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Displaying 321 - 340 of 351

Harvard Study: Strong Link Between Fluoridated Water and Bone Cancer in Boys

Boys who drink water with levels of fluoride considered safe by federal guidelines are five times more likely to have a rare bone cancer than boys who drink unfluoridated water, according to a study...

National Academy Calls for Lowering Fluoride Limits in Tap Water

National Academy of Sciences report calls for lowering fluoride levels in drinking water.

White House Delays Release of Study Showing Toxic Rocket Fuel in Most Americans

Following a published report that the Bush Administration is holding up a study that shows most Americans carry a toxic rocket fuel chemical in their bodies at levels close to federal safety limits...

ChemRisk's Los Alamos Contract Questioned

Los Alamos Lab contractor caught in scientific fraud: work on chromium contamination conflicts with ties to polluters.

Chrome-Plated Fraud: Scientific Integrity and Chromium Toxicity

A consulting firm hired by Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) to fight the "Erin Brockovich" lawsuit distorted data from a Chinese study to plant an article in a scientific journal reversing the study...

EPA Fines Teflon Maker DuPont for Chemical Cover-Up

Today the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it will fine Teflon maker DuPont $16.5 million for two decades' worth of covering up company studies that showed it was polluting drinking...

Environmental groups petition EPA to retract fluoride pesticide tolerances on food

EWG, Beyond Pesticides and Fluoride Action Network challenge the safety of new food tolerances issued by the EPA for the fluoride-based pesticide, sulfuryl fluoride.

EPA Draft Says MTBE a 'Likely' Cause of Cancer

A EPA draft risk assessment says MTBE, the gasoline additive that has contaminated drinking water in at least 29 states, is a "likely" human carcinogen, according to agency sources.

EWG Petitions Government to Evaluate Cancer-Causing Potential Of Fluoride in Tap Water

EWG petitions the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences to evaluate cancer-causing potential of fluoride in tap water.

Industry Study Used by Feds Hid Evidence of Rocket Fuel's Effects

A major investigation by The Press-Enterprise of Riverside, Calif., reveals that an industry-funded study relied on by federal scientists to recommend a safe dose for perchlorate erroneously reported...

State Attorneys General Oppose Legal Shield for MTBE Polluters

In a letter to all U.S. senators, the chief legal officers of 12 states from New York to California are urging lawmakers to vote against the federal energy bill or any legislation that protects oil...

State Attorneys General Oppose Shield for MTBE Polluters

In a letter to all U.S. senators, the chief legal officers of 12 states from New York to California are urging lawmakers to vote against the federal energy bill or any legislation that protects oil...


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has come out against a provision in the federal energy bill shielding oil companies from lawsuits over water pollution by the toxic gasoline additive MTBE — a stance at odds...

Will DeLay Allow 112 House Members With MTBE Tap Water Contamination A Vote To Protect Their Constituents?

House Republicans Are Expected To Block Amendments That Would Strip Their Polluter Immunity Provision From Energy Bill

Environmental Working Group's Response to the National Petrochemical & Refiners Association on Congress' Proposed MTBE Accountability Shield

The NPRA's propaganda about our report is painstakingly crafted to confuse the issues, but it makes one thing perfectly clear: The oil industry is desperate to get the accountability shield, and...

Twenty-Six House Members Voted For DeLay's MTBE Lawsuit Immunity Bill Despite Contamination In Their Districts

In a move designed to please big oil companies, 26 Members of Congress voted in late 2003 to stop their own communities from being able to sue oil companies for polluting their drinking water with a...

California Gov. Signs Bill to Make Sure Drinking Water is Safe for Kids

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed into law groundbreaking legislation, sponsored by EWG, to ensure that California's drinking water standards are strong enough to protect children.


Milk from cows raised in some parts of California may expose infants and children to more of a toxic rocket fuel chemical than is considered safe by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and...

GOP Energy Bill Presents Historic Threat to Environment

Dozens of provisions in the GOP energy bill agreement pending in Congress make it a historic threat to the environment, according to Environmental Working Group (EWG) President Ken Cook.

List of towns, counties blocked from drinking water clean up by GOP Energy Bill Grows

Dozens of provisions in the GOP energy bill agreement pending in Congress make it a historic threat to the environment, according to Environmental Working Group (EWG) President Ken Cook.
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