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Displaying 241 - 260 of 351

White House May Adopt PFAS Cleanup Level 10x Higher Than CDC Deems Safe

In its guidelines for addressing cleanup of groundwater and military and industrial sites contaminated with toxic fluorinated chemicals, the Environmental Protection Agency is recommending a limit 10...

Trump Plan To Protect Kids from Lead Falls Far Short

The long-awaited plan by the Trump administration to “wage a war against lead” and protect children from exposure to the potent neurotoxin is a woefully unacceptable response to this public health...

Congress Passes Measure To Dramatically Restrict Major Source of PFAS Contamination in Drinking Water

Congress passed legislation Wednesday that will give commercial airports the option to switch to firefighting foams that do not include the highly toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS.

EWG Report: Small Rural Communities Bear Costly Burden of Nitrate Pollution of Tap Water

Tap water across the nation is contaminated with an agricultural pollutant linked to cancer, and the problem is worst in small communities that can least afford to fix it, according to a new EWG...

Calif. Lawmakers Send Gov. Brown Sweeping Blueprint to Protect Children and Workers from Lead Exposure

With overwhelming bipartisan support, state lawmakers have sent Gov. Jerry Brown a suite of landmark proposals to safeguard Californians, from preschool to the workplace, from lead.

Sen. Udall Joins Citizens From Across U.S. to Denounce EPA Delay on TCE Bans

On Wednesday, Sen. Tom Udall, D-N.M., will join Americans impacted by the industrial solvent trichloroethylene, or TCE, to demand that the Environmental Protection Agency carry out proposed bans on...

Notorious Cancer-Causing Solvent TCE Taints Tap Water for 14 Million Americans

Tap water supplies for more than 14 million Americans are contaminated with a cancer-causing industrial solvent made notorious by the book and film “A Civil Action,” according to an Environmental...

EPA Watchdog Slams Agency’s Response to Flint Tap Water Crisis

The Environmental Protection Agency failed to respond quickly and forcefully enough to the crisis of lead in the tap water of Flint, Mich., in 2014, the agency's inspector general said in a report...

More Than 40 Percent of U.S. Schools Fail to Test for Lead in Drinking Water

Despite heightened concern in recent years about lead in drinking water, a troubling new report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that more than 40 percent of the nation's schools...

Federal Watchdog: More Than a Third of Schools Tested Have ‘Elevated Levels’ of Lead in Drinking Water

A troubling new report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that more than a third of the nation's schools that tested their water for lead found “elevated levels” of the neurotoxin. But...

HHS Releases ‘Nightmare’ PFAS Chemical Study Suppressed by Scott Pruitt, White House

A government report released today – which was suppressed by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Defense and the White House for fear it would cause a “public relations nightmare” –...

Across U.S., Toxic Algal Blooms Threaten Lakes and Other Waterways

Across the U.S., a growing epidemic of toxic algal blooms is polluting lakes and other waterways, according to a new report by the Environmental Working Group.

170 Million Americans Drink Radioactive Tap Water

Drinking water for more than 170 million Americans in all 50 states contains radioactive elements that may increase the risk of cancer, according to an EWG investigation released today.

Des Moines Just the Tip of the Iceberg for Iowa’s Nitrate-Contaminated Tap Water

In 2015, Des Moines Water Works sued upstream counties to reduce manure and fertilizer runoff into the city's drinking water supply, drawing attention to nitrate pollution. But nitrate contaminates...

After Industry Protest, EPA Chief Scraps Plan To Cut Discharges of Lead, Arsenic and Other Poisons into Drinking Water Sources

In the face of opposition by the power industry, Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt is planning to scrap an Obama-era rule to curb discharges of lead, arsenic and mercury from power...

EWG’s Nationwide Tap Water Transparency Report is Here: New Database Details Pollutants in Virtually All U.S. Public Water Systems

Starting today, the vast majority of Americans can learn about every potentially harmful chemical in their drinking water and what scientists say are the safe levels of those contaminants. EWG's new...

Trump's EPA Proposes Rule That Puts Drinking Water for 117 Million at Risk

The Environmental Protection Agency announced its plans today to repeal the Clean Water Rule, advancing the Trump administration's agenda to give industry and agribusiness free rein to pollute the...

Trump’s EPA Solicits Ideas on How Polluters Can Attack Water Protections

The Trump administration is holding a meeting next week to look for ways to let polluters dump more toxic contaminants into the nation's drinking water. Americans who want clean water can also try to...

Report: Shell and Dow Hid Cancer-Causing 'Garbage' in Pesticide, Contaminating Drinking Water for Millions in California

For decades, Shell and Dow hid a highly potent cancer-causing chemical in two widely used pesticides, contaminating drinking water for millions of people in California and beyond, according to...

In Wake of N.C. Chrom-6 Scandal, EWG, Brockovich Call for Action by EPA

As news about North Carolina's governor and his administration downplaying the risks of drinking water contaminated with hexavalent chromium unfolds, two leading environmental health advocates are...

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