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Displaying 661 - 680 of 1025

Pruitt’s $25,000 Phone Booth Under Investigation by EPA Inspector General

The Inspector General for the Environmental Protection Agency announced an investigation into EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's use of nearly $25,000 in taxpayer dollars to purchase a customized secure...

EPA’s Pruitt Says “Hard to Predict” How Much Time He Spends in Secure Phone Booth

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt couldn't say how much of his work to safeguard public health and natural resources he conducts from his new $25,000 secure phone booth.

Exposed: Rick Perry's Coal Bailout Scheme Was Murray Energy's Idea

The CEO of one of the nation's largest coal companies claimed last month he had nothing to do with the Trump administration's scheme to make utility customers pay above-market rates for electricity...

Pruitt: Red Team-Blue Team Debate, Climate Deniers Versus Science, Coming Soon

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt said today his “red team-blue team” debate, pitting climate change deniers against scientists who accept the facts about global warming, could be...

EWG, American Oversight Demand Answers on Dourson’s Work at EPA

Nonpartisan watchdog American Oversight and the Environmental Working Group today announced a joint investigation to determine if controversial toxicologist Michael Dourson has violated ethics rules...

EWG and American Oversight Demand Release of Energy Department-Industry Communications on Trump Bailout for Coal, Nuclear

The Environmental Working Group and American Oversight formally petitioned the Department of Energy today to release all communications between senior officials and the energy industry over the Trump...

We're Number 1: U.S. Only Remaining Nation to Reject Climate Change Accord

Under President Trump's leadership, the U.S. has attained a unique – and shameful – distinction: the only nation on Earth to reject the Paris agreement on climate change.

EPA Chief to be Fêted at Chemical Industry Soirée

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt will deliver remarks at the annual board meeting of the American Chemistry Council, the main chemical industry trade and lobby group...

Breathe Safer Indoor Air With EWG’s Healthy Living: Home Guide

Americans spend as much as 90 percent of their time indoors. That's why it's more important than ever to think about indoor air quality and health.

Landmark EPA Report on Chemicals and Children’s Health at Odds With Pruitt’s Cancellation of Chlorpyrifos Ban

A new report from the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences warns that the neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos can severely harm children's...

Study Finds Surge in Exposure to Monsanto’s Roundup Over Past Two Decades

A new study out this week suggests that Americans' exposure to the herbicide glyphosate, a possible human carcinogen, has increased by roughly 500 percent since it was first used in U.S. agriculture...

Flouting Senate, EPA Chief Installs Chemical Safety Nominee as Senior Advisor

Defying the Senate's authority to confirm presidential nominees, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has installed Michael Dourson, President Trump's controversial choice to run...

Report: Suspected Carcinogen from Farm Runoff Fouls Drinking Water Across Rural America

Drinking water supplies for millions of Americans in farm country are contaminated with a suspected cancer-causing chemical from fertilizer, according to a new report by the Environmental Working...

Perry’s Scheme to Bail Out Coal and Nukes Will Boost Utility Bills, Not Energy Resiliency or Jobs

Energy Secretary Rick Perry's scheme to require the use of electricity from coal and nuclear plants, even when cheaper sources are available, would drive up Americans' utility bills by billions of...

EWG: Pruitt’s War on Kids’ Health Continues With Repeal of Clean Power Plan

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's decision to scrap the Clean Power Plan is not only a complete collapse of U.S. leadership on climate change, but a direct attack on public health...

California Governor Signs Major Reform of Kids’ Lead Testing Program Into Law

Today Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law sweeping legislation that will mean hundreds of thousands more at-risk California children would be tested for lead poisoning each year. The law will bring major...

Pruitt's EPA Agenda: Steak Dinners and Golf With Polluters, Little Time for Enviro Groups

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's schedule reveals a troublingly cozy relationship with top executives and lobbyists for big coal, mining, chemical and oil companies, but scorn for...

Trump’s Plan to Prop Up Coal and Nukes Would Drive Up Utility Bills

Millions of Americans could see their monthly electricity bills increase under the Trump administration's proposal to prop up the dying, dirty and dangerous coal and nuclear power industries, said EWG...

Walmart Pushes Companies to Get Products Verified by EWG

Walmart, the biggest brick-and-mortar retailer in the world, announced this week it is encouraging all companies that sell personal care products in its U.S. stores to get the EWG VERIFIEDTM seal.

Attorney Who Exposed DuPont's Teflon Treachery Wins 'Alternative Nobel Prize'

Robert Bilott, the Ohio attorney who exposed DuPont's cover-up of the dangers of a cancer-causing Teflon chemical, is a 2017 laureate of the Right Livelihood Award, widely known as the "alternative...

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