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Displaying 241 - 260 of 264

EWG Dissects Federal Fracking Report

A Department of Energy advisory panel's draft report has insufficiently examined in depth the health and safety issues raised by natural gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing, according to a detailed...

California Deserves Disclosure on Fracking Chemicals and Water Use

Few Californians realize that the highly controversial shale gas and oil extraction process known as hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” has been taking place in their state for more than 50 years.

Fracking Panel Ducks Substance, Focuses on Messaging

In a draft report on the increasingly controversial practice of shale gas drilling, the Secretary of Energy's Advisory Board Subcommittee sidestepped the crucial question of whether hydraulic...

N.Y. Lawmakers Decry DoE’s Unbalanced Fracking Panel

Elected officials from across New York state voiced their disapproval of the U.S. Department of Energy's advisory board on natural gas drilling, demanding that Secretary of Energy Steven Chu correct...

Scientists Protest Makeup of DoE Natural Gas Panel

Twenty eight scientists from 22 universities in 13 states have signed a letter objecting to the makeup of an industry-dominated advisory panel named by Energy Secretary Steven Chu to examine safety...

EPA Report: Fracking Contaminated Drinking Water

Contrary to the drilling industry claim that hydraulic fracturing has never contaminated groundwater, the Environmental Protection Agency concluded in a 1987 study that “fracking” of a natural gas...

Disapproval of Fracking Panel Grows

Religious leaders, community representatives, environmental groups and health advocates from 100 organizations representing 2 million people in 13 states have united to protest the U.S. Energy...

Broad Coalition Condemns Unbalanced Gas Drilling Panel

Community leaders, environmental organizations, faith-based groups and health advocates are calling on Secretary of Energy Steven Chu to reform the industry-dominated Natural Gas Subcommittee he set...

Fracking Panel Schedules Follow-ups to Contentious Hearing

Following up on last week's contentious hearing in Washington, Pa., the U.S. Energy department has scheduled two all-day sessions for Tuesday, June 28, and Wednesday, July 13, to listen to people...

Stacked Fracking Panel Has Public Meeting Monday in Pennsylvania

Monday night, June 13, is your chance to speak up on behalf of America's drinking water and to help protect your land from damage from oil and gas drilling.

EWG Seeks Energy Department Records About Fracking Panel Composition

Environmental Working Group (EWG) filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the U.S. Department of Energy today to uncover why the Obama Administration stacked a panel investigating oil and gas...

EPA: Water Wells Contaminated Near Fracking Blowout Site

Underscoring the risks to drinking water supplies of hydraulic fracturing, three water samples collected from private wells following a blowout at a Chesapeake Energy Corp. natural gas drilling site...

Fracking Disclosure Bill Advances in California State Legislature

The California State Assembly has passed legislation sponsored by Environmental Working Group and Earthworks to require oil and natural gas drillers to make public a complete list of chemicals they...

EWG: Chair of Dept. of Energy Natural Gas Panel Must Step Down

During a public meeting of the Secretary of Energy's advisory board on natural gas extraction and hydraulic fracturing, the Environmental Working Group called on the panel's chairman to resign because...

Administration Stacks Panel With Big Oil and Gas

The Obama administration panel named May 5 to study hydraulic fracturing, a natural gas drilling technique that injects thousands of gallons of chemical-laced water into the ground, is dominated by...

FRAC act to close oil, gas drilling safety loopholes

The Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act, first introduced in 2009 and dropped in the hopper Tuesday (March 15) by Reps. Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), Jared Polis (D-Colo.) and Maurice...

Congress Confirms Drillers Fracked with Diesel

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) commends the important investigation of hydraulic fracturing released today (Jan. 31) by U.S. Reps. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.), Edward J. Markey (D-Mass) and...

Fracking for Natural Gas and Oil May Have Broken the Law

WASHINGTON – August 5, 2010. More than 25 conservation and community organizations from across the United States asked the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and a congressional committee to...

HBO to Premiere Explosive Natural Gas Documentary

WASHINGTON, June 18 -- Film director Josh Fox grew up in rural Pennsylvania on the Delaware River, which sits above the natural gas-rich Marcellus shale formation deep underground.

Regulatory Inaction Underscores Need for BPA Ban Law

A California science advisory panel today failed to declare exposure to the plastics chemical bisphenol A (BPA) toxic to the developing fetus and child, despite mounting scientific evidence of health...
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