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Displaying 141 - 160 of 345

After the Pipeline’s Death, Will Duke Energy Shift From Gas to Renewables?

Last month, the soaring costs and dim future of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline forced Duke Energy and Dominion Energy to cancel the $8 billion project.

Good/Bad News: Feds Save Rooftop Solar, Gut Law Boosting Small-Scale Renewables

Federal energy regulators dealt big electric utilities a big blow today, dismissing a bid by an industry front group that could have ended payments from utilities to rooftop solar customers. At the...

Report: Duke Energy Policies Consistently Harm Low-Income Customers

Duke Energy, the nation's largest investor-owned electric utility, claims to make affordability, efficiency and access to renewable energy for its low-income customers a priority. But an investigation...

Renewables Outpace Coal in U.S. Energy Consumption for First Time Since 1885

After a 134-year reign as the leading energy source in the U.S., King Coal has been toppled from the throne, replaced by wind, solar and other renewables.

Duke Energy Demands Indiana Households and Companies Pay for Electricity Not Used During Pandemic

Duke Energy, the biggest investor-owned power utility in the country, is asking Indiana regulators to force the state's residents and companies to pay for electricity they have not used due to the...

Public Interest Groups Unite To Form Duke Energy Watchdog

A coalition of public interest, social justice, watchdog and environmental groups are joining forces to hold Duke Energy, the largest investor-owned U.S. electric utility, accountable for its policies...

Trump EPA to Ease Limits on Mercury Emissions From Coal Plants

Despite bipartisan opposition in Congress, and from environmentalists and the entire electric utility industry, the Environmental Protection Agency today is expected to dramatically weaken federal air...

Automakers Backing Trump’s Gutting of Pollution Rules Are Complicit in Harm to Health and Climate

When the economy recovers and Americans go car shopping, they should shun automakers who broke their promises by supporting President Trump's gutting of air pollution rules, the Environmental Working...

Trump Rollback of Auto Emissions Standards = 1 Billion More Tons of Air Pollution

Today the Trump administration is set to release a final rule rolling back auto fuel efficiency standards, which will let cars and light trucks emit 1 billion more tons, or more, of carbon pollution...

Negative Energy: Senate Bill Would End Tax Credits for Renewables and EVs, But Boost Coal, Gas and Nukes

The Senate is likely to pass legislation that would fail to extend tax credits for renewable energy and electric vehicles but does include financial incentives for coal, natural gas and nuclear power...

National Consumer, Environmental Groups Urge Indiana Lawmakers To Reject Coal Bailout Bill

A coalition of leading national environmental and consumer protection groups today called on state lawmakers in Indiana to scrap legislation that would make it difficult for electric utilities to...

‘Why Not Whale Oil?’

The coal industry is pushing a bill in the Indiana legislature to make it harder for utilities to close dirty, money-losing coal plants.

Report: Coal-Power Plant Closures Near Record High Under Trump

If the pace of U.S. coal-fired power plant closures in 2019 continues throughout 2020, more plants will have shut down during President Trump's first term than during President Obama's second term...

Duke Energy Paid Less Than Zero in Federal Taxes

The nation's largest investor-owned electric utility – which is seeking huge customer rate hikes, making puny investments in renewable energy and emitting vast amounts of pollution that worsen the...

EPA Chief Promises Year of ‘Progress’ To Mark Agency’s 50th Anniversary

To mark the Environmental Protection Agency's 50th anniversary, agency chief Andrew Wheeler has announced plans for a year-long celebration, promising “to build on our progress for future generations”...

House Democrats Push To Expand, Extend Renewable Energy Tax Credits

Democratic members of the House Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday released details of a legislative proposal to extend and expand federal tax incentives designed to combat climate change by further...

Trump EPA Rolls Back Coal-Fired Power Plant Waste Rule

On Monday, the Trump Environmental Protection Agency announced plans to roll back regulations on how coal-fired power plants store coal ash waste and dispose of industrial water contaminated with...

Coal Giant With Close Ties to Trump Files for Bankruptcy

The death spiral of the U.S. coal industry claimed its latest victim, as the nation's largest private coal mining company, with close ties to President Trump, filed for bankruptcy today.

Coal Behemoth With Close Ties to Trump Nears Financial Default

The mining company of President Trump's favorite coal boss is in danger of financial default – another sign of the death spiral of the dirtiest fossil fuel, despite the president's hollow promise to...

Duke Energy’s Renewables Pledge Falls Short

The proposal announced today by Duke Energy, claiming the nation's largest investor-owned electric utility aims to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, is far from a serious commitment to...

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