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Displaying 281 - 300 of 2147

New National Academies report gives guidance to clinicians on reducing patient exposure to toxic ‘forever chemicals’

Today, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine published a report recommending people with a history of elevated exposure to the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS should be...

Senate bill to make historic climate-focused conservation investments

The Environmental Working Group today applauds Senate leaders for including more than $20 billion in the Inflation Reduction Act to tackle a growing backlog of requests from farmers seeking U.S...

Trump EPA ignored own guidelines by dismissing cancer risks for widely used pesticide, Inspector General finds

During the Trump administration, Environmental Protection Agency officials downgraded the agency’s long-held position that a widely used pesticide could give people cancer, the EPA’s internal watchdog...

Congressional investigation finds U.S. crypto miners consume enough electricity to power Houston, cause bill spikes

The explosion of U.S. cryptocurrency mining operations and the electricity needed to power the computer-based financial transactions are hiking energy bills and greenhouse gases, according to a...

EWG applauds House passage of new ‘forever chemical’ actions and cleanup mandates

On Thursday night, the House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023, a must-pass defense spending bill that contains several amendments tackling the...

In bid to protect state’s power grid from collapse, energy-sapping Texas bitcoin miners paid to shut down

Some of the country’s largest and most energy-intensive cryptocurrency mining sites based in Texas are effectively getting paid by ratepayers to pause operations, as record temperatures put the state...

EWG applauds bill to create new food safety agency

Today Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) and Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) introduced the Food Safety Administration Act of 2022, which would create a new independent federal agency focused on food safety...

CDC finds toxic weedkiller in 87 percent of children tested

About 87 percent of 650 children tested had detectable levels of the ubiquitous and toxic herbicide glyphosate in their urine, according to a new analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and...

EWG: Plan to crush California rooftop solar ignores ‘sound alternatives, violates state and federal law’

Environmental Working Group in new comments is blasting a plan by California’s investor-owned utilities and regulators to impose a steep tax on residential solar, saying the plan ignores clean energy...

FDA: Canned clams contaminated with extremely high levels of common ‘forever chemical’

Extremely highly levels of a common “forever chemical” linked to cancer have been detected in canned clams.

Calls grow for FCC to protect kids from wireless radiation

WASHINGTON – More than 22,000 people signed a petition delivered to federal regulators today calling for much tighter standards to limit children’s exposure to radiofrequency radiation emanating from...

Supreme Court hobbles EPA’s ability to regulate power plant emissions, sets precedent to cripple agency’s future

A ruling today by the U.S. Supreme Court will hamstring the federal government’s ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants that is necessary to tackle the existential threat of the...

High ‘forever chemicals’ levels found in drinking water of more communities near DOD sites

Dangerously high levels of the toxic “forever chemicals“ known as PFAS have been detected in the drinking water of more communities near Department of Defense installations.

EWG applauds provisions tackling ‘forever chemicals’ in National Defense Authorization Act

Today, the Environmental Working Group applauds the House Armed Services Commmittee for including several provisions to tackle the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS in the National Defense...

House subcommittee boosts EPA’s budget to tackle toxic 'forever chemicals'

On Tuesday, the House Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee approved $126 million to address the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, in the Environmental Protection...

EWG analysis: From 2018 to 2020, farmers reaped $91.6B in taxpayer-funded USDA subsidies

Between 2018 and 2020, Agriculture Department programs paid commodity farmers $91.6 billion for crop price decreases and other challenges, with similar program qualifications allowing some farmers to...

Sweeping reforms at PG&E vital to lower electricity bills, mitigate wildfire threats and embrace renewables, EWG probe finds

Pacific Gas & Electric, the monopoly California utility with a long and sordid history of wasteful spending, fleecing ratepayers, hindering clean energy equity and rampant negligence that has...

EPA: Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ levels in drinking water should be much lower

The Environmental Working Group today applauds the Environmental Protection Agency for proposing new lifetime health advisories, or LHAs, that suggest levels of four “forever chemicals” known as PFAS...

Key Senate committee adopts Hassan amendment to ban ‘forever chemicals’ from food packaging

A key Senate committee yesterday approved by a 13 to 9 vote an amendment to ban the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS from food packaging.

More than 2,000 communities have drinking water with ‘forever chemicals’ above new EPA levels

People living in more than 2,000 communities are drinking water with levels of the toxic forever chemicals known as PFAS that are above new health advisories released today by the Environmental...
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