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Displaying 1521 - 1540 of 2147

Senate Passes Landmark Bill for Camp Lejeune Families

The U.S. Senate unanimously passed a bill that furnishes health care benefits to veterans and their families made ill from polluted drinking water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.

Nation’s Drought Highlights Need for Crop Insurance Reform

Environmental Working Group held a media briefing with Dr. Bruce Babock of Iowa State University to discuss the 2012 drought and its implication for the federal crop insurance program.

FDA To Bar BPA From Baby Bottles, Sippy Cups

Less than a year after the state of California banned baby bottles and sippy cups made with the toxic plastics chemical bisphenol-A, BPA, the federal government has followed suit.

House Farm Bill: Bad for Taxpayers, Hungry Families, and the Environment

Environmental Working Group joined anti-hunger, public health, labor, and animal welfare groups at the National Press Club to voice deep concerns with the recently passed House Agriculture Committee...

House Agriculture Committee Moves Farm and Food Policy Backwards

The farm bill passed by the House Agriculture Committee last night is quite simply the worst piece of food and farm legislation in recent memory. With the U.S government in a deep fiscal crisis, the...

Crop Insurance Subsidy Reforms Could Save Tens of Billions in 2012 Farm Bill

A new report shows that Congress could save taxpayers at least $42 billion over 10 years, provide farmers with a more fiscally and environmentally responsible safety net and avoid deep cuts to vital...

House Agriculture Leaders Propose to Expand, Not Reform, Farm Subsidies

Environmental Working Group's vice president of government affairs Scott Faber released the following statement on the House agriculture committee leadership's 2012 farm bill proposal.

Taxpayers Paid $6.1 Million in Farm Subsidies to Members of Congress, Families

Environmental Working Group's latest update of the EWG farm subsidy database shows that 23 members of Congress, or their family members, benefitted from $6,140,634 in taxpayer-funded farm subsidy...

Drillers Got Inside Track on N.Y. Fracking Rules

New York regulators granted natural gas industry representatives exclusive access to shale gas drilling regulations as early as six weeks before they were made public, according to documents obtained...

One Million Americans to Fight Industry Efforts to Kill Clean Energy Agenda

Fed up with the undue influence of the energy companies, utilities, lobbyists and other interests that are making it impossible for Washington to move forward decisively in achieving America's clean...

Statement of Environmental Working Group on Senate farm bill

The farm bill reflects a rare opportunity to renew our farm and food policies to do more to support family farmers, protect the environment, encourage healthier diets, and support working families...

Senate Adopts Common Sense Reform to Crop Insurance Subsidies

Environmental Working Group released this statement on the passage of the Coburn-Durbin amendment to reduce premium subsidies by 15 percent for farm businesses with adjusted gross incomes of more than...

Senate Votes to Improve Protections for Drinking Water, Soil, and Land

Environmental Working Group issued the following statement on the passage of Sen. Saxby Chambliss' R-Ga., amendment to relink conservation compliance to crop insurance premium subsidies.

EWG Releases 2012 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce

EWG has released the eighth edition of its Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™ with updated information on 45 popular fruits and vegetables and their total pesticide loads. EWG highlights the...

Senate Puts Crop Insurance Companies Ahead of Needy Children

Environmental Working Group issued the following statement on the Senate's failure to pass Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's, D-N.Y., amendment:

Brown To Revise Fire Retardant Guidelines

California Governor Jerry Brown took a stand for public health today by directing state agencies to revise outdated and unsupportable flammability standards.

FCC To Review Cell Phone Radiation Rules

After years of neglecting to update its scientific statements on cell phone radiation, the Federal Communications Commission, in an about-face, launched a review of its safety standards.

Begich, McCain Propose Bill To Disclose Crop Insurance Subsidy Recipients

Sens. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, and John McCain, R-Ariz., have introduced an amendment to the Senate farm bill that would make public the names of the individuals who benefit from taxpayer-funded crop...

Food and Farm Leaders Plan Congressional Scorecard

National leaders in food and farm policy have taken steps to form a new nonprofit organization that for the first time will hold lawmakers in Congress accountable for their votes on a broad range of...

Serious Flaws Plague NY Drilling Plan

Significant scientific gaps in a New York state regulatory plan would make drilling for shale gas a multi-billion-dollar gamble, according to a joint report by two watchdog organizations.
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