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Displaying 1221 - 1240 of 2145

Congress Needs to Reform the Broken Renewable Fuel Standard

The Obama administration today released proposals for the amount of biofuels required to be blended into gasoline for 2014, 2015, and 2016 under the Renewable Fuel Standard.

Hidden Secret: Harmful Trans Fat Ingredients Lurk in Tens of Thousands of Supermarket Foods

A new analysis by Environmental Working Group has found that harmful artificial trans fatty acids lurk in more than 27 percent of more than 84,000 processed foods common in American supermarkets...

EWG Applauds Rep. DeLauro’s Bill to Protect Americans from Arsenic in Rice

EWG applauds Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro, D-Conn., for her commitment to protect public health from the worrisome amounts of inorganic arsenic in rice and popular rice-based processed foods.

Americans Deserve a Bill That Protects Them from Dangerous Chemicals

A revised proposal to update the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 still falls short of what's necessary to ensure that chemicals are safe, EWG said today.

BPA Designation is a Huge Victory For Californians

The decision of a scientific advisory committee to add bisphenol A, or BPA, to California's Proposition 65 list of toxic chemicals is a huge victory in the fight to protect people from this harmful...

Panera Steps Up In Support of Healthier, Cleaner Food

Panera Bread's announcement today to remove EWG's 'dirty dozen' food additives and other ingredients from its food by 2016 is the latest sign that more and more companies are stepping up in support of...

Alarming New Study Could Be First of Many Signs That Fracking Threatens Drinking Water

A new study published today that found a chemical used in hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in Pennsylvania drinking water is more evidence this this type of oil and gas drilling could continue to...

The Toxic Truth About A New Generation of Nonstick and Waterproof Chemicals

Ten years ago, DuPont was forced to phase out a key chemical in making Teflon, after revelations that for nearly 45 years the company covered up evidence of its health hazards, including cancer and...

New Bill Marks Disgraceful Setback In the Fight For Chemical Safety

New legislation endorsed today by a Senate committee to update the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 is a shameful victory for the chemical industry that wrote the underlying bill and has fought...

Boondoggle: “Prevented Planting” Crop Insurance Plows Up Wetlands, Wastes Billions

A new EWG report reveals that from 2000 to 2013 a total of $4.4 billion in federal “prevented planting” crop insurance payouts went to farmers in 94 counties in the iconic Prairie Pothole Region of...

New Draft Proposal To Update TSCA Falls Short

New legislation to update TSCA falls far short of what's necessary to ensure that chemicals are safe.

Food and Chemical Companies Spent Big in 2014 to Defeat GMO Labeling

Food and biotechnology companies spent $63.6 million in 2014 alone to oppose mandatory labeling of genetically modified food ingredients, or GMOs, according to a new analysis by EWG.

Feinstein-Collins Bill Would Improve Cosmetics Safety

A bill introduced by Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Susan Collins, R-Maine, would help the federal Food and Drug Administration ensure that cosmetics and other personal care products are safer.

House TSCA Update Fails to Protect Public Health

EWG opposes the draft legislation put forth by U.S. Reps. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) and Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) to update the federal Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976. The proposal will not keep the...

Toxic Weed Killer Found in Breast Milk, Infant Formula

The widely-used herbicide glyphosate, now classified as a probably carcinogenic to humans by the World Health Organization, has been found in a number of items, including honey, breast milk and infant...

House TSCA Proposal “Falls Far Short” on Public Health Protections

A draft legislative proposal to fix the failed federal chemicals law put forth by Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) and Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) is a slight improvement over the Udall-Vitter plan introduced in...

Analysis Finds Hormone Disruptor Used in Cosmetics in Nearly 50 Different Foods

A new EWG analysis has found propyl paraben, a preservative linked to hormone disruption and not allowed in food sold in the European Union, in nearly 50 U.S. snack foods, including Sara Lee cinnamon...

EWG Calls on Monsanto to Retract Remarks on WHO Weed-Killer Report

In response to the World Health Organization's decision to classify the weed-killer glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans,” Monsanto's top executive pulled out the rhetorical machine guns...

EWG Blasts EPA’s GMO Weed Killer Expansion Plan

Ignoring the World Health Organization's conclusion that the crop chemical glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans,” the Environmental Protection Agency has approved the glyphosate-containing...

EWG Action Fund: Senators Seek Answers Regarding Asbestos in Nation’s Schools

WASHINGTON – EWG Action Fund supports Sens. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) in their effort to find out how states and schools across the U.S. have implemented a 1986 law...

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