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Displaying 1101 - 1120 of 2147

Trump Wants to Ax Programs To Protect Children From Lead Poisoning That Cost Taxpayers Less Than His Trips to Florida, Kids’ Business Travel

President Trump's plan to cut funding that helps states protect children from lead poisoning would save less money than the cost of his trips to Florida. It's a callous proposal that again shows the...

Bill to Disclose Ingredients in Cleaning Products Gets Hearing

On Wednesday, March 29 at 9:30 a.m., the California Senate Environmental Quality Committee will consider the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act of 2017 (SB-258).

EPA Chief Scraps Scheduled Ban of Pesticide That Harms Kids’ Brains

In one of his first major decisions as Environmental Protection Agency administrator, Scott Pruitt sided with the pesticide lobby over scientists in an eleventh-hour decision to abort the agency's...

Trump Rollback of Clean Power Plan Means More Childhood Asthma, Premature Deaths

President Trump's rollback of the Clean Power Plan is not just a foolish failure of leadership on climate change, but another attack on public health that will trigger more asthma attacks among...

EWG Report: Is Federal Crop Insurance Policy Leading to a New Dust Bowl?

Federal crop insurance policy is rewarding Southern Great Plains farmers' failure to adapt to drought and hotter weather, and encouraging practices that could lead to another Dust Bowl, according to a...

EWG Report: How Congress Can Help Farmers Meet Soaring Demand for Organic Food

Despite the rapid growth of the organic food industry, U.S. production lags significantly behind consumer demand. A new report from EWG shows that with modest reforms to existing programs, Congress...

From Satellite Imagery, EWG's First-Ever Analysis of Cover Crops in U.S. Corn Belt

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is giving farmers millions of taxpayer dollars a year to support the planting of cover crops, which reduce polluted runoff from farm fields. To see how this...

The 2017 Dirty Dozen: Strawberries, Spinach Top EWG's List of Pesticides in Produce

Strawberries remain at the top of the Dirty Dozen™ list of the EWG Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™, with spinach jumping to second place in the annual ranking of conventionally grown produce...

Trump Plan to Gut Stream Protections Imperils Tap Water for 117 Million Americans

President Trump's executive order calling for the gutting of the Clean Water Rule puts the drinking water of 117 million Americans at risk, according to a nationwide county-by-county analysis by the...

Advocates Petition FDA to Bar Toxic Lead Compound from Hair Dyes

A group of public health advocates today announced that the Food and Drug Administration will consider removing its approval of lead acetate in hair dyes such as Grecian Formula. The group filed a...

Food: Powerful Medicine to Defend Against Cancer

What we eat is strongly and intricately linked to our health. No food or nutrient is a panacea against disease, but eating right can help prevent many serious diseases, including heart disease...

Plate of the Union: New Campaign Will Activate Consumers for Healthy Food and Sustainable Farm Policy

Every five years, the government passes an almost-trillion-dollar piece of legislation that profoundly impacts food and farm policy. For decades, big agribusiness has dominated the process, with its...

Near-Partisan Vote Confirms Pruitt for EPA, Imperiling Public Health Protections

The nation's drinking water and air, safeguards against pesticides, and oversight of big polluters are at risk with the Senate's approval today of Scott Pruitt as administrator of the Environmental...

EWG: DuPont Settles Big Teflon Case, But PFOA Pollution Lingers Nationwide

DuPont and its spinoff company Chemours agreed today to pay $671 million to settle about 3,500 lawsuits from West Virginia and Ohio residents whose drinking water was poisoned by a cancer-causing...

Study: Dramatic Rise in Flame Retardant Levels in Kids and Adults

Levels of a cancer-causing flame retardant are increasing dramatically in the bodies of American adults and children, according to a new study led by Duke University scientists, in collaboration with...

Bill Would Give Californians Right to Know What’s in Cleaning Products

State Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens, introduced legislation today to require manufacturers to disclose the ingredients in cleaning products used by consumers and professional cleaning workers. If...

EWG Calls on Justice Department to Investigate Pruitt’s Potentially Misleading Statements to Senate Environment Panel

The Environmental Working Group urged the Department of Justice today to investigate whether Scott Pruitt, President Trump's nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency, made false or...

In Game-Changing Move, Unilever Will Disclose Fragrance Ingredients to Consumers

For decades, federal regulations have let companies use the word “fragrance” on soap, shampoo, skincare and other personal care product labels to hide the identity of multiple chemicals, many of them...

EWG: Senate Panel Breaks Rules, Approves ‘Worst EPA Nominee in History’

Scott Pruitt, approved today by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee as the next head of the Environmental Protection Agency, would take office as the worst EPA administrator in history...

Despite Pruitt’s Cleanup Claims, Factory Chicken Farms Still Threaten Okla. Water

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, President Trump's nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency, claims he made great progress in protecting the state's water from pollution by factory...

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