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Displaying 761 - 780 of 1025

Tiny Concentrations of Teflon Chemical Harmful to Public Health

Newly published research shows that even very small doses of the Teflon chemical PFOA in drinking water pose a more serious threat to public health than previously thought. EWG's report on the...

Conventional Wisdom Overlooks Links between Chemical Mixtures and Cancer

Conventional thinking about cancer prevention may overlook growing evidence that the combined effects of chemicals that are not carcinogenic on their own may be a significant cause of cancer...

Who is Looking Out for the Health of America’s Children? House Chemicals Bill Favors Industry Over Families

The bill passed by the House of Representatives today to update the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 falls short of what's necessary to ensure that everyday chemicals are safe, EWG said.

Dow Crop Chemical Labeled "Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans"

The decision by an organization of the world's leading cancer experts to classify the herbicide 2,4-D as a possible carcinogen underscores the risk posed by the U.S. government's recent approval of 2...

Watchdog Groups, Scientists Warn Policymakers on Risks of Fish High in Mercury

Health, environmental justice and consumer watchdog groups are joining independent research scientists to warn policymakers about the serious, if unintended, health risks posed by misguided government...

Subway Will Remove Artificial Ingredients

Subway's decision to remove artificial ingredients from its menu by 2017 is an important step toward a cleaner and healthier food system and a big win for Americans who don't want potentially harmful...

EWG Targets Brands Still Using Toxic BPA in Canned Food

A new analysis of the canned food marketplace released today by EWG will help American shoppers determine which products still contain the toxic hormone disruptor bisphenol A, or BP

House TSCA Bill Won’t Ensure Safety of Everyday Chemicals

The legislative proposal issued today by the House Energy and Commerce Committee falls short of what's necessary to update the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 to ensure that everyday chemicals...

More Than 1.2 Million Visits and Counting to EWG’s 2015 Sunscreens Guide

Consumers are demanding more information about the sun protection products they are using and the chemicals they are putting on their bodies, as evidenced by the overwhelming response to EWG's 2015...

EWG Applauds Rep. DeLauro’s Bill to Protect Americans from Arsenic in Rice

EWG applauds Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro, D-Conn., for her commitment to protect public health from the worrisome amounts of inorganic arsenic in rice and popular rice-based processed foods.

Americans Deserve a Bill That Protects Them from Dangerous Chemicals

A revised proposal to update the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 still falls short of what's necessary to ensure that chemicals are safe, EWG said today.

BPA Designation is a Huge Victory For Californians

The decision of a scientific advisory committee to add bisphenol A, or BPA, to California's Proposition 65 list of toxic chemicals is a huge victory in the fight to protect people from this harmful...

The Toxic Truth About A New Generation of Nonstick and Waterproof Chemicals

Ten years ago, DuPont was forced to phase out a key chemical in making Teflon, after revelations that for nearly 45 years the company covered up evidence of its health hazards, including cancer and...

New Bill Marks Disgraceful Setback In the Fight For Chemical Safety

New legislation endorsed today by a Senate committee to update the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 is a shameful victory for the chemical industry that wrote the underlying bill and has fought...

New Draft Proposal To Update TSCA Falls Short

New legislation to update TSCA falls far short of what's necessary to ensure that chemicals are safe.

House TSCA Update Fails to Protect Public Health

EWG opposes the draft legislation put forth by U.S. Reps. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) and Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) to update the federal Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976. The proposal will not keep the...

House TSCA Proposal “Falls Far Short” on Public Health Protections

A draft legislative proposal to fix the failed federal chemicals law put forth by Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) and Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) is a slight improvement over the Udall-Vitter plan introduced in...

EWG Action Fund: Senators Seek Answers Regarding Asbestos in Nation’s Schools

WASHINGTON – EWG Action Fund supports Sens. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) in their effort to find out how states and schools across the U.S. have implemented a 1986 law...

Feinstein Introduces Bill To Protect People From BPA

Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., introduced a bill yesterday that would help protect Americans from the toxic chemical bisphenol A, known as BPA, the Environmental Working Group said in a statement...

Leading Legal Scholars, Public Interest Lawyers Call Industry’s Chemical Bill ‘Deeply Problematic’ for Human Health

WASHINGTON – A group of top legal scholars, law professors and public interest lawyers with years of collective experience in public health law, including state and federal toxics policy, today took...

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