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Displaying 601 - 620 of 2145

Bayer-Monsanto Agrees to $10B Settlement With Victims Poisoned by Roundup Weedkiller

In a settlement reached today, Bayer AG agreed to pay $10 billion over claims its signature herbicide Roundup causes cancer in people, according to a report by Reuters.

EWG Investigation: Across Farm Country, Nitrate Pollution of Drinking Water for More Than 20 Million Americans Is Getting Worse

In much of America's farm country, nitrate contamination of drinking water, largely caused by polluted runoff from crop fields, poses a serious health risk – and the problem is getting worse...

Siding with Monsanto, California Judge Blocks Cancer Warning Label on Weedkiller Glyphosate

A federal judge in California has blocked efforts by the state to require cancer warning labels on Bayer-Monsanto's signature weedkiller, Roundup.

Citing PFAS, Key Senators Oppose Trump’s Consumer Safety Nominee

Pointing to her efforts to limit regulation of PFAS in consumer products, Sens. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.V.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) today announced they would oppose President Trump's nominee to...

California Assembly Approves Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act in Historic Bipartisan Vote

Today, the California Assembly passed the Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act, A.B. 2762. If enacted, the law would be the first in the nation to ban 12 toxic ingredients, including mercury and formaldehyde...

Report: Duke Energy Policies Consistently Harm Low-Income Customers

Duke Energy, the nation's largest investor-owned electric utility, claims to make affordability, efficiency and access to renewable energy for its low-income customers a priority. But an investigation...

Renewables Outpace Coal in U.S. Energy Consumption for First Time Since 1885

After a 134-year reign as the leading energy source in the U.S., King Coal has been toppled from the throne, replaced by wind, solar and other renewables.

EWG Investigation: Manure Overload Threatens Water in Minnesota’s Farm Country

Manure from Minnesota's 23,000 animal feedlots threatens to overload nearby cropland with chemicals that can pollute lakes, streams and aquifers, including drinking water sources, a new Environmental...

Congress Should Tap CCC Funds to Protect Farmworkers

To protect farmworkers from the risks posed by COVID-19 and support food supply chains, Congress should tap funds from the Commodity Credit Corporation to ensure farmworkers are protected.

Three-Fourths of Sunscreen Products Offer Inferior Protection or Contain Worrisome Ingredients

As states reopen and Americans leave their homes to venture outside, it's important for them to remember to protect their skin from the sun's harmful rays. Today the Environmental Working Group...

EPA Chief: Environmental and Public Health Rollbacks ‘Make Things Better’

Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler told a Senate oversight committee today that the scores of rollbacks of environmental and public health regulations under the Trump administration...

EWG Statement on USDA Rule for the Coronavirus Food Protection Program

Today the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced a $19 billion COVID-19 farm and food relief initiative, including $16 billion in direct payments to farmers. These new payments come on top of at...

In Major Win for Consumers, Johnson & Johnson Ends Sale of Talc-Based Baby Powders

EWG today welcomed the news that Johnson & Johnson will soon end the sale of talc-based baby powders in the U.S. and Canada, and called on other cosmetic companies to end the use of talc in other...

Alert: Tests Find Asbestos in Talc-Based Eye Shadow Kits

The notorious human carcinogen asbestos has been found in two talc-containing eye shadow palettes, according to laboratory tests commissioned by the Environmental Working Group.

NYT: Trump EPA Won’t Limit Rocket Fuel Chemical in Drinking Water

In defiance of a federal court order, the Trump administration will not adopt any limits on perchlorate, a rocket fuel chemical associated with brain damage in infants and young children.

Duke Energy Demands Indiana Households and Companies Pay for Electricity Not Used During Pandemic

Duke Energy, the biggest investor-owned power utility in the country, is asking Indiana regulators to force the state's residents and companies to pay for electricity they have not used due to the...

As Homes Become Classrooms, Calif. Gov. Newsom Moves To Protect Kids From Pesticide Drift

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has directed all counties to tighten restrictions on pesticide spraying near homes, to protect children from toxic chemicals drifting from crop fields while they are...

Public Interest Groups Unite To Form Duke Energy Watchdog

A coalition of public interest, social justice, watchdog and environmental groups are joining forces to hold Duke Energy, the largest investor-owned U.S. electric utility, accountable for its policies...

EWG: USDA Must Do More To Protect Meat Workers

The following is the statement of Scott Faber, EWG's senior vice president of government affairs, on Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Purdue's May 5 letter on meatpacker expectations.

EWG: Without Worker Protections, Trump’s Planned Order To Keep Meat Plants Open During Pandemic Could Be a Death Sentence

President Donald Trump signed an executive order today declaring meat-processing plants essential infrastructure and allowing the Agriculture Department to use the Defense Production Act to force them...

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