News Releases

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Displaying 201 - 220 of 264

Report: Shell and Dow Hid Cancer-Causing 'Garbage' in Pesticide, Contaminating Drinking Water for Millions in California

For decades, Shell and Dow hid a highly potent cancer-causing chemical in two widely used pesticides, contaminating drinking water for millions of people in California and beyond, according to...

Calif. Bill Would Be First to Ban Teflon-Like Chemicals from Fast Food Wrappers

Legislation introduced today would make California the first state to ban perfluorinated chemicals, or PFCs, from fast food wrappers and takeout containers.

Bill to Disclose Ingredients in Cleaning Products Gets Hearing

On Wednesday, March 29 at 9:30 a.m., the California Senate Environmental Quality Committee will consider the Cleaning Product Right to Know Act of 2017 (SB-258).

Bill Would Give Californians Right to Know What’s in Cleaning Products

State Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens, introduced legislation today to require manufacturers to disclose the ingredients in cleaning products used by consumers and professional cleaning workers. If...

Toxic Chemicals May Contaminate Oil Field Wastewater Used to Grow Calif. Crops

In the last three years, farmers in parts of California's Central Valley irrigated nearly 100,000 acres of food crops with billions of gallons of oil field wastewater possibly tainted with toxic...

EWG Deconstructs California’s Toxic Fracking Recipe

The fluids used for hydraulic fracturing in California oil wells contain dozens of hazardous chemicals linked to cancer, hormone disruption and reproductive system damage, according to a new report by...

BPA Designation is a Huge Victory For Californians

The decision of a scientific advisory committee to add bisphenol A, or BPA, to California's Proposition 65 list of toxic chemicals is a huge victory in the fight to protect people from this harmful...

Alarming New Study Could Be First of Many Signs That Fracking Threatens Drinking Water

A new study published today that found a chemical used in hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in Pennsylvania drinking water is more evidence this this type of oil and gas drilling could continue to...

New Industry-Friendly Fracking Rules Fall Short

The Obama Administration's new hydraulic fracturing rules, released Friday, leave too much control in the hands of the oil and gas industry, particularly when it comes to public disclosure of the...

California’s Fracking Wastewater Full of Toxic Chemicals

The recent discovery of high levels of benzene in wastewater from oil and gas fracking operations in California turns out to be just the tip of the iceberg. An extensive review of a year-old state...

California Legislation Introduced to Ensure Consumer Right to Know What’s In Cleaning Products

Sacramento, Calif. – The Environmental Working Group and the Breast Cancer Fund congratulate Assemblymember Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer, Sr. (D-Los Angeles) for introducing much-needed legislation...

Cuomo Administration’s Decision to Ban Fracking is a Big Win for New Yorkers, Grassroots Activists

The decision by the top health official in the Cuomo administration to ban high-volume hydraulic fracking for shale gas in the New York state is a huge win for New Yorkers, the environment and public...

Billions of Gallons Used to Frack “Monster Wells,” Even in Drought Areas

The oil and gas industry insists that hydraulic fracturing of natural gas and oil wells does not threaten America's water supplies. But a new report by Environmental Working Group finds that hundreds...

Report: Rapidly Expanding Frac Sand Mining is Hidden Danger of Fracking Boom in U.S.

Frac sand mining - the extraction of the fine-particle sand needed for hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") of wells -- is expanding rapidly in the United States and poses a little-understood threat to...

New York State Ruling is a Huge Victory Against Fracking Industry

A new ruling by New York's highest court protecting local communities' right to ban oil and gas drilling in their backyards is a “big win for every town across the state fighting to safeguard the...

Obama Energy Plan Threatens Air, Land, Water

President Obama's State of the Union message calling for accelerating natural gas production is “a serious threat to our air, land and water,” Environmental Working Group president Ken Cook said today...

Californians at Risk of Fracking Pollution Because of New Fracking Law

An Alameda County Superior Court judge ruled that a 2013 law put a stop to a lawsuit designed to force the state of California to examine the environmental effects of the highly controversial oil and...

California Finalizes Stronger, Healthier Fire Safety Rules

Gov. Jerry Brown's decision to revise regulations that led manufacturers to add large amounts of toxic fire retardants to foam furniture sold in California “is a public health victory for all...

California Releases Draft Fracking Rules

The California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources has today issued draft rules that will, for the first time ever, regulate all forms of oil and gas well drilling in the state, including...

Major Fracking Bill Passes Calif. Assembly

Legislation passed today by California legislators would take important steps toward improving oversight of potentially dangerous methods of drilling for oil or natural gas or stimulating production...

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