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Displaying 781 - 800 of 1025

EWG Welcomes Boxer-Markey Bill To Fix Badly Broken Chemical Safety Law

Legislation introduced today by Sens. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., and Edward Markey, D-Mass., to fix the nation's badly broken and outdated chemical safety law would be a major step in ensuring that...

Industry Chemical Bill Fails Americans

Americans expect the chemicals used in everyday products to be safe. But a chemical industry-supported bill introduced today by Sens. Tom Udall, D-N.M., and David Vitter, R-La., falls far short of...

EWG Thanks President Obama for Vetoing the Destructive Keystone XL Pipeline

WASHINGTON – President Obama's veto of the Keystone XL bill shows he stands for national policies that invest in clean renewable energy and that he understands the destructive impact this project...

California Legislation Introduced to Ensure Consumer Right to Know What’s In Cleaning Products

Sacramento, Calif. – The Environmental Working Group and the Breast Cancer Fund congratulate Assemblymember Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer, Sr. (D-Los Angeles) for introducing much-needed legislation...

Latest Train Derailment Demonstrates Renewable Energy Needed to Protect Water and Environment

EWG Executive Director Heather White said today that Monday's West Virginia oil spill and explosion shows that it's absolutely critical for the U.S. to reduce its dependence on oil and base our future...

EWG Commends Nestlé USA For Removing Artificial Colors

Nestlé USA's announcement that it will remove artificial colors from its candy products shows that the chocolate maker is listening to consumers who don't want these additives in their food...

EWG Action Fund: New Congress Aligns with Asbestos Industry

World Cancer Day should serve as a reminder that asbestos can cause cancer and kill. Instead, the new Congress today underscored how tone deaf it is when it comes to the plight of real Americans by...

Senate Disappoints on Keystone XL Vote

The U.S. Senate today advanced a Keystone XL pipeline bill that puts corporate oil interests before the health of the public and the environment, EWG said in a statement.

EWG Action Fund: FACT Act Favors Asbestos Industry Over Justice, Public Health

Legislation re-introduced by Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas, would place new burdens on asbestos bankruptcy trusts, slowing compensation to victims suffering from fatal asbestos-related diseases such...

Revlon Will Cut Out Some Parabens, Formaldehyde-releasing Chemicals

The announcement by global cosmetics giant Revlon that it is removing some long-chain parabens and formaldehyde-releasing chemicals from its products is a step in the right direction, EWG Executive...

Sunscreen Bill Heads to President’s Desk

EWG applauds Congress for passing a bill that will give Americans better protection from the sun's harmful UV radiation and greater access to safe and effective sunscreens.

New Guide Warns of ‘Dirty Dozen’ Food Additives

Environmental Working Group today published a new Dirty Dozen Guide to Food Additives designed to help people figure out which additives to avoid and why.

EWG President Ken Cook On What The 2014 Election Results Mean For Environmental Health

Ken Cook, the president and co-founder of the Environmental Working Group, says that EWG's commitment to protecting public health and the environment from toxic pollution will not waver, “no matter...

EPA Ignores Public Outcry, Approves Dangerous Weed Killer

The Environmental Working Group is “deeply disappointed” that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has decided to approve a toxic weed killer known as Enlist Duo, despite overwhelming opposition...

EWG Welcomes Boxer Proposal To Reform Weak Federal Chemical Controls

EWG applauds Senator Boxer's leadership in fighting for reform of our broken toxics laws and protecting public health.

EWG Releases New Consumer Tool to Help People Make Smarter Seafood Choices

The Environmental Working Group published a new shopping tool and seafood calculator today to help people buy seafood lower in mercury, higher in omega-3 fatty acids and sustainably produced.

EWG Blasts Government Approval of 2,4-D-Tolerant Corn, Soybeans

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's decision to approve new varieties of genetically engineered corn and soybean seeds "brings us one step closer to widespread use of a new toxic weed killer that...

Senate Committee Moves Bill To Bring New Sunscreens to U.S. Market

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions today approved a bill that could bring new and effective sunscreen ingredients to the U.S. market and help reduce the rate of skin cancer.

EWG Opposes USDA Recommendation To Deregulate 2,4-D-Tolerant Corn, Soybeans

A U.S. Department of Agriculture recommendation to deregulate new varieties of genetically engineered corn and soybean seeds would bring a chemical manufacturer one step closer to selling a new toxic...

EWG-Duke Study Finds Five Times As Much Cancer-Causing Fire Retardant in Children As Mothers

Scientists at the Environmental Working Group and Duke University have found evidence that the average level of a cancer-causing fire retardant chemical in the bodies of children tested was nearly...

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