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Displaying 961 - 980 of 2145

EPA’s Scott Pruitt Wants to Quash Safety Rules for Chemical, Fertilizer Plants

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt announced plans to repeal major safety rules for chemical and fertilizer plants, which President Obama's administration put in place to protect...

EWG: Scott Pruitt Should be ‘Under Oath Before Breakfast’

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt will testify Wednesday before a Senate appropriations subcommittee, his fourth time before a congressional committee this year.

Across U.S., Toxic Algal Blooms Threaten Lakes and Other Waterways

Across the U.S., a growing epidemic of toxic algal blooms is polluting lakes and other waterways, according to a new report by the Environmental Working Group.

4 Years Since Toledo Water Crisis, Toxic Algal Blooms on Rise Across U.S

In 2014, Toledo was the first U.S. city where a toxic algal bloom made tap water unsafe to drink. But it may not be last, says a new report by the Environmental Working Group.

At Pruitt’s EPA, Stricter Limits to Protect Americans from Toxic Fluorinated Chemicals are ‘Nightmare’

The federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry is preparing to propose safe levels for fluorinated chemicals in drinking water nearly six times more stringent than the Environmental...

Hawaii to Ban 2 Toxic Sunscreen Ingredients to Protect Fragile Coral Reefs

On Tuesday, the Hawaii state legislature passed a bill that would ban sunscreen products that contain oxybenzone and octinoxate.

Reports: Before Confirmed, Scott Pruitt Wanted EPA Office, Private Phone Booth in Okla.

Congressional leaders are demanding information from Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt over allegations he wanted taxpayers to open an office in his hometown of Tulsa, Okla., before he...

EWG: Scott Pruitt Should Follow Aides’ Lead and Resign

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt should join his aides Albert “Kell” Kelly and Pasquale “Nino” Perrotta, and resign immediately, said Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook...

White House Support For EPA Chief Crumbling

President Trump's support for his ethically-challenged EPA administrator Scott Pruitt appears to be crumbling in advance of two come-to-Jesus congressional hearings Thursday. Photo courtesy of Gage...

Dems Demand Scott Pruitt Testify Under Oath at House Hearing

Top democrats from the House Energy and Commerce Committee have called for Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt to testify under oath during a congressional hearing he is...

Pruitt Illegally Installed $43K Phone Booth When EPA Already Had 2

Before Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt illegally installed a private phone booth in his office to the tune of $43,000 from taxpayers, there were already two soundproof booths called...

Farm Runoff Causing Widespread Drinking Water Pollution in Midwest

A new report from the Environmental Working Group reveals that the U.S. Department of Agriculture is failing to enforce a key farm bill provision, with dire consequences for drinking water in the...

Crisis of Fluorinated Chemical Pollution Keeps Spreading, With No End in Sight

Two decades after pollution from highly toxic fluorinated chemicals was first reported in American communities and drinking water, the number of known contamination sites is growing rapidly, with no...

White House to Launch Investigation Into Pruitt’s $43K Phone Booth

President Trump's top budget official promised lawmakers the White House will launch a probe into Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's illegal use of taxpayer money to purchase and...

Environment Committee Chair Seeks Answers from Pruitt Over Multiple Email Addresses

The chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee is seeking details about Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt use of four different agency email addresses.

GAO: Pruitt Broke Law in Buying $43K Private Phone Booth

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's use of $43,000 in taxpayer funds for a private phone booth broke federal law, according to a report today from the federal Government...

Scott Pruitt’s ‘Unethical and Potentially Illegal’ Acts, 4 EPA Email Accounts

There was stunning news today on the seemingly endless scandals engulfing Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt.

Senate Confirms Top Coal, Chemical Lobbyist for No. 2 EPA Post

Senate confirms top lobbyist for the coal and chemical industries as Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Photo courtesy of U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public...

Rep. Gowdy Demands More Details on Scott Pruitt’s First-Class Travel, Condo Deal

Pressure from Congressional investigators mounted today on Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt to answer questions over his use of taxpayer money to fly first class over...

Top House Investigator Sends Aides to EPA to Comb Through Scott Pruitt’s Travel Records

The chairman of the House oversight committee is sending investigators to the Environmental Protection Agency to review Scott Pruitt's exorbitant travel expenses, according to media reports.

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