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Displaying 1341 - 1360 of 2147

Proposed Nutritional Label Will Promote Healthier Diets

The long-overdue changes to the Nutrition Facts label announced today by First Lady Michelle Obama would improve Americans' diets and promote healthier eating, Environmental Working Group said in a...

“Yoga Mat” Chemical Found in nearly 500 Foods

The controversial “yoga mat” chemical that Vani Hari, creator of, campaigned to remove from Subway sandwich bread has turned up in nearly 500 items and more than 130 brands of bread...

New EWG Guide Aims to Help Shoppers Avoid GE Food

A new shopping guide released by the Environmental Working Group today will help consumers find supermarket foods made without ingredients likely to be genetically engineered.

New Farm Law is Bad for Taxpayers and the Environment

President Obama signed into law today a farm bill that is bad for taxpayers and bad for the environment, the Environmental Working Group said in a statement.

Farm Bill Takes Food and Farm Policy Down the Wrong Path

Environmental Working Group (EWG) released the following statement in response to the passage of the farm bill in the Senate.

Statement on Keystone XL Pipeline Assessment

EWG Executive Director Heather White released the following statement today on the U.S. Department of State's Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement on the Keystone XL pipeline permit.

Waxman’s Retirement Huge Loss for Environment, Public Health

The departure of environmental and public health champion Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., “will be an enormous loss to anyone who cares about safe drinking water, clean air, food safety and children's...

Obama Energy Plan Threatens Air, Land, Water

President Obama's State of the Union message calling for accelerating natural gas production is “a serious threat to our air, land and water,” Environmental Working Group president Ken Cook said today...

Farm Bill Falls Far Short Of Vital Reform

The bill produced by the farm bill conference committee falls far short of the reforms needed to create a federal food and agricultural policy that can meet the challenges of the 21st century, the...

EWG Comments on Ethanol Regulations

Washington, D.C. – The Environmental Protection Agency's proposal to reduce the amount of corn ethanol blended into gasoline is a small step in the right direction, EWG said in comments submitted to...

Johnson & Johnson Cleans Formaldehyde Out Of Baby Products, Moving To Adult Goods

Washington, D.C. – EWG executive director Heather White said that personal care products giant Johnson & Johnson has taken a major step forward by reformulating about 100 of its baby products to...

Californians at Risk of Fracking Pollution Because of New Fracking Law

An Alameda County Superior Court judge ruled that a 2013 law put a stop to a lawsuit designed to force the state of California to examine the environmental effects of the highly controversial oil and...

Federal Government’s Advice on Seafood Consumption Inconsistent and Dangerous

People who follow the Obama administration's guidelines on eating seafood could consume dangerous amounts of mercury, a potent neurotoxin, or too few essential omega-3 fatty acids, according to a new...

Chemical Company Sues California Over Flame Retardants

The chemical company Chemtura sued the state of California yesterday seeking to block new fire safety regulations that would permit furniture production without toxic flame retardants.

200 Groups Call on Obama to Keep Campaign Pledge: Label GMOs

Congressional champions for GE labeling, led by Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., held a press conference in support of a letter sent to President Obama. Congressional leaders were joined by Center for Food...

GAO: After Decades and Billions Spent On Voluntary Measures Agriculture Pollution Remains Unchecked

A new Government Accountability Office report recommends that Congress and the Environmental Protection Agency should toughen the federal Clean Water Act's approach to curbing pollution from...

West Virginia Chemical Spill Shows Need for Toxics Reform

EWG executive director Heather White assigned much of the blame for the devastating chemical spill in West Virginia to the nation's lax chemical safety laws.

Industry Proposal Would Bar GE Food Labels

A new legislative proposal drafted by the food industry that would make it impossible for any state to require labeling of genetically engineered food reveals how far some big companies will go to...

Federal Crop Insurance Over-compensates Farmers and Insurance Companies

A new report commissioned by Environmental Working Group finds that the heavily subsidized crop insurance program over-compensated Corn Belt farmers by $7.8 billion during the 2012 drought and lays...

FDA Should Reject Food Industry’s Efforts to Allow “Natural” Food to Contain GE ingredients

Statement of EWG's Scott Faber, senior vice-president of government affairs, on the food industry's petition to the Food and Drug Administration to permit foods labeled as “natural” to contain...

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