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Displaying 1021 - 1040 of 2147

Brain Damaging Pesticide Scott Pruitt Left in Hands of Agribusiness Found in Hundreds of Food Samples

The federal Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, recently released test results that found the neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos in more than 300 food samples.

Trump EPA Indefinitely Delays Bans on Deadly Chemicals

The Trump Administration last week proposed to indefinitely delay proposed bans of high-risk uses of three toxic chemicals: Methylene chloride and N-Methylpyrrolidone, or NMP, in paint strippers and...

Pruitt Terminates No-Bid Contract with GOP ‘Media Monitoring’ Firm 24 Hours After EWG and American Oversight Call for Inquiry

Less than 24 hours after American Oversight and Environmental Working Group called on the Environmental Protection Agency Inspector General to investigate the agency's no-bid contract with a...

EWG, American Oversight Call for EPA IG Investigation Into No-Bid Contract with GOP Consulting Firm

Non-partisan watchdog group American Oversight and the Environmental Working Group (EWG) today called for the Environmental Protection Agency's Inspector General to immediately investigate the agency...

Scott Pruitt’s Taxpayer Spending Tab Mounts: $120K For GOP Opposition Research Firm to Track News Media

The Environmental Protection Agency spent $120,000 to hire a Republican opposition research and PR firm – the latest example of Administrator Scott Pruitt's questionable spending, which has already...

Controversial Trump Nominee for Top Chemical Safety Position at EPA Withdraws from Consideration

Michael Dourson, who President Trump nominated to run the chemical safety division at the Environmental Protection Agency, withdrew his name from consideration after it was clear there were not enough...

Toyota Asked to Issue Massive Recall On “Partnership” Claimed by EPA Chief

The Environmental Working Group is urging Toyota to reject a partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency, because EPA chief Scott Pruitt's plan to "evaluate management practices" is cover for...

Pruitt’s $25,000 Phone Booth Under Investigation by EPA Inspector General

The Inspector General for the Environmental Protection Agency announced an investigation into EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's use of nearly $25,000 in taxpayer dollars to purchase a customized secure...

EPA’s Pruitt Says “Hard to Predict” How Much Time He Spends in Secure Phone Booth

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt couldn't say how much of his work to safeguard public health and natural resources he conducts from his new $25,000 secure phone booth.

Exposed: Rick Perry's Coal Bailout Scheme Was Murray Energy's Idea

The CEO of one of the nation's largest coal companies claimed last month he had nothing to do with the Trump administration's scheme to make utility customers pay above-market rates for electricity...

Pruitt: Red Team-Blue Team Debate, Climate Deniers Versus Science, Coming Soon

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt said today his “red team-blue team” debate, pitting climate change deniers against scientists who accept the facts about global warming, could be...

EWG, American Oversight Demand Answers on Dourson’s Work at EPA

Nonpartisan watchdog American Oversight and the Environmental Working Group today announced a joint investigation to determine if controversial toxicologist Michael Dourson has violated ethics rules...

Clean Power Plan Hearing is Trump’s Latest Desperate Act to Save Dying Coal Industry

For the only public hearing on the proposed repeal of the Clean Power Plan, the Trump administration picked a location where residents are sure to support the desperate attempt to save the dying coal...

EWG and American Oversight Demand Release of Energy Department-Industry Communications on Trump Bailout for Coal, Nuclear

The Environmental Working Group and American Oversight formally petitioned the Department of Energy today to release all communications between senior officials and the energy industry over the Trump...

Half of California’s Energy Could Come From Renewables in 3 Years, But Trump Keeps Pushing Coal and Nuclear

Half of California's electricity will likely come from clean, renewable energy sources by 2020, a full decade ahead of the goal set just two years ago.

Double Dippers: How Big, Rich Farms Get Subsidized Twice For One Loss

Through federal farm programs, American taxpayers are routinely paying thousands of wealthy mega-farms twice for the same "loss," according to a new EWG report.

Picking Losers: Why Coal and Nuclear Interests Are Desperate For a Ratepayer Bailout

Without Energy Secretary Rick Perry's scheme to make utility customers buy more expensive electricity from aging, dirty and dangerous coal and nuclear u, utilities plan to close 75 coal and nuclear...

We're Number 1: U.S. Only Remaining Nation to Reject Climate Change Accord

Under President Trump's leadership, the U.S. has attained a unique – and shameful – distinction: the only nation on Earth to reject the Paris agreement on climate change.

EPA Chief to be Fêted at Chemical Industry Soirée

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt will deliver remarks at the annual board meeting of the American Chemistry Council, the main chemical industry trade and lobby group...

EWG: Mega-Farms Reap Billions from Taxpayers in Farm Subsidies

Farming operations directly received more than $14 billion in taxpayer-funded commodity subsidies in 2015 and 2016, according to the latest analysis of U.S. Department of Agriculture data obtained by...

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