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Displaying 1821 - 1840 of 2147

House Hearing to Examine the Case For TSCA Reform

It is the federal law that industry loves and environmentalists love to hate, yet have been unable to reform since it was enacted a generation ago. But a congressional hearing convened today by Rep...

EWG Lauds Obama Pick for USDA’s No. 2 Job

Statement of Ken Cook President, Environmental Working Group Feburary 24, 2009 "President Obama and Agriculture Secretary Vilsack have done the public a great service by nominating Kathleen Merrigan...

NY State Admits Ignoring Threat to City’s Drinking Water

According to documents obtained by Environmental Working Group (EWG) through New York's Freedom of Information Law (FOIL), the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has not...

EWG Asks EPA Chief To Support Toxics Reform Bill

Environmental Working Group (EWG) President Ken Cook today urged Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson to support The Kid-Safe Chemicals Act, a proposed reform of U.S. toxic...

Lautenberg Assumes Powerful Committee Position With Oversight of Toxic Chemicals

Senator Frank R. Lautenberg, D-NJ, one of the U.S. Senate's most influential advocates for children's health has assumed the chair of the Environment and Public Works subcommittee charged with...

Bush Handed DuPont Goodbye Gift Over Toxic Teflon Chemical

In the last weeks of the Bush administration, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) quietly handed DuPont Co. a three-year extension to complete tests mandated by a 2005 legal settlement on a...

EWG: Lipstick Chemicals Declared Toxic by Canadian Gov’t

While it's common to see lipstick sales jump during an economic recession, the current global financial crisis may not produce the same result in Canada where the government today declared two...

UCLA study: U.S. Women at Greater Risk from Teflon Chemical

A major new study published yesterday in Human Reproduction, a European reproductive medicine journal, has found that pregnant women and women of child-bearing age in the United States are at greater...

Making a Difference

There is no question that America faces an environmental and energy crisis. Today the American Wind Energy Association reports that Iowa has the second-greatest wind energy generating capacity, topped...

EWG: Nadler Mass Transit Amendment Right on the Money

New York Congressman Jerrold Nadler's amendment to the House version of the stimulus package would boost federal investment in much-needed mass transit to $12 billion and make a major contribution to...

Economic Stimulus Legislation to Save Our Environment and the Economy

The stimulus package devised by President Barack Obama and Congressional leaders - the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan (ARRP) - wisely proposes to channel hundreds of billions of dollars to...

Is the Era of Mining Company Giveaways Over?

The antiquated 1872 Mining Law, a relic of America's westward expansion, has fought off many attempts at reform. Currently hardrock mining companies, many of them foreign, pay no royalties for the...

GAO Calls Reform of Federal Toxics Policy a ‘Top Priority’

In its 2009 ‘High Risk' priority list released yesterday, the General Accountability Office (GAO) has issued a blistering indictment of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Bush-era lapses from...

Bush Moves to Okay Toxic Teflon Pollution in Tap Water

In its final days, the Bush administration appears poised to issue an emergency health advisory for tap water polluted with the toxic Teflon chemical PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) effectively allowing...

Bush EPA Shirks Responsibility Over Perchlorate Contamination

WASHINGTON –- In a last-ditch effort to avoid regulating widespread perchlorate contamination of drinking water, the Bush Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is calling for yet another blue-ribbon...

America Needs a True Renewable Energy Policy

The blind rush by lawmakers to embrace the failed promise of current conventional biofuels has led to growing skepticism in the environmental community that even the much touted next-generation...

Ethanol’s Federal Subsidy Grab

As Congress and the incoming Obama administration plan the nation's next major investments in green energy, they need to take a hard, clear-eyed look at Department of Energy data documenting corn...

Lighten Up In 2009

An EWG investigation called “Lighten Up in ‘09” has identified seven compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulb lines that trump the rest, with much lower levels of the toxic chemical mercury and lifespans...

Time for Ethanol to Stand on Its Own

There is a growing consensus in the environmental community that federal government subsidies and mandates for corn-based ethanol have produced unintended, yet potentially catastrophic environmental...

Mercury Mischief at FDA

Documents obtained by EWG show that officials at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are pressing to reverse the agency's current recommendations that pregnant women and children limit their...
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