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Displaying 341 - 345 of 345

Investigation Shows That Despite Claims, Oil And Gas Industry Has Had Wide Access To The West

The oil and gas industry and federal officials repeatedly claim that environmental protections have blocked their access to Western lands and hurt efforts to reduce dependence on foreign sources of...

Above the Law: How California's Big Air Polluters Get Away With It

Refineries, power plants and other large industrial facilities in California that violate clean air laws typically pay penalties lower than what an SUV driver may legally be fined for a smog violation...

Website Reveals Size, Scope and Locations of Utah Public Land Giveaways To Oil and Gas Companies

Today 5,000 acres of environmentally sensitive public land in Utah face permanent loss of protection at taxpayer-subsidized auction. A new computer investigation of federal data by the Environmental...

Do As We Say, Not As We Do: Utilities Preach Conservation, Cut Consumer Efficiency Programs

In the five years before electricity deregulation, California utilities cut funding in half for programs that save energy, save customers money, and help save the environment.

News Release

By cutting energy efficiency programs almost in half, electric utilities are sticking consumers with bigger electric bills and dirty air, concludes Unplugged, a new study by the Environmental Working...
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