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Displaying 221 - 240 of 345

Pruitt's EPA Agenda: Steak Dinners and Golf With Polluters, Little Time for Enviro Groups

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's schedule reveals a troublingly cozy relationship with top executives and lobbyists for big coal, mining, chemical and oil companies, but scorn for...

Trump’s Plan to Prop Up Coal and Nukes Would Drive Up Utility Bills

Millions of Americans could see their monthly electricity bills increase under the Trump administration's proposal to prop up the dying, dirty and dangerous coal and nuclear power industries, said EWG...

EWG: By Pulling Out of Paris Climate Pact, Trump Ignores 'Moral Responsibility'

By pulling the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement, President Trump will abdicate his responsibility as leader of the most powerful country in the world, to help fight the looming catastrophe of...

Trump Rollback of Clean Power Plan Means More Childhood Asthma, Premature Deaths

President Trump's rollback of the Clean Power Plan is not just a foolish failure of leadership on climate change, but another attack on public health that will trigger more asthma attacks among...

Okla. Leaders Refute Pruitt’s Claims of Environmental Enforcement, Senators Demand Truth from EPA Nominee

Oklahoma environmental advocates and attorneys met yesterday with members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee to strongly refute Scott Pruitt's claims that he advanced pollution...

Picking Pruitt for EPA, Trump Signals Campaign Attacks Against Public Health Will Become Policy

The nation's public health protection laws, including those in place to reduce pollution in our air, land and water, will be under withering assault with President-elect Donald Trump's apparent pick...

Boost in Corn Ethanol is Wrong Choice for Clean Air and Land Use

The Obama Administration's proposal to increase the mandate for dirty corn ethanol in gasoline will make air pollution worse and push farmers to grow corn for fuel instead of food, EWG said.

Obama Administration Ethanol Proposal A “Missed Opportunity” for Climate

The Obama Administration's unprecedented decision today, lowering the amount of corn ethanol that refiners must add to gasoline, misses an opportunity to go even further and pave the way for second...

EWG Lauds Rep. Welch as Champion of Green Biofuels

The corn ethanol industry's attacks on Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) over his efforts to reform federal biofuels policies are “completely outrageous and smack of desperation,” says Scott Faber, EWG's...

Cleaner Biofuels: Alternatives to Corn Ethanol Would Cut Carbon Emissions

Compared to dirty corn ethanol, biofuels from next-generation feedstocks could greatly reduce carbon emissions that contribute to climate change, according to a new report by EWG and University of...

EWG Deconstructs California’s Toxic Fracking Recipe

The fluids used for hydraulic fracturing in California oil wells contain dozens of hazardous chemicals linked to cancer, hormone disruption and reproductive system damage, according to a new report by...

Congress Needs to Reform the Broken Renewable Fuel Standard

The Obama administration today released proposals for the amount of biofuels required to be blended into gasoline for 2014, 2015, and 2016 under the Renewable Fuel Standard.

Alarming New Study Could Be First of Many Signs That Fracking Threatens Drinking Water

A new study published today that found a chemical used in hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in Pennsylvania drinking water is more evidence this this type of oil and gas drilling could continue to...

New Industry-Friendly Fracking Rules Fall Short

The Obama Administration's new hydraulic fracturing rules, released Friday, leave too much control in the hands of the oil and gas industry, particularly when it comes to public disclosure of the...

California’s Fracking Wastewater Full of Toxic Chemicals

The recent discovery of high levels of benzene in wastewater from oil and gas fracking operations in California turns out to be just the tip of the iceberg. An extensive review of a year-old state...

EWG Thanks President Obama for Vetoing the Destructive Keystone XL Pipeline

WASHINGTON – President Obama's veto of the Keystone XL bill shows he stands for national policies that invest in clean renewable energy and that he understands the destructive impact this project...

Corn Ethanol Mandate Must Go: Senate Bill Gets It Right

Legislation introduced in the U.S. Senate today would drastically curtail the serious environmental damage inflicted by corn ethanol production, the Environmental Working Group said in a statement.

Latest Train Derailment Demonstrates Renewable Energy Needed to Protect Water and Environment

EWG Executive Director Heather White said today that Monday's West Virginia oil spill and explosion shows that it's absolutely critical for the U.S. to reduce its dependence on oil and base our future...

Bill Would Pave Way For Greener Biofuels

Bipartisan legislation introduced today to eliminate the federal requirement to blend corn ethanol into gasoline would help pave the way for greener biofuels and lessen the burden on the environment...

EWG Applauds Senators’ Move to Eliminate Federal Support for Corn Ethanol

An amendment filed today by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Pat Toomey (R-Penn.) to repeal the federal corn ethanol mandate would make room to develop greener advanced fuels for American cars...

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