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Displaying 181 - 200 of 345

EPA's Wheeler: Climate Change 'Not the Greatest Crisis'

Andrew Wheeler, acting chief of the Environmental Protection Agency, told a Senate confirmation hearing Wednesday that he doesn't consider climate change “the greatest crisis” facing the nation but...

EPA’s Criminal Enforcement Against Polluters Plummets Under Trump

Under President Trump and Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler, the Environmental Protection Agency has cut back criminal action against polluters to the lowest levels since the Reagan administration...

Trump Nominates Ex-Coal Lobbyist, Andrew Wheeler, To Head EPA

President Trump today officially nominated Andrew Wheeler, a former top lobbyist for the coal and chemical industries, to head the Environmental Protection Agency.

Mining Industry Pro on Trump’s Promises To Bring Back Coal: ‘He’s Lying’

For more than 50 years, Art Sullivan has worked as a coal miner, mine manager and industry consultant in the U.S. and around the world. When CNN asked him about President Trump's promises to miners...

FERC Nominee Who Slammed Renewable Energy, Pushed Coal Bailout Narrowly Passes Senate

The Senate today narrowly approved President Trump's nominee for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission who has openly criticized renewable energy and played a key role in the administration's...

Trump EPA To Scale Back Climate Rule To Pave Way for More Coal Plants

The Environmental Protection Agency will repeal an Obama-era climate change regulation requiring coal-fired power plants to install technology that captures carbon dioxide emissions, according to...

U.S. Coal Consumption Plummets to 40 Year Low

Total U.S. coal consumption is expected to fall to its lowest level in nearly 40 years, according to a report by the federal Energy Information Agency.

Coal Boss Who Pushed for Industry Bailout Doubts Trump Will Deliver

A top coal executive who pushed the Trump administration for a bailout that would cost consumers billions of dollars a year admitted the president probably won't be able to keep his campaign pledge to...

White House Doubles Down on Dismissal of Climate Report: ‘Not Based on Facts’

Now we know why President Trump doesn't believe the dire climate change report issued by his own administration last week. Trump's press secretary says the report is “not based on facts.”

Trump on Federal Climate Report: ‘I Don’t Believe It’

President Trump doesn't believe the alarming climate change report by more than 300 scientists in 13 agencies in his own administration.

Is EPA’s Climate Change Website Gone for Good?

The section of the Environmental Protection Agency's website that linked human activity, fossil fuels and carbon dioxide to climate change seems to have disappeared for good.

White House Drops Scheme to Bail Out Coal, Nukes

The White House has reportedly shelved a plan by Energy Secretary Rick Perry to prop up the failing coal and nuclear industries by making operators of regional electric grids buy power from aging coal...

Senate Approves Trump Climate Skeptic To Run Environmental Enforcement at Justice Dept.

A climate change skeptic who once labeled President Obama's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions a communist plot is now the nation's top environmental enforcement official.

EPA Watchdog Investigating Potential Enforcement Failure of Critical Pollution Monitoring Program

The Environmental Protection Agency's internal watchdog is launching an investigation over whether the agency has failed to enforce a critical program that tracks toxic spills into the environment.

White House Strikes Discussion of Impacts of Climate Change on Children’s Health from Draft EPA Rule

The White House removed key language documenting the heightened risks climate change presents to children from a draft EPA proposal to repeal a rule to reduce heat-trapping chemicals leaking into the...

Trump’s EPA Plans to Gut Rules That Have Sharply Cut Mercury Pollution

In yet another rollback of public health protections, the Trump administration is preparing to gut a rule that has dramatically cut emissions of mercury, a toxic chemical known to harm the nervous...

Even the Trump Administration Predicts Catastrophic Rise in Global Temperatures by 2100 – and Says It’s Useless to Try to Stop It

The Trump administration, led by a president who called climate change a hoax and is gutting efforts to cut carbon emissions, predicts global temperatures will rise catastrophically by the end of the...

EPA Watchdog Blasts Former Agency Chief Scott Pruitt Over Spending on Security

oday, the Environmental Protection Agency's inspector general released a scathing account of the abuses of taxpayer money by former agency head Scott Pruitt, who resigned in disgrace after a scandal...

Trump’s Scheme to Repeal Clean Power Plan Means More Kids with Asthma, More Early Deaths, Dirtier Air

President Trump's plan to let states regulate air pollution from coal-fired power plants would mean more children suffering from asthma, more Americans dying early deaths, and only miniscule reduction...

Senate Confirms Top Coal, Chemical Lobbyist for No. 2 EPA Post

Senate confirms top lobbyist for the coal and chemical industries as Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Photo courtesy of U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public...

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