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Displaying 381 - 400 of 2147

La EPA sigue sin actuar ante la contaminación química tóxica generalizada en el agua potable de Estados Unidos

Millones de personas en los Estados Unidos están bebiendo, sin darse cuenta, agua que incluye un cóctel tóxico compuesto por contaminantes relacionados con el cáncer, daños cerebrales y otros graves...

EPA still failing to act on widespread toxic chemical contamination of U.S. drinking water

Millions of Americans are unwittingly drinking water that includes an invisible toxic cocktail made up of contaminants linked to cancer, brain damage and other serious health harms, the 2021 update to...

Clean energy groups urge California to reject plan that increases cost of residential solar for working families

Several California clean energy groups are urging the state to make solar more accessible and affordable for low- and moderate-income families and reject a plan that would cause monthly bills to soar...

Build Back Better bill includes $27 billion for historic climate-focused conservation efforts

The Environmental Working Group today applauds House and Senate leaders for including $27 billion in the budget reconciliation bill, to tackle a growing backlog of farmers who need help addressing the...

EPA moves closer to proper disposal of ‘forever chemicals’ wastes

The Environmental Working Group today recognized the Environmental Protection Agency for taking the first step needed to properly dispose of the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS.

Southern California oil spill highlights folly of relying on dirty fossil fuels

Efforts to clean up the massive oil spill off southern California’s coast should avoid using toxic dispersants, warns the Environmental Working Group, given the harm caused by the federal government’s...

Court of appeal rejects California’s blanket approval of pesticide spraying

In a major victory for health and environmental groups, California’s Court of Appeal has ruled that a statewide pesticide-spraying program violates the law by failing to study and minimize the threats...

EWG study: UVA protection of most sunscreens only a quarter of touted SPF

Many sunscreens offer just a quarter of their stated SPF protection against ultraviolet A rays that increase the risk of skin cancer, a new Environmental Working Group study finds.

PFAS roadmap sets new direction for EPA

The Environmental Working Group today recognized EPA Administrator Michael Regan for making the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS a priority and urged the Defense Department, Food and Drug...

EWG study: Almost 42,000 sources of toxic 'forever chemicals' could be polluting surface or drinking water across the U.S.

A new study by Environmental Working Group scientists finds almost 42,000 potential sources of the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS that could be polluting surface water or drinking water in...

California enacts nation’s strictest limit on lead leaching from faucets

On Friday, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law a measure establishing the strictest lead-leaching limit in the country for drinking water faucets, ensuring faucets and fixtures will be practically lead...

California oil spill revives EWG’s fears about toxic dispersants, weak EPA rules

Efforts to clean up the massive oil spill off southern California’s coast should carefully consider the risks of using toxic dispersants, warns the Environmental Working Group, given the harm the...

FDA bans lead-based neurotoxin from consumer hair dyes

The Food and Drug Administration today banned the use of toxic lead acetate in consumer hair dyes, a vital move to protect the public from hazardous chemicals.

EWG scientists create new framework for using demographic data to evaluate cumulative cancer risk from tap water contamination

A peer-reviewed Environmental Working Group study shows how water quality data, community water system maps and demographic data such as race and ethnicity can help identify where cumulative cancer...

Landmark California law bans 'forever chemicals' in products for infants, children

In a major victory for consumers, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation to protect infants and children from the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS by banning the compounds in cribs, playpens and...

California bans toxic ‘forever chemicals’ in food packaging and paper straws

Today, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation that bans the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS from paper, paperboard or plant-based food packaging, utensils and paper straws, effective January 1...

EWG urges Congress to quickly set limits on toxic metals in baby food

The Environmental Working Group is urging Congressional leaders to quickly set mandatory limits on levels of toxic heavy metals in baby food, after a new House oversight panel report highlighted food...

Walmart’s Built for Better program highlights EWG VERIFIED® products

Walmart launched Built for Better, an initiative to help consumers find healthier, more sustainable products. America’s largest retailer is featuring personal care products, cleaners and other items...

FDA says sunscreen concerns remain unaddressed, renews call for safety data

The Food and Drug Administration in a proposed order is again calling on sunscreen manufacturers to address what it says are lingering safety concerns about active ingredients in their products...

EWG applauds Gov. Newsom for signing historic California legislative package to fight the climate crisis

On Thursday, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a suite of legislation into law that will make historic investments of more than $15 billion to fight the climate crisis, including major boosts for clean energy...
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