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Displaying 1001 - 1020 of 2147

Top Coal Lobbyist, Climate Skeptic Poised to Become No. 2 at EPA

A leading lobbyist for the coal and oil industries, who is a staunch climate change skeptic, is a step away from being second in command at the Environmental Protection Agency.

EWG Applauds Bill to Warn of Asbestos in Cosmetics

Today EWG praised legislation introduced by Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., that would mandate warnings for cosmetics marketed to children that might contain asbestos.

Federal Research Raises Flags about Cancer Risks from Cellphone Radiation

Data from the largest-ever study of cellphone radiation effects, released today by the federal National Toxicology Program, confirms evidence that cellphone radiation increases the risk of cancer in...

High Levels of Nitrate Foul Tap Water in Illinois Corn Belt

Northwest Illinois is one of the nation's most productive corn-growing regions. But the heavy use of fertilizer and manure on corn fields leads to nitrate pollution in many communities' tap water...

Report: Trump Wants Huge Cut to Clean Energy Research

President Trump will seek nearly three-fourths cuts to federal renewable energy and energy efficiency programs, according to White House budget documents obtained by The Washington Post.

Almost Three-Fourths of California’s High-Risk Toddlers Miss Annual Lead Tests Required by Law

A new EWG analysis of state records shows that each year between 2012 and 2016, almost three-fourths of California toddlers enrolled in Medi-Cal, the state-run low-income health insurance program...

At Hearing, Scott Pruitt Shows Why He’s the Worst EPA Administrator Ever

In his Senate testimony today, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt displayed complete contempt for the mission of the department he leads, as well as its efforts to protect...

Scott Pruitt Just Hung Up a List of His Top ‘Environmental Achievements’ at EPA. EWG Suggests Alternate List.

New banners on display at the Environmental Protection Agency headquarters highlight five “environmental achievements” under Administrator Scott Pruitt's leadership. Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore...

Trump’s Failed Toxics Nominee to Depart EPA

Michael Dourson, who withdrew his nomination to head the chemical safety office at the Environmental Protection Agency after it was clear the Senate would not confirm him, will soon leave the agency...

Pruitt’s Superfund Czar Stiffs House Hearing on Cleanup Program’s Future

Albert “Kell” Kelly, the federally sanctioned ex-banker put in charge of the Superfund program despite having no environmental qualifications, has backed out of testifying before a key House hearing...

EWG: Stop Rodan + Fields’ Misleading Claims

EWG urged the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and California's attorney general today to stop Rodan + Fields from making misleading claims about benzophenone, a chemical that has been linked to...

Toyota Tells EWG ‘No Plans’ to Help Scott Pruitt Gut EPA

Contrary to Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's testimony before a House committee, Toyota has no plans to partner with the agency, the company said in a letter to the Environmental...

EWG Applauds CVS Move to Ban Airbrushed Photos in Cosmetics Marketing

CVS Pharmacy will work to eliminate airbrushed images of models used to sell cosmetics from its stores, it announced Monday. It is “yet another bold decision” by the company and should be applauded by...

Des Moines Just the Tip of the Iceberg for Iowa’s Nitrate-Contaminated Tap Water

In 2015, Des Moines Water Works sued upstream counties to reduce manure and fertilizer runoff into the city's drinking water supply, drawing attention to nitrate pollution. But nitrate contaminates...

170 Million Americans Drink Radioactive Tap Water

Drinking water for more than 170 million Americans in all 50 states contains radioactive elements that may increase the risk of cancer, according to an EWG investigation released today.

Pruitt Set to Slash EPA Scientists, Public Health Experts by Half

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt's mission to decimate the agency he heads is on track, as he works to eliminate roughly 50 percent of its scientists, researchers and others...

Regulators’ Rejection of Coal and Nuclear Bailout a Big Win for Consumers, Renewable Energy

Federal regulators' rejection today of the White House's scheme to prop up the coal and nuclear power industries is a big win for electricity customers and renewable energy, said EWG President Ken...

If Scott Pruitt Becomes Attorney General, Corporate Polluters Would Be Treated Like Jaywalkers

If Scott Pruitt becomes attorney general, he'd treat corporate criminal polluters like jaywalkers, said Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook.

Asbestos-Laced Makeup Latest Example of Children’s Products Contaminated with Deadly Fiber

The troubling news about the presence of asbestos in children's makeup is the latest example of the deadly fiber contaminating imported products marketed toward children, said Environmental Working...

Mass Exodus of EPA Experts Tasked to Protect the Public from Toxic Chemicals, Contaminated Water

A report today by the New York Times and ProPublica describes in stark detail the impacts of the Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt's disregard of science and scientists, and...

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