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Displaying 221 - 240 of 264

Fracking Bill Gains Bipartisan Support

WASHINGTON – Today Reps. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) and Chris Gibson (R-N.Y.) reintroduced the bipartisan Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals (FRAC) Act of 2013 – a bill that Rep...

Congressmen Target Fracking Loopholes to Stem Pollution

Growing numbers of Americans have had to contend with the harmful environmental impacts of oil and natural gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing as energy companies have pushed into shale and other...

Groups Urge Probe of EPA Actions in Texas Water Contamination Case

More than 80 organizations from 12 states and a New York state senator today called on the inspector general of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to investigate a decision to drop legal action...

California to Overhaul Fire Retardant Rules

California Governor Jerry Brown today proposed to end the widespread use of highly toxic fire retardant chemicals in foam furniture sold in the state.

AP Report Raises Alarming Questions about EPA’s Oversight of Oil and Gas Drillers

A report yesterday by the Associated Press that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency withdrew action against a natural gas company despite evidence that its drilling operations had contaminated...

EWG Says Proposed NY State Fracking Rules Won't Assure Safety

The Environmental Working Group today submitted comments to the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) on its revised draft regulations for high-volume hydraulic fracturing. EWG...

POLL: Water is High Priority for Bipartisan Majority of Americans

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans are not opposed to more domestic energy production, but they are unwilling to achieve it by sacrificing clean water, increased energy efficiency, and expanded wind and...

California Issues Early Draft of Fracking Regulations

The California Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources has released a preliminary draft of regulations that for the first time would require oil and gas drilling companies in the state to report...

EWG on the election

In the wake of the 2012 election, Environmental Working Group has issued the following statements on three key issues central to EWG's mission: Federal farm policy, natural gas extraction that...

Cuomo Administration Failure to Disclose Drilling Documents Prompts EWG Lawsuit

The Environmental Working Group Monday sued the administration of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo for documents that would show how the state has drafted its plan to permit high volume hydraulic fracturing...

EWG Responds to Report that New York is About to Approve Fracking

Environmental Working Group Senior Counsel Dusty Horwitt issued the following statement on the Albany Times-Union's Aug. 4, 2012 report that the Cuomo administration will soon approve hydraulic...

Drillers Got Inside Track on N.Y. Fracking Rules

New York regulators granted natural gas industry representatives exclusive access to shale gas drilling regulations as early as six weeks before they were made public, according to documents obtained...

Serious Flaws Plague NY Drilling Plan

Significant scientific gaps in a New York state regulatory plan would make drilling for shale gas a multi-billion-dollar gamble, according to a joint report by two watchdog organizations.

109 Organizations Take Issue With Obama’s Support for Fracking

More than 100 organizations – including environmental, religious and public health groups – expressed concern about President Obama’s endorsement of hydraulic fracturing and shale gas drilling in his...

California Regulators Turn a Blind Eye to Fracking

State regulators have no idea how many oil and gas wells have been fracked in California despite having requested and received $3 million in new funding in 2010 to regulate the practice.

President's Speech Misses Mark in Addressing Concerns Over Fracking

During last night's State of the Union address, President Obama appeared ready to throw the full support of his administration behind the expansion of natural gas drilling operations throughout the...

Human Carcinogen Found in Drinking Water Near Gas Drilling Ops

The federal Environmental Protection Agency's detection of arsenic, a known human carcinogen, barium and other contaminants in the well water of homes near natural gas drilling operations in Dimock...

Gas Drilling Doublespeak

Gas drilling companies routinely warn their investors of a litany of possible disasters – such as leaks, spills, explosions, bodily injury and even death – but regularly fail to mention these risks...

EPA: Fracking Linked to Groundwater Contamination in Wyoming

According to a report by the Associated Press, the federal Environmental Protection Agency has concluded the natural gas extraction process of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, could be responsible...

BPA Banned in California Baby Bottles

California parents are cheering and letting out a sigh of relief with the news that Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation banning the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in baby bottles...

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