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Displaying 2101 - 2120 of 2144

Government Seafood Consumption Advice Could Expose 1 In 4 Newborns to Elevated Mercury Levels

Government recommendations for fish consumption could expose more than one in four expectant mothers - 1 million women - to enough mercury to put the health of their fetuses at risk, according to a...

EPA sharply restricts consumer use of diazinon, nation's #2 selling home and garden insecticide

Citing excessive risk to children, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today moved to sharply restrict consumer use of diazinon, the nation's #2 selling home and garden insecticide.

Aerospace contractor pays Californians $1,000 to eat thyroid toxin in first large-scale human test of water pollutant

On behalf of military contractor Lockheed Martin, Loma Linda University is conducting the first large-scale tests of a toxic drinking water contaminant on human subjects -- a precedent medical...

Lone Smog State

A new computer investigation by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), using data generated by Texas and other state governments, shows Texas Gov. George Bush has the worst anti-smog record in the...

Press Release

As farmers head to the fields to harvest corn, soybeans and other crops that they know will bring ruinously low prices at the local grain elevator, Congressional leaders are quietly arranging a pre...

USDA sides with EWG on E. coli

The food poisoning test that ABC News Correspondent John Stossel used to allege that organic food "could kill you" cannot definitively prove any risk of food poisoning, according to a letter issued by...

OTA: ABC planned apology does not go far enough

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) today said ABC News intentions to announce a brief token apology on Friday's 20/20 falls far short of what the network must do to make amends to the organic...

Truth Wins Round One: ABC Confirms Stossel's Pesticide Results don't Exist

After six months of stone-walling, ABC News yesterday confirmed an Environmental Working Group (EWG) allegation that the network did not conduct pesticide tests for a special "20/20" investigation by...

EWG Press Release

The watchdog group that forced John Stossel's on-air apology for an erroneous story on organic food today asked ABC News to make good on a promise to halt circulation of tapes and transcripts of the...

EWG Press Release

The watchdog group that forced ABC News to admit it had fabricated laboratory tests for a story attacking organic food has called correspondent John's Stossel's on-air apology "an insult to the ABC...

News Release

Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook demanded that ABC News President David Westin fire reporter John Stossel for fabricating a network-sponsored laboratory study and repeatedly broadcasting...

ABC Correspondent John Stossel's Attack on Organic Food Industry Exposed as a Fraud

Environmental Working Group (EWG) and the Organic Trade Association (OTA) will release new evidence on Thursday that ABC Correspondent John Stossel knew himself months before his story ran that he...

Leaking Fuel Storage Tanks Threaten Water

The state has almost never ordered cleanup or assessed fines for the thousands of underground gasoline storage tanks leaking MTBE and other toxic chemicals into California's water and soil, even when...

4 Contra Costa Plants Long Overdue

Half of major industrial water polluters in California are operating with expired pollution permits, according to state and federal data analyzed by Environmental Working Group (EWG) and Friends of...

10 LA County Plants Long Overdue

Half of major industrial water polluters in California are operating with expired pollution permits, according to state and federal data analyzed by Environmental Working Group (EWG) and Friends of...

EWG Investigation Finds Controversial 1996 Farm Law Was Subsidy Boon for Largest Farms

Taxpayers may not realize it, but the billions they spend on subsidies to save family farms may be hastening their demise.

Banned pesticide, others found on Washington State apples

Despite an August ban by the federal government on an apple pesticide, recent tests of State of Washington apples show dangerous levels of the bug killer and other agriculture chemicals on the fruit.

News Release

More than 2.3 million pounds of the acutely toxic pesticide methyl bromide are applied near California schools each year, but the state is proposing new regulations that ignore its own scientists'...

Toxic Waste Widespread in Calif. Farm & Home Fertilizers

Californians are unknowingly spreading fertilizers made from toxic waste to farm fields and home gardens, according to state and independent tests. Even though these products may exceed state...

US Sues Electric Utilities for Clean Air Act Violations

Group Touts Federal Action Against Dirty, Coal-Burning Plants
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