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Displaying 1 - 20 of 103

Soaring PG&E fire ignitions show utility’s ongoing threat to California communities

Pacific Gas & Electric Company has already caused 62 fire ignitions in high-risk areas this year – nearly surpassing the 65 ignitions for all of 2023, the Wall Street Journal reports. It shows the...

California utility officials grant PG&E bid to bilk ratepayers $1B for headquarters move

The California Public Utilities Commission, or CPUC, today rubber-stamped Pacific Gas & Electric’s plan to dump onto its captive customers the $1 billion cost of moving its headquarters.

PG&E costs soar to almost $12B for keeping Diablo Canyon nuclear plant online through 2030

SAN FRANCISCO – Even in an industry notorious for wildly underestimating costs, California utility Pacific Gas & Electric may be setting a new standard with its latest price tag of almost $12 billion...

California consumer advocates call on lawmakers to stop utility tax hike on working families, retirees

Working families, retirees, disabled individuals and millions of others living in apartments or small homes in the state will face steeper monthly electricity bills if a proposed utility tax takes...

Fight to save rooftop solar in California heads to state Supreme Court

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – The fight to save California’s rooftop solar program now heads to the state Supreme Court, after it issued a rare decision to hear the appeal of a case that will determine the...

Over 240 California community organizations unite against proposed utility tax raising electricity bills for millions of working families

SACRAMENTO – Across California, more than 240 community organizations and leaders are joining together in the Stop the Big Utility Tax coalition to fight a proposal that would hike electricity bills...

300+ solar workers and supporters rally in support of solar energy and urge Sacramento to keep California a solar state

SACRAMENTO – Solar workers traveled to the state Capital on Wednesday to rally in support of solar energy, calling on lawmakers to keep California a solar state.

PG&E profits soar, fueled by struggling ratepayers’ sky-high bills

Reviled utility Pacific Gas & Electric reported a staggering surge in profits of almost 25 percent for 2023 to an outrageous $2.24 billion, at the expense of captive Californians who were forced to...

EWG applauds bill to repeal unjust ‘electric utility tax’ on overburdened California ratepayers

Today California Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) introduced a bill to repeal legislative language that requires state utility regulators to enact an “electric tax” on ratepayers who are...

PG&E sneaks in last-minute rate hike request to California regulators on final business day of 2023

Reviled California utility Pacific Gas & Electric used the last business day of 2023 to slip in an eleventh-hour request for state regulators to approve a whopping 13 percent rate increase for its...

California regulators greenlight PG&E bid to extend aging Diablo Canyon nuclear plant’s life

California regulators today granted Pacific Gas & Electric’s misguided and dangerous request to extend the operation of its aging Diablo Canyon nuclear plant five years beyond the originally scheduled...

Clean energy advocates challenge in court North Carolina’s cuts to rooftop solar incentives pushed by Duke Energy

A coalition of clean energy advocates has filed an appeal with the North Carolina Court of Appeals, contending that the state’s electric utility regulators violated state law when they approved Duke...

California ratepayers could pay $45B or more to prolong Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant’s life, EWG finds

California ratepayers might have to foot a staggering $45 billion-plus cost to keep the aging Pacific Gas & Electric, or PG&E, Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant online beyond its slated 2025 closure...

EWG applauds Biden EPA’s historic $7B investment in low-income residential solar

The Environmental Protection Agency today announced a $7 billion Solar for All competitive grant program to help low-income communities across the U.S. install residential solar panels.

North Carolina Senate passes bill to waste billions on nuclear power plants over vital renewables

On Wednesday, North Carolina’s Senate approved a bill that would allow Duke Energy to spend potentially billions on more unneeded nuclear power plants, including hundreds of millions on technology...

Top federal nuclear regulator pressed about earthquake risks to Diablo Canyon power plant

On Wednesday, the chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission pledged to review the seismic risks for California’s Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant as the NRC moves ahead with Pacific Gas &...

EWG applauds deal between Gov. Newsom, legislative leaders to hold Big Oil accountable for future gas price gouging

Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom and leaders from the state legislature have announced a deal to hold big oil refiners accountable for future gas price gouging, like the outrageous windfall profits the...

Feds cave to PG&E over license exemption for aging Diablo Canyon nuclear plant

Ignoring long-standing precedents, statutes and regulations, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission today gave Pacific Gas & Electric the green light to operate California’s last remaining nuclear plant...

Gas gouging payday: Chevron announces record $35.5 billion profits for 2022

On Friday, California-based Chevron announced it made nearly $36 billion in record profits in 2022, more than double what the oil giant made the previous year.

NRC refuses PG&E request to resume review of Diablo Canyon nuclear plant extension

On Tuesday, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s technical staff refused a request by Pacific Gas & Electric, or PG&E, to resume reviewing a 2009 license renewal application for the aging Diablo...
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