 100, which would enact the strictest lead-leaching limit for drinking water faucets in the nation.

As Dixie Fire rages, PG&E asks California regulators for $201 million in extra profit at ratepayers’ expense

Pacific Gas & Electric, or PG&E, is asking California regulators to give it $201 million in extra profit at ratepayers’ expense. This would ease the reviled utility’s $13.5 billion debt to wildfire...

California lawmakers advance bill to ban 'forever chemicals' in products for infants, children

Today the California Assembly gave final approval to first-in-the-nation legislation to protect infants and children from the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS by banning the substances in cribs...

California Energy Commission advances solar mandate for new commercial buildings

The California Energy Commission on Wednesday voted for a measure to require all new commercial buildings, high-rise residential units, hotels, schools and other structures in the state to include...

California announces bold public health goals for PFOA and PFOS in drinking water

Today the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, or OEHHA, proposed bold new limits to regulate the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in drinking water.
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