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Displaying 181 - 200 of 2147

EWG’s updated Farm Subsidy Database reveals $3.1B USDA transparency problem

A new Environmental Working Group analysis of its latest Farm Subsidy Database update shows the Department of Agriculture has become less transparent with disclosing federal farm subsidy payments...

EWG statement on proposed creation of a FDA deputy commissioner for human foods

Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf today proposed the creation of a deputy commissioner for human foods.

More rampant gas price gouging: Exxon reaps obscene $56 billion profit for 2022 on backs of hard-working Americans

ExxonMobil posted record windfall profits in 2022 of $56 billion, according to the oil giant’s fourth-quarter earnings report, released Tuesday. Hard-working Americans getting fleeced at the gas pump...

Gas gouging payday: Chevron announces record $35.5 billion profits for 2022

On Friday, California-based Chevron announced it made nearly $36 billion in record profits in 2022, more than double what the oil giant made the previous year.

NRC refuses PG&E request to resume review of Diablo Canyon nuclear plant extension

On Tuesday, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s technical staff refused a request by Pacific Gas & Electric, or PG&E, to resume reviewing a 2009 license renewal application for the aging Diablo...

EWG welcomes new FDA standards for toxic metals in baby foods

The following is a statement of Scott Faber, the Environmental Working Group’s senior vice president of government affairs, on the Food and Drug Administration’s announcement today of new standards...

EWG: ‘Urgency’ lacking from EPA plan to address ‘forever chemicals’ discharges

Today the Environmental Protection Agency released a plan for regulating wastewater pollution, including discharges of the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS. But the plan doesn’t reflect the urgent...

California lawmaker introduces bill to eliminate lead from school drinking water

California Assemblymember Chris Holden (D-Pasadena) on Wednesday introduced a bill aimed at removing all lead from drinking and cooking water used in schools, which would help protect young children...

By 2024, one-fourth of U.S. electricity will come from renewables: EIA

Electricity generation in the U.S. will cross a critical threshold some time this year or next, according to new government projections: One-fourth of the supply will start coming from solar, wind and...

Despite record $200 billion profit, Big Oil fights windfall taxes and fair gas price plan

The world’s largest oil companies raked in roughly $200 billion in global profits in 2022 and will likely be flush with similar returns this year, even as they fight talk of a windfall profits tax and...

EWG study: Eating one freshwater fish equals a month of drinking ‘forever chemicals’ water

A new study by Environmental Working Group scientists finds that consumption of just a single serving of freshwater fish per year could be equal to a month of drinking water laced with the “forever...

EWG urges California legislature to approve bill tackling Big Oil’s gas price ripoff gouging hard-working people at the pump

The Environmental Working Group is urging California’s legislature to approve Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan to end gas price gouging, saying it will send a message to the oil industry that its days of...

Updated DOD standards: Critical first step toward firefighting foam made without ‘forever chemicals’

Today the Department of Defense quietly released new requirements for the firefighting foam it uses to put out jet fuel fires. It marks a crucial step toward ending the use of foams containing the...

Environmental groups blow the whistle on state/PG&E illegal scheme to keep Diablo Canyon operating past license expiration dates

Today, San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace (SLOMFP), Friends of the Earth (FOE), and Environmental Working Group (EWG) filed a petition asserting that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) does not...

PG&E reports nuclear reactor welding leak at Diablo Canyon facility

Pacific Gas & Electric found damage to part of a reactor cooling system at the aging Diablo Canyon nuclear plant in California, but it hasn’t yet answered key questions about the extent of the problem...

EWG welcomes cosmetics law reforms in end-of-year spending bill

Congress today passed the first update since 1938 to the federal law regulating personal care products, with key cosmetics reform provisions included in must-pass end-of-year spending legislation...

SHOCKER: Big Oil caught lying to voters in signature drive to reverse drilling ban near schools, homes

People being paid to gather signatures for a California referendum to reverse a state law banning drilling near schools, homes and hospitals are using lies to lure unsuspecting residents to sign the...

Groups push agencies to buy only products free from ‘forever chemicals’

A year after President Joe Biden ordered federal agencies to steer their purchasing contracts away from products that contain the “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, a coalition of advocacy groups is...

Global polluter 3M pledges to stop manufacturing toxic ‘forever chemicals’

Today 3M announced that by the end of 2025 it will stop manufacturing the toxic "forever chemicals" known as PFAS and work to discontinue their uses, But it’s too little, too late, because 3M has...

PG&E asks California regulators to ‘recover’ $1.36B from ratepayers for cost of utility’s wildfires

Just days after Pacific Gas & Electric persuaded California regulators to back a calamitous plan that will tank the state’s popular rooftop solar program, the reviled utility is asking the same...
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