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Displaying 281 - 300 of 345

Cuomo Administration Failure to Disclose Drilling Documents Prompts EWG Lawsuit

The Environmental Working Group Monday sued the administration of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo for documents that would show how the state has drafted its plan to permit high volume hydraulic fracturing...

New Fuel Economy Rules Move Toward A Clean Energy Future, Save Money

“The Obama administration's new fuel economy rules may not have as much impact for technology as the NASA "Curiosity" Rover on Mars, but they're a close second,” Heather White, Environmental Working...

Ethanol Blend Ruling Bad for American Consumers and the Environment

Statement from Environmental Working Group Vice-President for Government Affairs Scott Faber on today's DC circuit court rejection of multiple challenges to the Environmental Protection Agency's...

One Million Americans to Fight Industry Efforts to Kill Clean Energy Agenda

Fed up with the undue influence of the energy companies, utilities, lobbyists and other interests that are making it impossible for Washington to move forward decisively in achieving America's clean...

Survey: Strong Bipartisan Support Seen For Shift To Cleaner Energy

The common wisdom is wrong: There is no political "fault line" that divides Americans along party lines when it comes to clean energy issues and solutions.

Domestic Fuels Protection Act Will Shift Cost to Consumers, Taxpayers

The Domestic Fuels Protection Act of 2012 (H.R. 4345) and its companion bill, the Domestic Fuels Act of 2012 (S.2264) would create a broad exemption from liability for a number of favored interests...

Grand Canyon, Colorado River Protected from New Uranium Mining

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's decision to bar new uranium mining claims on 1 million acres around the Grand Canyon marks a decisive victory for efforts to protect the iconic national park and the...

EPA Moves to Limit Mercury Emissions

The federal Environmental Protection Agency pressed ahead today in its effort to reduce Americans' exposure to hazardous chemicals, announcing a long-awaited new standard to reduce the amount of...

Corn Lobby Offers Flawed Data To Deflect Blame for Dead Zone

A new study released today by the US Geological Survey shows that efforts to reduce nitrate levels in the Mississippi River Basin are having little impact. Nitrates come mostly from the over...

EPA Misfires on New Misfueling Rule

For three decades, the politically well-connected corn ethanol industry has been able to harness government support without much thought to the fuel's harm to health, the environment and engines...

Grand Canyon and Colorado River Temporarily Protected from Uranium Mining

The Obama administration today took an emergency measure to bar new mining claims on a 1-million-acre area around the Grand Canyon until December. At that time, administration officials indicated they...

Senate Votes To End Thirty-Three-Year-Old Ethanol Subsidies

The U.S. Senate voted today 73 to 27 to repeal the ethanol tax credit and ethanol tariff. This historic vote, which came on an amendment to S. 782, the Economic Development Revitalization Act...

Conflict at the Canyon

The Obama administration's imminent decision on the future of uranium mining near the Grand Canyon could be swayed by the analysis of a mining industry consultant who stands to reap hundreds of...

EWG Seeks Energy Department Records About Fracking Panel Composition

Environmental Working Group (EWG) filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the U.S. Department of Energy today to uncover why the Obama Administration stacked a panel investigating oil and gas...

Senators Target Ethanol Tax Credit

A deal brokered by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), John Thune (R-S.D.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) to end tax credits and tariffs that subsidize the U.S. ethanol industry is a step in the right...

Fracking Disclosure Bill Advances in California State Legislature

The California State Assembly has passed legislation sponsored by Environmental Working Group and Earthworks to require oil and natural gas drillers to make public a complete list of chemicals they...

EWG: Chair of Dept. of Energy Natural Gas Panel Must Step Down

During a public meeting of the Secretary of Energy's advisory board on natural gas extraction and hydraulic fracturing, the Environmental Working Group called on the panel's chairman to resign because...

Colorado River Agencies Urge Caution on Uranium Mining Near Grand Canyon

Uranium mining near the Grand Canyon could have health impacts and erode trust in the safety of drinking water supplies for 26 million residents of Southern California, Nevada and Arizona, the region...

New Map Reveals Hot Spots in Emerging Global Food Crisis

Volatile food markets and food insecurity contributed to the civic unrest that recently brought down Egypt's president. To better understand the unfolding reality of global food price volatility...

EWG Fans More Than One Million Strong

Since 2006, Environmental Working Group has been building an email list of engaged consumers who sign up to get regular alerts about our latest research and practical tips to help them keep their...
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