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OUT NOW: EWG’s 2018 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™

All adults and children should eat more fruits and vegetables, whether they are organic or conventionally grown. With EWG's 2018 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™, you can choose healthy...

Are Possible Violations of Federal Law Enough to Finally Send Scott Pruitt Packing?

The federal government's top ethics official is raising serious questions about Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's potential violations of law. His string of scandals could topple...

Cheap With His Own Money, Not Ours: Pruitt Had Sweetheart Rental Deal With Energy Lobbyist’s Wife

According to press reports, for the first six months of 2017, Pruitt paid $50 a night to rent space in a Capitol Hill condo, paying only for the nights he actually slept there. The condo is co-owned...

House Oversight Chairman Seeks Details on Interior Secretary’s $139,000 Doors

The chairman of the House oversight committee is asking the Interior Department to provide details of a federal contract for $139,000 to replace doors in Secretary Ryan Zinke's office.

Italian Study Links Cellphone Radiation to Heart and Brain Tumors

Laboratory animals exposed to cellphone radiation developed heart and brain tumors similar to the types seen in some studies of human cellphone users, according to an Italian study published today

Arrivederci, Taxpayer Money! Pruitt Spent $120,000 on Weeklong Trip to Italy

In June 2017, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt and his entourage took a trip to Italy, which cost taxpayers $120,000. Photo courtesy of EPA

You Call This ‘Leadership’? EPA Summit on Teflon-Like Chemicals Is 20 Years Too Late

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt will hold a summit in May on the pervasive contamination of the nation's drinking water with highly fluorinated chemicals.

Uranium Mining Claims Near Grand Canyon Could Surge if Supreme Court Reverses Ban

If the Supreme Court lifts the moratorium on uranium mining near the Grand Canyon, the expected surge in active claims would endanger not only a cherished national landmark, but also the drinking...

In Pompeo, Trump Taps First Known Climate Denier For Secretary of State

If CIA Director Mike Pompeo becomes the next Secretary of State, he will be the first known climate denier to serve as the nation's chief diplomat Photo courtesy of Gage Skidmore via

EPA Hires Right-Wing Media Firm Linked to Oil Industry, Anti-Muslim Group

For its annual report, the Environmental Protection Agency has hired a right-wing digital media firm that has worked for the oil and gas industry and an anti-Muslim group.

AP: Interior Secretary Zinke Spent $139K on Three Office Doors

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke spent nearly $139,000 on three office doors last year, according to the Associated Press.

Top Pruitt Aide Has Side Hustle as Media Consultant – EPA Won’t Reveal Clients

John Konkus, a top public affairs officer at the Environmental Protection Agency, is working on the side as a media consultant. The EPA not only doesn't have a problem with that, but won't even say...

Noted Entrepreneur, Philanthropist Shazi Visram Joins EWG Board of Directors

American entrepreneur, philanthropist, and founder and CEO of Happy Family Brands Shazi Visram has joined the Environmental Working Group's board of directors.

Welcome Aboard Coach Class, Scott Pruitt. Here’s Your EWG-Approved Travel Kit

If you're used to first class or a private jet, flying coach can take some getting used to

Big Win for Public Health: Calif. Judge Blocks Pesticide Spraying by State Ag Department

In a major victory for public health, a judge has ordered the California Department of Food and Agriculture to stop spraying toxic pesticides – including on schools, parks and lawns and near organic...

Scott Pruitt Axed EPA Center That Helps Protect Babies from Arsenic, Pesticides

In Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt's latest blow to children's health, the agency is shutting down a vital office that provides funding to scientists studying the impacts of toxic...

As Asbestos Decision Looms, Public Interest Groups Seek Communications Between EPA and Chemical Industry

Public interest and government watchdog groups have petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency for all its communications with the chemical industry on the fate of asbestos under the new federal...

EPA Chief’s First-Class Travel in Crosshairs of GOP Investigation

The Republican chair of the House oversight committee is demanding the travel records of Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt.

Top Coal Lobbyist, Climate Skeptic Poised to Become No. 2 at EPA

A leading lobbyist for the coal and oil industries, who is a staunch climate change skeptic, is a step away from being second in command at the Environmental Protection Agency.

EWG Applauds Bill to Warn of Asbestos in Cosmetics

Today EWG praised legislation introduced by Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., that would mandate warnings for cosmetics marketed to children that might contain asbestos.

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