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Displaying 541 - 560 of 2147

New State Data: More Than 100 Ohio Water Systems Contaminated With Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’

Newly released test data from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency show that more than 100 public water systems in the state are contaminated with the toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS.

Another Last-Minute Poison Pill: Trump Administration Kneecaps EPA’s Use of Sound Science To Protect Public Health

With two weeks left in President Trump's term, his Environmental Protection Agency has once again issued an 11th-hour rule that will hamper the incoming Biden administration's efforts to protect...

Spending Bill Provides Nearly $300 Million To Address ‘Forever Chemicals’

The FY 2021 omnibus appropriations bill passed by Congress Monday night provides nearly $300 million for new investments to address the regulation and cleanup of the toxic “forever chemicals” known as...

EWG Applauds Farm and Food Worker Protection Funds in Covid-19 Relief Package

EWG applauds the inclusion of funds for Covid-19 protections for farm and food workers in the pandemic relief package congressional leaders agreed to on Sunday. The package, which awaits a final vote...

Scientists Say New EPA Guidance Would Perpetuate PFAS Contamination

An eleventh-hour proposal by the Environmental Protection Agency would approve incineration and other disposal methods for some of the fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS that would neither destroy...

Nomination of Michael Regan Shows Biden’s Commitment To Rebuild EPA, Protect Public Health and Advance Environmental Justice

President-elect Joe Biden will nominate Michael Regan as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, The New York Times reports. Regan, 44, currently North Carolina's top environmental...

Biden’s Choice of Granholm for Energy Secretary Heralds Shift to Clean, Renewable Sources

President-elect Joe Biden's pick of former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm to be energy secretary signals a commitment to the clean energy revolution – a sharp contrast to the Trump administration's...

California Bill Would Sharply Reduce Lead Leaching From Faucets

State legislation introduced today would set a legally enforceable limit on the amount of lead leaching from drinking water faucets and fixtures, reducing by five times the amount now allowed by a...

CDC Investigates Potential Link Between ‘Forever Chemicals’ and Decreased Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccines

A federal health agency is investigating whether exposure to the fluorinated "forever chemicals" called PFAS could affect the potential effectiveness and duration of a Covid-19 vaccine.

EWG VERIFIED® Diapers Launches Nationwide With New Healthynest Diapers

Today the Environmental Working Group published a new comprehensive Guide to Safer Diapers, an analysis of the chemicals and materials used in baby diapers, to help parents and caregivers sort through...

New Rule Makes It Harder for EPA To Fight Air Pollution and Climate Change

With just over 40 days left in office, on Wednesday the Trump administration finalized a rule making it harder for the Environmental Protection Agency to enact clean air standards that protect public...

Next Agriculture Secretary Must Confront New Food and Farm Challenges

President-elect Joe Biden will nominate Tom Vilsack to be Secretary of Agriculture, according to news reports. Here is a statement from Scott Faber, EWG's senior vice president for government affairs

Amazon To Ban ‘Forever Chemicals’ From Its Amazon Kitchen Brand

Today Amazon announced it will ban the toxic fluorinated “forever chemicals” known as PFAS from its Amazon Kitchen brand products.

Final Version of Water Bill Puts Pork Ahead of PFAS Pollution

A House-Senate conference committee approved a final version of the Water Resources Development Act, or WRDA, for 2020, which both houses will vote on before it goes to the White House for President...

In Final Defense Bill, Too Little Progress on ‘Forever Chemicals’

A House-Senate conference committee today approved a final version of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2021, which both houses will vote on before it goes to the White House for President...

Covid-19 Relief Packages Leave Food and Farm Workers Unprotected

The following is a statement from Scott Faber, EWG's senior vice president for government affairs, on the Covid-19 relief package released today by a bipartisan group of senators.

As Other Automakers Back California Emission Standards, Toyota and Fiat Chrysler Cling to Trump’s Sinking Ship

As President Trump's remaining days in office dwindle, so is automakers' support for his scheme to overturn California's tough emissions and mileage standards, leaving Toyota and Fiat Chrysler as the...

Trump EPA Fails To Take Tough Action on Industrial Discharges of ‘Forever Chemicals’

The Environmental Protection Agency today released an "interim strategy" for addressing industrial discharges of the toxic fluorinated “forever chemicals” called PFAS. The strategy document encourages...

Analysis: Talc-Based Cosmetics Test Positive for Asbestos

Laboratory tests of talc-based cosmetics products, commissioned by the Environmental Working Group, found asbestos – a deadly human carcinogen for which there is no safe level of exposure – in almost...

GM’s U-Turn: From Joining Trump’s Attack on Clean Air to Backing California’s Tough Auto Emissions Standards

General Motors, once a strong supporter of the Trump administration's lawsuit to block California's ambitious clean-car standards, reversed course Monday, announcing it will back the state's efforts...

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