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Displaying 1641 - 1660 of 2147

Stacked Fracking Panel Has Public Meeting Monday in Pennsylvania

Monday night, June 13, is your chance to speak up on behalf of America's drinking water and to help protect your land from damage from oil and gas drilling.

Health Care Bill for Camp Lejeune Vets, Families Moves Forward

Today's Senate committee vote to provide medical care for veterans and families made ill by contaminated water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune marks an important advance in the effort to address...

EWG Seeks Energy Department Records About Fracking Panel Composition

Environmental Working Group (EWG) filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the U.S. Department of Energy today to uncover why the Obama Administration stacked a panel investigating oil and gas...

EPA: Water Wells Contaminated Near Fracking Blowout Site

Underscoring the risks to drinking water supplies of hydraulic fracturing, three water samples collected from private wells following a blowout at a Chesapeake Energy Corp. natural gas drilling site...

Senators Target Ethanol Tax Credit

A deal brokered by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), John Thune (R-S.D.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) to end tax credits and tariffs that subsidize the U.S. ethanol industry is a step in the right...

Fracking Disclosure Bill Advances in California State Legislature

The California State Assembly has passed legislation sponsored by Environmental Working Group and Earthworks to require oil and natural gas drillers to make public a complete list of chemicals they...

Baby Products BPA Ban Heads to CA Senate

Legislation to ban the toxic plastics chemical bisphenol A from baby bottles and sippy cups sold in California is moving to the California Senate floor.

Is the Chemical Industry Looking for Chemicals in People?

Only a scant number of chemical industry studies documenting Americans' exposures to industrial chemicals appear on public databases maintained by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and even...

EWG: Chair of Dept. of Energy Natural Gas Panel Must Step Down

During a public meeting of the Secretary of Energy's advisory board on natural gas extraction and hydraulic fracturing, the Environmental Working Group called on the panel's chairman to resign because...

WHO finds cell phone radiation possible carcinogen to humans

The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer announced today it has classified cell phone radiation as “possibly carcinogenic to humans,” based on an increased risk for...

Administration Releases Long Overdue Pesticide Data

The U.S. Department of Agriculture ignored the intense pressure from the produce and pesticide industry and released its extensive annual analysis of pesticide residues on fresh fruits and vegetables...

2011 Sunscreen Database Profiles 1,700 Products

Consumers can trust a slim 20 percent of the beach and sport sunscreens assessed for the 2011 sun season, according to Environmental Working Group's survey of over 1,700 sun products.

EWG Supporters Urge USDA to Stop Funding Pro-Pesticide Campaign with Taxpayer Dollars

The Environmental Working Group today will send the U.S. Department of Agriculture a petition signed by more than 50,000 EWG supporters who object to the department's grant of $180,000 to a California...

Colorado River Agencies Urge Caution on Uranium Mining Near Grand Canyon

Uranium mining near the Grand Canyon could have health impacts and erode trust in the safety of drinking water supplies for 26 million residents of Southern California, Nevada and Arizona, the region...

Administration Urged to Release New Pesticide Residue Data

For roughly two decades, the US Department of Agriculture has tested various fruits and vegetables for pesticide residues, usually making its findings available to the public in January. More than...

Administration Stacks Panel With Big Oil and Gas

The Obama administration panel named May 5 to study hydraulic fracturing, a natural gas drilling technique that injects thousands of gallons of chemical-laced water into the ground, is dominated by...

Nation’s Pediatricians Call on Congress to Protect Kids from Toxic Chemicals

U.S. pediatricians are putting their considerable muscle behind the calls for Congress to overhaul a failed federal law that has exposed millions of children, beginning in the womb, to an untold...

Prenatal Pesticide Exposure Linked to Diminished IQ

Arriving at stunningly similar conclusions, a trifecta of studies published today (April 21) have each shown a connection between prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides and diminished IQs in...

EWG Gives Skin Deep a Makeover

Skin Deep boasts a new look today, featuring smoother navigation, easier search functions and additional tips for consumers looking for information on the ingredients in their soap, deodorant...

Lautenberg Advances Bill to Protect Kids from Toxic Chemicals

In 2005, Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-N.J.) was the first lawmaker ever to offer a road map for fixing the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, which has allowed tens of thousands of toxic substances...

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