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Displaying 1901 - 1920 of 2147

Canada Moves Toward BPA Ban; Wal-Mart Will Pull All BPA-Laced Items

A day after the world's largest retailer announced plans to pull all products containing the toxic chemical BPA from store shelves, Canada began moving forward with a total ban of the toxic chemical.

Polluted Pets

In the first study of its kind, Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that companion cats and dogs are polluted with even higher levels of many of the same synthetic industrial chemicals that...

Federal Health Agency Reverses Course, Increases Concern Over Toxic Infant Formula Contaminant

In a dramatic development, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) raised concerns that the toxic plastics chemical known as Bisphenol A (BPA) may be linked to a number of serious reproductive and...

In Recession, Big Bucks for Big Farms

Over the next few weeks, some American couples will get $1,200 of their own money back from Washington. This is the maximum, one-time tax rebate Congress provided last February in their desperate...

Mining Threats to Grand Canyon and Crested Butte Halted

As pressure mounts to overhaul the antiquated 1872 Mining Law, two high-profile mining operations have come to a halt - one along the south rim of the Grand Canyon, and the other right above the...

Congress Threatens FDA With Subpoenas on Approval of Baby Formula Contaminant

Late yesterday the two top investigators from the House Committee with oversight of FDA threatened subpoenas if information detailing FDA's decision allowing the toxic chemical BPA in infant formula...

EPA Convenes Panel To Strip Safety Standards That Protect Kids From Cancer-Causing Chemicals

Three weeks after the launch of a major Congressional investigation into conflicts of interest compromising EPA expert review panels and the revelation that EPA, at the request of the chemical...

Congress to Chemical Industry: You’re Under Investigation

The powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee today launched a landmark investigation into the chemical industry lobby group, The American Chemistry Council (ACC). In a letter to ACC President Jack...

CDC: Americans Carry ‘Body Burden’ of Toxic Sunscreen Chemical

The bodies of nearly all Americans are contaminated with a sunscreen chemical that has been linked to allergies, hormone disruption, and cell damage, according to a new study from the Centers for...

FDA Cites Discredited Industry Science in Justifying High Levels of Contaminants in Infant Formula

In response to a congressional inquiry, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) admitted that it based its determination that current levels of BPA exposure pose no health risks on two studies...

Dingell, Stupak Investigating Corruption of Science Panels at EPA

Two powerful chairmen of the House committee that oversees the EPA are launching an investigation into the chemical industry's undue influence on Agency panels that recommend critical public health...

The New West: Mine Claims Crowd Booming Cities

Soaring prices for gold, copper, and uranium have sparked an explosion of mining claims that are encroaching on booming cities, sprawling suburbs, small towns and rural recreation havens throughout...

Caving to Industry Pressure, EPA Fires Chair of Chemical Panel

Under pressure from chemical industry lobbyists, the Bush Administration fired the chair of an expert science panel at the Environmental Protection Agency that was evaluating the safety of a...

Study Shows Infants Exposed to Reproductive Toxins from Shampoo, Lotion, and Powder

EWG's response to a study appearing today in the journal Pediatrics showing for the first time that infants are exposed to potent reproductive toxins called phthalates from everyday baby products...

Major Infant Bottled Water Company Provides Parents with Misleading & False Information About Benefits of Fluoridated Water

One of the nation's biggest infant bottle water companies – Nursery Water - is misleading parents with erroneous information on its website and advertising materials touting the safety and benefits of...

Government Report Focuses on Agriculture as 'Dead Zone' Culprit

Today the USGS released findings that show agricultural practices in 9 states contribute 75% of the nitrogen and phosphorous pollution to the “Dead Zone” in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. Currently, the...

Uranium Mining Operations Near South Rim of Grand Canyon Approved

In an ominous move that threatens the integrity of the nation's most iconic natural treasure, the Forest Service has approved drilling for uranium at as many as 39 sites near the south rim of the...

Congressional Demands Follow on Heels of EWG Study Showing Widespread Use of the Toxic Chemical BPA in Formula Cans

Following an analysis by Environmental Working Group (EWG) that found that all infant formula manufacturers in the U.S. are using the toxic chemical Bisphenol-A (BPA) in their formula containers...

Gov’t Study Shows Millions of Two-Year Olds Exposed To Dangerous Levels of Rocket Fuel Through Food and Water

A recent study by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that three quarters of 285 commonly consumed foods and beverages are contaminated with perchlorate, a toxic rocket fuel ingredient.

Bush Administration Should Stop Foot Dragging and Finish National Workplace Exposure Study for Nurses

In a letter sent today, Environmental Working Group (EWG) Executive Director Richard Wiles urged lawmakers to call on the Bush administration to stop its almost seven years of foot dragging and move...

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